UK Gender Newswire Archive
08-10-2005 16:35

14-16 OCT
Men say No to Male Violence against women
07-10-2005 16:50
Men in the UK have launched a branch of the White Ribbon Campaign. The campaign was founded in Canada, adn now operates in more than 20 countries around the world. Men wear the badge or ribbon as a reminder and pledge never to commit, condone or remain silent about violence to womenOutRage!-report on the demo-Iran Embassy
05-10-2005 15:29
Report and pics of the demo outside the Iranian Embassy: 4 October against Iran's attacks on gay people (and others).Birmingham Women 'rescued' by police from massage parlour to be deported
04-10-2005 17:53
Six of the 10 women 'rescued' by Birmingham police from Cuddles massage parlour last Friday, where they had been held aginst their will and forced into prostitution, are now being held in Yarl's Wood detention centre facing imminent deportation. Please make your opposition to this hypocracy and continued human rights abuse known.A Feminist Response to War?
03-10-2005 23:07
"In war, it is only men that matter..." True or false?Activists Clash over Respect candidates' 'Death to Gays' policy
02-10-2005 23:03
More controversy is set to brew between the Respect Coalition and OutRage!New Iranian Protest - Stop killing gays
30-09-2005 14:35
OutRage! and axm magazine call for mass protest against the homophobic atrocities in Iran outside the Iranian Embassy, London from 1pm on Tuesday 4th October.OutRage!-Iran state flogging of gay men revealed
20-09-2005 11:22
Gay rights group OutRage has received reports and pictures of the beatings given to gay men in Iran.Queer Dressing Up Party!
20-09-2005 10:50

Starts 7pm- LATE Friday 28th October
Send email to US senators:maintain right to aobrtion!
18-09-2005 12:00

please do this! it doesnt take much time
15-09-2005 15:50

(Showing films around subjects of queerness, transgender, genderqueer + more)
14th - 16th of October.
And then the Amber Slips - Josephs Well 12th October
13-09-2005 13:10
Political progressive Indy 4 piece, And then the Amber Slips to play gig at Josephs well 12th October.Andrew Smith MP speaks to an Oxford women activist meeting
09-09-2005 12:31
.Iran hangings: chronicle of a manipulation
08-09-2005 02:31
A mislead gay and lesbian movement mobilizes against Iran at the height of conflict between the West and the Teheran regime.OutRage!-demo 8 Sept against Canada's Sharia Law proposals
07-09-2005 11:58
gar rights group,OutRage! are holding a demo against the proposed Sharia Law court in Canada Thurs 8 Sept 12-2pm Canadian High Comm- 38 Grosvenor St, London.LOOKING FOR BRIT WOMEN MARRIED TO ASYLUM SEEKERS
06-09-2005 20:58

Lap Dancing in Southampton
31-08-2005 17:07
There have been a few new openings of lap dancing clubs in Southampton. One of the more established is applying for its license to be renewed.Operation 'Clean Up The Filth': Gay Zimbabweans testify
25-08-2005 11:51
Report by Keith Goddard on members of GALZ affected by Mugabe's Murambatsvina (Clean up the filth) campaign. The Murambatsvina campaign, which has displaced thousands of Zimbabweans, also affected a number of GALZ members...Neo Constitution
23-08-2005 07:36
Iraqi women are in a near panic as the threat of a Sharia law based legal system hovers ominously over the constitutional protection once promised along with the pelting of U.S servicemembers with flowers upon the liberation of Baghdad.Gay Manchester: Operation Fundraiser's deceptive Annual Report
22-08-2005 23:08
Nowhere in the Operation Fundraiser 'Annual Report 2004-2005' does it mention the £200,000 that was very likely handed over to Manchester Pride to cover running costs.