UK Gender Newswire Archive
Queeruption 9
16-08-2005 12:45
You are invited to the 9th Queeruption in Tel-Aviv, August 2006!OutRage!- The Iran demo + pic links
12-08-2005 11:42
OutRage's demo 11 Aug Iranian EmbassyOver 100 on Iran Embassy demo...
11-08-2005 16:19
OutRage! led demo at the Iranian Embassy- 11 Aug.5 city protest against Iran's anti-gay hate..
10-08-2005 15:23
Protests are to be held in 5 cities around the world on 11 Aug against Irans anti-gay hate and the execution of two gay teenagers on 19 July.INQLAB - EASTERN DRUM AND BREAKS SESSION
10-08-2005 00:33

@ The Rainbow (Digbeth, Birmingham)
INQLAB is a not-for-profit clubnight organised by the South Asian Alliance.
RAF recruitment disrupted at Pride
06-08-2005 21:37
Today the Royal Air Force marched in the so-called 'Pride' march and held a stall in the park afterwards. There was disruption and noise from naughty queers who prefered something just a little more radical than commercial endorses 'stoning' of outed gay Qatari Prince
05-08-2005 12:56
OutRage! News service release.Fundamentalist muslim cleric (courted by Ken Livingstone) has told al-Jazeera that a Qatari Prince, outed as gay, should be stoned to death...
OutRage!- Iranian Embassy demo 11Aug+ latest info.
04-08-2005 15:40
The lastest (Aug4th) Press/News Release from OutRage! regarding the 11 August demo at the Iranian Embassy and update on the info.Let's see how long this posting remains before some IMC overly PC type deletes it without an explanation.
ugandan refugees in hunger strike
03-08-2005 07:59
at least 10 Ugandan women including mothers have gone on hunger strike to protest their removal to Uganda where they will face persecution and possible death.Ugandan women hunger strikers face harassment
31-07-2005 01:32
immigration control, oppression, conflict, war and human rights issues
Action Alert : Ugandan women hunger strikers face harassment from
Authorities in Yarl's Wood
For more information contact: Legal Action for Women
Crossroads Women's Centre PO Box 287 London NW6 5QU
Tel: 020 7482 2496 minicom/voice Fax: 020 7209 4761; 07958 152 171;

Women inside Yarl's Wood are available for interview
A number of Ugandan women, including mothers being held with their young children, are on hunger strike in Yarl's Wood Immigration Removal Centre in Bedfordshire. Other Ugandan women and men are refusing food in Dover, Doncaster and Oakington. Like the Zimbabwean hunger strikers, they are protesting against being removed and demanding that their asylum claims are reconsidered in light of the conditions in Uganda. Ms N has now been on hunger strike for 10 days; eight women joined her five days ago and numbers are growing. Ms N is now very weak and tried to commit suicide two days ago after a male guard entered her room when she was dressed only in her underwear. Ms N fled Uganda after suffering rape and was terrified that she was about to be raped again.
34 Hanover Square Squat OPEN
29-07-2005 11:07
New squatted social space open in leeds!Women In Black in Black and White: Exhibition
29-07-2005 09:39

Demo against Iranian attacks on gays.11 Aug
28-07-2005 15:38
Gay rights group OutRage! is to hold a demo against the execution of two gay teens in Iran (19 July) and the continued persecution/execution of gays and others in the country.(Previous postings on this story have been taken down by IMC presumably cos they think we're being 'imperialist etc (?))
Behind the Iron Veil - Queer life in Iran
26-07-2005 00:50
Exclusive interview with gay activists in Iran on situation of gays, recent executions of gay teens and the futureMAHA, Iran to all GLBT groups and individuals: “Thank you for your hard work and International engagement” Project GayRussia.Ru continues its investigation into the violent executions in Iran
Tories compare gay Rainbow Flag to nazi swastika flag
23-07-2005 15:15
Westminster City Cl leader, and one other Tory, compared the Rainbow Flag with the nazi flag at a meeting on July 20th regarding the 'banning' of displaying the former outside gay venues in Soho- the epicentre of the gay community in the UKOxford Man Objects to Yahoo! "Porn"
22-07-2005 13:59
A local resident has complained to Yahoo! UK about the inclusion of a "Bikini babes gallery", explaining the way in which it contributes to unhealthy attitudes and relations between men and women. The letter is copied below.Liverpool UNISON healthworker and her husband fight deportation to Afghanistan
21-07-2005 09:17
Heather Bullen, a British citizen and UNISON health worker, and her Afghan husband Shah have launched a campaign to stay in Britain. Although they are happily married and settled, the Home Office have refused to grant permission for Shah to stay in the UK. They plan to send him back to Afghanistan where he could face persecution and danger. A hearing is set for 9 August.I Live In Hope !
20-07-2005 12:30
Just something that I live in hope of seeing as I'm sure a lot of others do s well !peace.