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Banning The Burka - Bad news for French Burka models

Don't Panic | 20.07.2010 11:52 | Culture | Gender | Social Struggles

Sarkozy finally got his way and managed to outlaw the Burka from French streets this week. It’s amazing how banning a controversial item of clothing has been spun as an act of libertarianism. French Justice Minister, Michele Alliot-Marie said it was a victory for "Values of freedom against all the oppressions which try to humiliate individuals; values of equality between men and women". A largely male National Assembly tells women what they can and can’t wear, oh, the irony!

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Display the following 24 comments

  1. Curiosity — Joshua
  2. no — just a_geek
  3. why — anon
  4. Er — Joshua
  5. Response to the Racist simpleton! — Joshua
  6. Balaclava's & Burkha's — Maccy
  7. Ban is discrimination — Lynn Sawyer
  8. re: ignorantly believing that Islam is compatible with Western values — @theist
  9. Playscool politics — Joshua
  10. ? — Neptune
  11. Islam a religion of peace? — Neptune
  12. Radicalisation. — Joshua
  13. @Joshua — sky rocket
  14. Thinking is hard work, isnt it? — Joshua
  15. The problem with the Burqua — One Law For All Supporter
  16. Response to Joshua — Neptune
  17. re: Playscool politics — @theist
  18. To all those that support Burkhas — Why make life difficult
  19. @Neptune — Joshua
  20. Banning Burquas un-British - give me a break! — Supporter of the One Law For All Campaign
  21. Hadiths no longer relevant? Since when??? — Supporter of the One Law For All Campaign
  22. @ Joshua — Lynn Sawyer
  23. Interchangability — Joshua
  24. @Lynn — Joshua