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"Egypt's Leading Feminist Unveils Her Thoughts"

13-03-2004 21:30

"Egypt's Leading Feminist Unveils Her Thoughts"
Ahmed Nassef Interviews Nawal El Saadawi

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Hijab Awareness Day

13-03-2004 16:49

The Freedom to subjugate women through use of violence and metaphysics.

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Int. Women's Day / Health News from IPS

12-03-2004 15:13

International Women's Day News on Health from Inter Press Service

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Audio interview at womens prision noise demo

12-03-2004 14:18

Here is a short audio interview in MP3 format. It's only 1.8mb in size, 22khz, mono.

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Rogue Midwives: Birthing on the Sly

10-03-2004 22:01

Women helping other women deliver babies is as old as humanity. It makes sense. So why do mainstream doctors and hospitals act like midwifery is some radical, dangerous, medically-irresponsible quackery? In Scandanavia, the UK, and the Netherlands, female midwifery is a thriving occupation. Yet in America, it has been constructively outlawed as a profession, for 100 years.

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Womens rights in Afghanistan and Iraq

10-03-2004 16:11

The effects of the wars.

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"We are women, we are strong" - Miners Strike 20th Anniversary Events

09-03-2004 10:33

The strike took place between March 1984 and March 1985, when Margaret Thatcher was Prime Minister and the Tories were in power.

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International Women's Day interview with Claire Robillard

08-03-2004 18:41

Every year, women around the world gather to celebrate International Women's Day on March 8. The occasion provides an opportunity to reflect on the progress made towards equality and justice for women, and to demand change in the struggle against sexism and patriarchy. Claire Robillard has helped organise International Women's Day events since she moved to Vancouver in 1994. Last week, Seven Oaks ( spoke to Robillard about the role of IWD and the women's movement in the context of severe cutbacks to women's centres and other programs necessary for women's equality in British Columbia.

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ISRAEL: Women COs and refusers in prison

03-03-2004 13:31

WRI Logo
Three women COs and two refusers imprisoned in Israel.

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Urgent action to save the lives of two women

01-03-2004 00:40

The lives of Nazila and Farideh are in great danger

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International Women's Day Events Honour Women of Palestine

27-02-2004 11:15

Events for International Women's Day, from the Palestine Solidarity Campaign. We invite a global exchange of solidarity message for Palestinian women between women's groups, individuals, and solidarity groups everywhere! If you would like to send a message to be read out on March 6 in London please feel welcome.

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Women of Palestine - guest speakers Hadeel Qazzaz and Karma Nabulsi

24-02-2004 21:19

This afternoon of discussion, with Palestinian handicrafts and food, should prove extremely interesting. It has been organized by the Network of Oxford Women for Justice and Peace (NOW)in association with the Oxford-Ramallah Friendship Association (ORFA). The event marks the launch of Oxford International Women's Festival 2004, which will continue until March 30. Even chaps are welcome!

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Our War Too - Gay Heroes, and Gay Necessities

24-02-2004 19:14

A Gay Praise of the War Against Terror

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21-02-2004 02:04

My 1978 market permit pin
When I ask all my street performer friends why they think there are so few career solo women street performers, they all hint to the sexual safety issue. So, as a visible, veteran, solo woman street performer for 27 years, I thought I would tell ya my take on it...

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Gender and Jihad

20-02-2004 23:58

Islamic militants dynamite schools for girls in Pakistan.

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Iraq, Johann Hari, Will Self and Howard Dean posing as Ralph Nader.

10-02-2004 19:48

Howard Dean tells Democracy Now that he's on the "democratic wing of the Democrat party". Will Self's retake on Wilde irradiates readers with lexical flashes and dazzling prolixity. Johann Hari's account of gay-bashing in the press is too liberal. The Baghdad blast has been immediately attributed to "al Qaeda terrorists" - the excuse machine is up and running.

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Will paternal paranoia triumph?

08-02-2004 02:44

Even as fathers are disappearing from the lives of millions of women and children, they're turning up in newsletters, local activist groups, and cyberspace as members of an outspoken movement for "fathers' rights" whose declared purpose is to "fight back." Fight back against what ?

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Justice for Women of Chihuahua

28-01-2004 14:31

Message of thanks and an update from Justicia Para Nuestras Hijas

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Urgent: Battered Women Deportation Hrngs Tues & Wed

26-01-2004 09:23

Please take the time to send a few emails, stick up for people who need support in their struggles. Please consider printing up the attached flier for your area.