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Iraqi Women's Movement Under Attack

red emma | 03.01.2004 11:42 | Gender | Social Struggles

Support needed

The offices of a women's rights group in Iraq are coming under attack from the forces of the "Ruling Council." Heavies from The PUK are threatening to closedown them down. People are urged to send letters of protest.

To All
This is the covering letter to be sent to organisations and supporters. It explains to them exactly what we need.
Make sure to mention to them that their email/fax needs to be sent before the end of the week.
Best Regards
Yanar Mohammed
Dear Friends,

Endeavours of the womenís movement are being endangered in Iraq. One of our offices in the Northern Kurdistan of Iraq is being threatened to be closed by a local political party ñ the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK). We need your support in order to defend our right to organise within womenís organisations.

We need you to email your letter of denouncement to one of the emails and/or fax numbers provided below.

Your letters can be either personalised and written by yourselves, or you could copy and paste the format provided below with your signature, your organisation name and your position in your organisation.

We appreciate your support and in order to record it, please cc. us in your email. Our email address is :

The continuation of our work in that part of Iraq depends on your support. Please do not delay.

In Solidarity,

Yanar Mohammed

Chairperson of Organisation of Womenís Freedom in Iraq

To: Patriotic Union of Kurdistan

Attn: Jalal Talabani

Re: Denouncing PUKís Threats against OWFIís office in Suleimaniyah

Date: ÖÖÖÖÖ.

To Mr. Jalal Talabani,

We are writing this letter to you in support of the Organisation of Women's Freedom (OWFI) in Iraq.  We understand that your security forces are threatening OWFI's right to organize women and exercise their political freedom.

We demand that your forces immediately end  these harassments against their office in the city of Suleimaniyah in Kurdistan of Iraq.

Millions have suffered in Iraq for decades under the political pressure and oppression of Saddam Husein. They have also suffered during this past military attack. The only positive outcome of which is getting rid of oppression and suppresion of political will. This censorship of womenís groups cannot be justified in the post-Saddam era. By so doing, you are perpetuating the same oppressive patterns used previously by the bloody dictatorship of the Baath Regime and Saddam Hussein.

OWFIís right to set up an office, exercise their political freedom, and mobilize the masses of women to achieve social and political changes should be protected under the charter of human rights.

We expect that you give instructions to your security forces immediately and be up to the responsibility handed to you as a member of the Iraqi Governing Council.


Organisation name: ÖÖÖÖÖ..

Position in Organisation: ÖÖÖÖ.


Contact Information:

United States of America
Fax: +1-202-637 2723

PUK Germany
Fax.: +49 30 340 978 49

Fax: +1-519-894 0166

Fax: +33 1 40900282

P.U.K Australia
Fax:+ 61 2 9790 7009

PUK Sweden

Fax :+46-8-91 76 93


PUK Italy

Tel&Fax 0039 06 50 37 120

Tel: +98 21 80 72 057
Fax: +98 21 80 87 972

PO BOX 12925 Damascus
Fax: +963-11-331 1690

Tel/Fax : 0031 703895832
E-Mail :

Fax + 90 (312) 436 6869
Fax: + 90 (312) 436 1252


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