UK Gender Newswire Archive
Iraqi women mull ways of protecting rights in new constitution
19-07-2005 14:48
AMMAN (AFP) — Iraqi women and policy-makers from the Middle East gathered here on Monday to discuss ways of ensuring that women's rights will be protected in the country's new constitution.Jack Straw on Saudi gays under threat + EU Conv against people Trafficking.
19-07-2005 11:39
Jack Straw replies via Micheal Howard to constituencts 'concerns' on the safety of gay men in Saudi Arabia and also signing the EU Conv Against people trafficking.P.Tatchell warns of poss muslim fundamentalist attacks on gays...
18-07-2005 11:38
Peter Tatchell & gay rights group OutRage! today issued a warning that Islamic fundamentalists pose a significant threat to gay people and venues. Urges venues to increase security in the wake of 7/7 bombings.Mehmet Tarhan: protests in London, NY, Venice
16-07-2005 10:19
Report on protests in support of Mehmet Tarhan, Gay Turkish conscientious objector on the day of his trial.Man faces stoning for gay sex.(Nigeria)
12-07-2005 15:46
A man has been sentenced to stoning to death for admitting to having had gay sex by a Sharia court in Nigeria.Support Mehment Tarhan, gay Turkish Conscientious Objector on trial on 12 July
11-07-2005 16:48
Turkish gay conscientious objector Mehmet Tarhan is back on trial on 12 July. He has been threatened, humiliated and tortured by other prisoners in the military prison of Sivas, where he's been since 8 April. He went on trial on 9 June, the judge realeased but he was rearrested and put bakc in prisonPride in refusing to kill - Defend Mehmet Tarhan
11-07-2005 13:20
Mehmet Tarhan, a gay man and anarchist activist, declared his conscientious objection to military service on 27 October 2001. He has continued publicly to oppose killing, including by the US and UK in wars against Afghanistan and Iraq.Glen Eagles Demo - quick rushes
06-07-2005 20:13

Gay Turk hunger striker wins concessions
06-07-2005 10:28
International solidarity campaign gets resultsOutRage! backs call for Mehmet Tarhan's release
Write him letters of support, urges OutRage!
OutRage!-London Pride:Stop deporting gay Asylum Seekers.
04-07-2005 15:07
Gay rights group OutRage! demands the Government stop deporting gay Asylum Seekers to face further persecution and death.Free Radicals mp3: Eyebrows
27-06-2005 05:01
Gloria Edwards - vocals, Nelson Mills III - scat, Ian Varley - electric piano, Marcos Melchor - sax, Chris Anderson - guitar, Theo Bijarro - bass, Nick Cooper - drumsPride week mini film festival
22-06-2005 10:58

Gay Equality parade, Warsaw, draws 3,000 people!
12-06-2005 15:29
On saturday the 12th June, a 3,000 strong demonstration in Warsaw, Poland, for equality for gay people and culture in Poland was marred by threats and aggression from right wing opponants.Canterbury Gay Pride Success
11-06-2005 17:51
Today's Gay Pride event in Canterbury, Kent was an unmitigated success.Poland fails EU human rights obligations
08-06-2005 12:12
“In the name of the values of democratic Europe, we make an urgent appeal to you: See to it that the “Warszawa Parade for Equal Rights” can take place and that the basic rights of free opinion, speech and assembly won't be violated.”Pride - The Real Rainbow
07-06-2005 14:17

BBC reveals torture of gay Palestinians
03-06-2005 12:32
Hamas and Islamic Jihad murder queersPalestinian Authority jails and tortures LGBTs
Gay Palestinians appeal for international solidarity
Woman tazered for Speeding USA= Stop tazers for Uk police
01-06-2005 21:19

Let this be a lesson to all, this women had comitted the offence of driving 4 miles per hour over a speed limit.
The cop is just looking for any excuse to use his new toy and appears to enjoy the crime so much he can not resist doing it again when the woman is paralised and begging help
Referendum per le donne
01-06-2005 10:10
In italia e' stata approvata una legge che sancisce il diritto giuridico dell'embrione.Cioe' l'embrione e' considerata persona a pari diitti della madre. Questo e' un grave attacco all'autodeterminazione della donna e alla laicita' dello stato.
Il 13 e 13 giugno si votera' per l'abrogazione di parte della legge. Invitiamo tutti gli Italiani anche quelli residenti all'estero ad andare a votare in massa.
Gay Turk jailed and beaten
01-06-2005 08:53
URGENT ACTION – Email Turkish Prime Minister.War Resisters' International fears for the safety of imprisoned Turkish conscientious objector Mehmet Tarhan, presently awaiting trial in the Military Prison at Sivas.