UK Gender Newswire Archive
Goats tormented to undermine women
11-02-2009 11:45
Genetically modified goats are being bred to produce "human" milk for babies who are not breast fed due to choice or because a mother cannot breastfeed.Gender, Race and Class: an anti-capitalist feminist event - SOAS, Sat 14 Feb!
08-02-2009 16:01
Details for the anti-capitalis feminist event to be held in London on St Valentine's Day #'09.The conscience of a generation: "We Shall Overcome"
07-02-2009 17:41
She was the conscience of a generation and remains the conscience of every generation. Joan Baez lent courage to millions outraged by what is still euphemistically called 'US involvement' in Viet Nam, indeed, she carried aloft the banner of equality, peace and the achievement of both through activism.
Retro Bigotry
07-02-2009 00:22
The advertising firm RKCR have recently devised a campaign entitled ‘still red hot’ to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of Virgin Atlantic’s 1984 launch. RKCR attempt to invoke the spirit of 1984 by depicting news paper headlines of the miners strike. The value and position of everyday working women is completely reduced in the ad to providing men with sexual titillation. RKCR and Virgin will claim that this is all in jest and if you don’t get the ‘joke’ you’re a part of the P.C. gone mad brigade. What is truly disrespectful here is how painful this advertisement could be for the existing Virgin Atlantic steward workforce who have not only have had their occupation so reduced by their superiors but who will now be inevitably (sized up by passengers) and compared to these deplorable representations. And as if that isn’t enough, RKCR have received advertising contracts from the Home Offices for their anti Prostitution, Domestic Violence, Child Protection on the Internet andAnti Rape campaigns as well for Oxfam! Just what the RKCR add for workplace harassment would be like makes the mind boggle.
Misogynistic Hindu thugs get bolder
05-02-2009 15:09
On January 24th the little-known group Sri Ram Sena (The army of Lord Ram) attacked a number of women who were drinking alcohol in a bar in Mangalore: "The BBC's Sanjoy Majumder in Delhi says the attack - which was filmed and then broadcast on national television - has shocked many Indians. Television pictures showed the men chasing and beating up the panicking women - some wearing skirts. Some of the women, who tripped and fell, were kicked by the men."Anti-Contraception Republicans = Anti-Stimulus Votes
05-02-2009 14:07
Republicans, backed by the Christian right, have made it clear that they oppose the pro-contraception provisions in the stimulus package that allow states to cover family planning services and supplies to low-income women who are not otherwise eligible for Medicaid, and give states the option to provide such coverage without obtaining a waiver.Britain vs. “Extreme Pornography”
05-02-2009 12:23
Just as the U.S., with the surprising help of the Supreme Court, is starting to emerge from its shell of puritan genophobia, Britain is persisting in its state of paranoia and censorship with the passage of a new law, the Criminal Justice and Immigration Act, that will make possessing ``extreme pornography'' (''any extreme image produced solely or principally for the purpose of sexual arousal'') illegal, as reported by Telegraph UK. In addition, another law, the Coroners and Justice Bill, will ban possession of any image involving sexual activity and children.Christian Voice Loses ASA Case
05-02-2009 12:18
A week after the Advertising Standards Authority ruled in favour of the Atheist Bus Campaign adverts rather than the complainants (who included Christian Voice), they have stated that Christian Voice is no longer allowed to run adverts making unsubstantiated claims against the HPV vaccine, which protects young girls from cervical cancer.Peace women defeat Ministry of Defence in freedom to protest case
05-02-2009 12:06

Obama congratulated for overturning global abortion funding ban
05-02-2009 09:00
President Obama has been widely congratulated by women's groups and family planning organisations for overturning the ban on U.S. federal funding for providing abortion care or counselling abroad.Did Thatcher offer ‘the Obama effect’ for women?
04-02-2009 22:00
A recent post about Obama being a role model for black people made me think about Lady Thatcher - the woman outside of her politics - seeking a path to power in context of Barack Obama and his journey to power.Who swore the secret affadavit to seize Natalie Bracht's five children away?
01-02-2009 20:19

Brighton Councillors sign Petition to Disclose Public Cost of Fighting Transgender Tribunal Cases
30-01-2009 20:40
A petition has been signed by a number of Brighton & Hove City Councillors, demanding the City Council disclose the Public Interest question of how much Public Money they spent fighting two un-winnable Employment Tribunal cases against Natasha Thoday, a transgender teacher. Notably 2 other councillors (North Devon & Edinburgh) and Carline Lucas MEP have also signed. A letter was sent today asking the remaining City Councillors to also sign it.Crimininalisation of Sex Workers Must Be Opposed
28-01-2009 20:02
The proposed measures threaten the safety and incomes of sex workers at a time when economic conditions are worsening. It is likely to make sex workers more, not less, vulnerable, making it more difficult for workers to denounce cases of exploitation, abuse or assault at work.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Climate Rush lock on to Parliment
28-01-2009 12:55

a large group of Suffragettes locked onto parliment today, in protest at the continued debacle over the expansion of heathrow airport.
Iraqi Women's British Speaking Tour
19-01-2009 12:14
A chance for people to learn about the role which women are taking against Iraqs occupation. Men and Women Welcome!Muslim & Jewish women protest outside the BBC - Monday 19 Jan, 5:30-7 pm
18-01-2009 14:50
Muslim & Jewish women: Vigil & Speakout against slaughter in GazaProtest the BBC's reporting of the Gaza crisis. All women welcome.
Monday 19 January 2009, 5.30-7pm
BBC Broadcasting House Portland Place, London W1A 1AA
Why I renounce my vote.
16-01-2009 17:33
Ever since The suffragettes won the right to vote for women of property over the age of 30 in what was called the "1918 Representation of the People Act" we have, as a gender had a continuous uphill struggle for equality, that has prolonged up until this very day, and are we actually any closer to being equal to a man?Bristol Jan Queer Cafe
16-01-2009 10:46

Thursday 29th January at Kebele Social Centre
14 Robertson Road, Easton
Free entry
Gays sentenced to eight years in jail in Senegal
08-01-2009 20:59
A court in Senegal sentenced nine gay men to eight years in prison, the highest sentence in a country where homosexuality is banned. The men also belonged to an association to fight AIDS, a "criminal organisation" according to the judge.