UK Gender Newswire Archive
Channel 4 to present a confident Hindu gay voice
02-08-2010 14:13
It is a good balance to be able to hear a gay Hindu voice on National Television, with a supportive message from a mother about son's openly gay identity.Help Sakine's brave lawyer and human rights activist...
01-08-2010 20:01
He needs our help.All of us who have closely followed the case of Sakine Mohammadi Ashtiani are deeply concerned about the Iranian Islamic Regime's attack on Mr. Mostafaei's family. Last week Mostafaei was issued a summons requiring him to present himself to Evin prison; he did so on 24 July. He was interrogated and released but received a further summons by telephone. Later that day, his wife and brother-in-law were arrested and remain in prison in order to exert pressure on Mostafaei to turn himself in. Scores of human rights defenders have been harassed or arrested in Iran with some being sentenced to death. Sakine Mohammadi Ashtiani’s son, Sajjad, who has appealed on her behalf has also faced interrogation and harassment.
Minister for Culture admires work of London’s gay art festival
30-07-2010 14:08
Minister for Culture Ed Vaizey met the organisers of ‘GFEST – Gaywise FESTival’ – London’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) art festival. In this brief surgery meeting, Mr Vaizey showed a keen interest to know more about enterprising GFEST activities and admired its work.EDL ban women from Bradford demo
30-07-2010 08:30
Islamophobic EDL havebanned femal members from DEmoGeorgian women protest against stoning of women in Iran's islamic regime
28-07-2010 21:22

Dedication of Honorary doctorate to the people of Iran
27-07-2010 10:43
Peter Tatchell gave an inspirational speech to students at Sussex University, dedicating his doctorate to the people of Iran struggling against a theocratic regime, fighting for democracy and freedom. He dedicated his doctorate to Mansour Osanloo, the jailed Iranian trade union leader, and Sakineh Ashtiani, who has been sentenced to be stoned to death, along with more than 20 other Iranians.International Sakine Day against Stoning - no more stonings!
26-07-2010 17:37
This is a campaign to bring an end to stoning. Stoning is a barbaric act that belongs in Medieval times, not the 21st Century. Sakine's case represents all that is bad with a Sharia based system of law, that lets the state decide who one is allowed to have sexual relations with whom. On the 24 July 2010, thousands of campaigners from all over the world came together to say: Not to Stonings, no to Executions in Iran, no to State interference in private lives of citizens.International day against Islamic law of Stoning woman to death- video-Sweden
24-07-2010 09:17

Reclaim the Night ideas meeting
22-07-2010 15:03
first planning meeting for Oxfordshire Reclaim the Night 2010Rallies and events for International Sakine Mohammadi Ashtiani Day
22-07-2010 14:26
International Sakine Mohammadi Ashtiani DayBelow are rallies and events organised for International Sakine Mohammadi Ashtiani Day: World Citizens against Stoning - 24 July 2010.
Day asking for end to Stonings, Executions and Tortures in Iran.
Socialists and Anarchists - PLEASE JOIN US !
Banning The Burka - Bad news for French Burka models
20-07-2010 11:52

Launch of the Campaign Against the Deportion of Odette Sefuko
14-07-2010 22:45

Odette Sefuko fled the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) via Uganda in fear of her life five years ago and came to England to claim asylum. The Home Office have rejected her claim, (now being reviewed by the European Court). The Home Office refuse to accept Odette is Congolese, despite reputable evidence (see below). They want to send her back to Uganda, a place where she might face imprisonment, torture or maybe death.
Flim screening and launch of the campaign against the deportion of Odette Sefuko
12-07-2010 08:37

Screening of “The Greatest Silence” – rape in the Congo, current situation for women in the DRC. (NB this film shows graphic footage which you may find distressing, 18+ yrs only)
Followed by…launch of Odette Sefuko’s campaign against deportation.
Anti-execution and anti-stoning protest outside Iran embassy London
11-07-2010 09:34

Protests against Stonings by the Iranian Islamic Regime
08-07-2010 10:14
Come and join us in our protests against Stoning in IranOne Law For All Campaign - What isn't wrong with Sharia Law...
05-07-2010 16:09
Why we on the left of the political spectrum should be supporting the One Law For All Campaign against Sharia Law in Britain and elsewhere.Fears for two women facing execution for adultery and 'enmity against God'
01-07-2010 19:27

Amnesty International has made a new call on the Iranian authorities to immediately halt all executions and commute all death sentences as concern grows about two women and other prisoners who may be at imminent risk of execution.
TAKE ACTION! Halt the Execution of Young Kurdish Woman Zeinab Jalalian!
30-06-2010 20:33

One Law For All demonstration against Sharia in Britian
24-06-2010 23:20
It was a No to Racism, No to Sexism Demo against Sharia Law. It was attended by many left wing supporters, as well as muslims opposed to Islamism. For more info see your support to stop Stoning Sakina in Iran's islamic regime
19-06-2010 14:13