UK Gender Newswire Archive
Afghanistan: 500 Women March to Register
22-01-2004 15:28

Tuesday (20/01) - London - Int. Women's Day Meeting
19-01-2004 12:33
International Women's Day is on its way! On the 8th of March 2004thousands of women and men all over the globe will take a stand
against the continuing oppression of women.
International Women's Day London Meeting - 20/01/04
14-01-2004 21:43
A meeting for people in London to plan for IWD (march 8th), the meeting is on tues jan 20th in Whitechapel!Tell Michael Howard to Cut Kent's Section 28 Red Tape
07-01-2004 14:19
The Conservative Party has launched a website encouraging voters to tell the Tories which bits of "bureaucracy and red tape" they would like to put an end to.Preparations For International Women's Day Under Way In London
06-01-2004 17:00
To prepare for March 8th 2004 (International Women's Day) in London a group of people have put together some basic infrastructure to help get things going.Iraqi Women's Movement Under Attack
03-01-2004 11:42
Support neededThe offices of a women's rights group in Iraq are coming under attack from the forces of the "Ruling Council." Heavies from The PUK are threatening to closedown them down. People are urged to send letters of protest.
e-Group Set up for INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DAY 2004, March 8th
28-12-2003 16:24
An egroup has been set up for discussion about International Women's Day 2004Help challenge the sexism at Media Lens
22-12-2003 22:52
An appeal for readers to help pressure media lensThe Happy Couple - Nuptials in country village
21-11-2003 19:52

Although they have often been snapped holding hands and hugging in public, they now seem rather shy in public.
O-I-L women's peace action - trafalger square 1pm
19-11-2003 23:05

ScrapBush Women Collective - action update
15-11-2003 19:07

Save Charles
09-11-2003 14:23
Can Indimedia run a central column article to counter this homphobia surrounding Prince Charles.Already many foreign news papers and web sites have screamed words like gay or faggot.
This is the case with most local news papers too. This attitude of being gay is wrong is not acceptable.
We need a voice of reason.
Operacion Digna - Online Demo Report
05-11-2003 13:53
More than 300 women have been murdered in Chihuahua since 1993. Under the slogan: "Stop the femizide! Not one more!", Operacion Digna and JUSTICIA PARA NUESTRAS HIJAS [Justice for our Daughters] called for an online demonstration from Oct 31 to Nov 2, 2003 [Full Feature]Participation in this Floodnet action was impressive: 138,321 hits over the three day period means that 138,321 individual computers were used in the course of the action, from 34 countries. According to a source Electronic Disturbance Theatre, the word got out to lots of underground hacker groups who prefer this sort of anonymous action to signing petitions and participating in marches.
This impressive show of support can be used by the mothers of murdered and disappeared girls as a means of applying pressure to the Mexican government. Also, it is very useful to have hacker support: In Argentina last year, hackers won a case in the Supreme Court that legally protects them if they access government records as public service. Many students at the UCLA conference were very interested in using the internet as an activist tool.
Queer fundraiser PARTY!
04-11-2003 11:15
The first of three parties in aid of queeruption and international queer groups takes place on saturday the 15th of Nov. at the chinaman squat on Dalston lane, London. This is gonna be a FUN party, all queers, dykes, fags, trans people, sex-workers, gender fuckers etc.. and their supporters welcome! Film, music/dj's, cocktails, beer & more..Hope to see you there!Radical Body Politics for Women
01-11-2003 17:21
Women's Body Esteem is big business. Billions of dollars are spent on the "weight loss industry" yearly. That industry is solely dependent on women's self-hatred. Women are reduced to size, told to be less, told to shed big chunks of themselves for acceptance. Rob the beauty industry of your body hatred dollars!Endorse Jayyous Women's March Against the Wall
23-10-2003 13:56
Message of Support to the Jayyous Women's Charitable Society ‘WOMEN MARCH AGAINST THE WALL ‘Mothers demand right to feed their children’Today the Global Women's Strike holds a support action at lunchtime in the centre of Galway as part of Palestine Support Week in Ireland North and South. In London the Anti-War Community Picket in Parliament Square, 5.30-7pm will give the latest news.
Bolivia: Statement from the Mujeres Creanda
18-10-2003 19:56
Since the beginning of the unrest in the city of El Alto on Wednesday 8th, Mujeres Creando as a movement decided to join in the fight and mobilization in the streets, without any self-promotion either by the group or its members, united shoulder to shoulder with the people.Donations Needed to Save Life of Threatened Honduran Activist
24-09-2003 17:16

Frock On Festival
14-09-2003 14:14
Frock On Festival is happening now, September 14, 2003 at the Annexe in Partick, Glasgow. We're having fun and getting stronger as we go. More and more people seam to be comming allong. Hope you made it if you could if not well you can read about it now as maybe we'll get our shit together and keep you posted. If you're a bloke and you think where sexist were not were just lurning to love ourselves.Nestle faces grilling at TUC fringe debate with Baby Milk Action
13-09-2003 07:03
Nestlé backed down on its refusal to debate with Baby Milk Action at the Trade Union Congress (TUC) Conference in Brighton after the TUC General Council barred the world's largest food company from the Conference proper. Read Baby Milk Action's presentation denouncing Nestlé's baby food pushing practices. Watch TV footage from a German documentary further proving Nestlé's claim it does nothing wrong is untrue.