UK Gender Newswire Archive
Philippines: One Year after Typhoon Haiyan
09-11-2014 12:23

Philippines: Lawmakers studying the filing of bill against hate crimes
26-10-2014 01:40

Iranian Anarchist Musician Shahin Najafi Speaks About Acid Attacks On Women
25-10-2014 09:11

Fatal encounter: Jennifer Laude meets US Marine Corps
21-10-2014 12:13

Rotherham:Against Rape, Against Racism
17-10-2014 13:58

Safer Spaces Exposed
17-10-2014 12:21 is being launched today, 17th October 2014, the day before the London Anarchist Bookfair, where the seed for the Solidarity Collective was sown in 2013. This seems an appropriate date to choose for our launch.
Hard copies of Document 1 will be available at the Bookfair. We hope for a successful Bookfair this year and that this contribution will result in serious debate and discussion, more awareness of the issues and some positive action to stop the cycle of physical and psychological violence that is tearing us apart.
U.S. Marine Suspected in Killing of Transgender Filipina
15-10-2014 13:36

The Japanese Occupation Legacy – A Defining Ingredient of Totalitarian Democracy
28-07-2014 13:20
It often seems a special scourge involving seemingly yesterdays occupations under ruthless dynasties and dictatorships, great evil of the past without any current effects other than emotional irritations over substantial compensation. But outside the phoney narrative of co-prosperity in co-denial which proliferated from the defeated Asian brand of fascism after the atomic bombings, the foreign occupation legacy plays a forefront role in the sick ideology driving the current wars of imperialist hypocrisy. In the Praise of Dialectics, Bert Brecht describes the entire pattern of such a constellation, from the attitude of the exploitation, over the ensuing time anomaly in the communication, to the spirit of emancipation. The Japanese legacy is not merely a Japanese issue, it is an imperialist issue, as can easily be seen from the fact that entire regions of the world are stuck in associations of the past century instead of being up to the current issues and their resolution. These include first and foremost the Europeans and the North Americans,who accelerate this frenzy merely because they find little else to share in their political differences. One European regime has just recently discovered one of its spies apparently sold the construction plans of its headquarters to Washington. And obviously the latter was really interested in more than handing an unopened envelope back to an ally. Nevertheless they share with each other the political paralysis resulting from likewise organised crimes against human dignity, as do a number of reactionary regimes in the former Japanese sphere of influence. They are busy looking back at their past involvements because their current affairs are gravitating around the very same issue.The courage of Iranian women.
11-07-2014 09:53
Women across Iran are posting photos of themselves without the hijab to a dedicated Facebook page called "My Stealthy Freedom".The Facebook page was set up just over a week ago, and already has 130,000 "likes". Almost all are from people in Iran, both men and women.
IDEAS FOR FREEDOM 2014: Their class war and ours
20-06-2014 13:58
A weekend of socialist discussion and debate hosted by Workers' LibertyThursday 3 - Saturday 6 July
Mostly at University of London Union, Malet Street, WC1E 7HY
For more information and to book tickets online visit

THEIR CLASS WAR AND OURS: Ideas for Freedom 2014
20-05-2014 13:32
A weekend of socialist discussion and debate hosted by Workers' Liberty3-6 July. 5 and 6 July will take place at University of London Union, Malet Street, WC1E 7HY

Anarcha-feminism: women's liberation, now and in the future society
07-05-2014 10:37
Meeting on anarchism and women's liberationIraq's Government Paedophile Plan for Children
10-04-2014 08:39
Children under nine years old could be legally married and wives forced to comply with sexual demands under newly tabled legislation described by critics as a setback for women's rightsNew Unionism 2014: a conference for activists, 29 March, London
12-03-2014 16:40
How do we defend ourselves against the bosses' attacks, rebuild working-class power and transform the labour movement to change the world?A one day activist conference, sponsored by organisations including Workers' Liberty, IWGB University of London, Lambeth Activists, PCS Independent Left and Ruskin College UCU
Injustice against the women of Iraq
12-03-2014 12:54
The Iraqi women protesting in Baghdad over the Jaafari personal status draft law, which the cabinet approved, are linked to our situation as individuals in general and women in particular.London event highlighting plight of Afghan women.
10-03-2014 12:45

18 March
An evening in support of the Organisation Promoting Afghan Womens Capabilities (OPAWC) one of Afghanistan's longest active and radical women's groups. Food will be provided.
Ewa Jasiewicz has recently returned from Kabul and will share what she has seen of life for Afghan women 12 years on from the overthrow of the Taliban by NATO.
Guy Smallman has been working with OPAWC since 2010 and will do a slideshow presentation of OPAWC's projects in Kabul and Farah province.
Facebook event:

Ugandan Embassy Gay Disco!
28-02-2014 14:34

Starting this evening!
Bring music, Love, Dancing Shoes, Musical instruments, Getto Blasters, Glitter & Fun! This is an Autonomous DIY action.
Commentary: Shadow of Western War 'Games' Falls on Friendly Olympics
23-02-2014 09:07
In this way (together with a chemical estrogen tsunami, from GMOs to BPA in the environment) the New Order policies act against fertility, in a likely move to bring the regimentation of industrial production to bear on human reproduction, for genetic quality control. This is eugenics, an important part of the Nazi-era, Western elites' politics.As Russia's Sochi Games draw to a close, we see the smoke rising from the feared, Olympic terror attack--not in Russia but on its doorstep in Kiev, yet another regime change hotspot. This is the real danger, as an old spectre haunts Europe--and the world--anew.
Pussy Riot Propaganda Is For Naïve Americans
09-02-2014 21:55
Pussy Riot, a Russian female punk band of recent notoriety, very much seems to have one tunnel vision goal—at least as reported to Western audiences by Western media—and that is to discredit and defame Russian President Vladimir Putin. The band name ‘riot’ is not hard to understand, as their supposed “art form” resembles a riot, as punk music often enough does; but it is more anti-music in its ear-splitting aggression. Behind scenes of this shallow morality play …lays larger political stories, pseudo-stories, propaganda, foreign inspired revolutions with plenty of American tax money being circulated to bribe public relations schemes and more lately accusations that even NGOs that supposedly care about human rights and the environment have been infiltrated to the point that their real mission is to engage in propaganda operations.Grampian Police unsure of their work
18-01-2014 16:47