UK Gender Newswire Archive
Gay marriage bid in Northampton
15-11-2010 11:11
Gay marriage bid in NorthamptonNew attempt to end sexual orientation discrimination
‘Equal Love’ campaign seeks gay marriages & straight civil partnerships
Heterosexual couple denied equality
10-11-2010 11:40
Heterosexual couple denied equalityCivil partnership ban defied, but licence refused
‘Equal Love’ campaign opposes exclusion of straight couples
Heterosexual equality bid backed by OutRage!
08-11-2010 11:02
Heterosexual equality bid backed by OutRage!Straight couple defy civil partnership ban
Exclusion of opposite-sex couples challenged
Gay marriage bid rejected
02-11-2010 17:42
Lesbian couple will now take legal actionGay marriage ban violates Human Rights Act, they say
‘Equal Love’ campaign seeks gay marriages & straight civil partnerships
London, UK – 2 November 2010
'Equal Love' campaign launched
28-10-2010 21:47
'Equal Love' campaign launchedGay marriage & straight civil partnerships, OutRage! urges
Legal bid to end sexual orientation discrimination
Photos: Oxford Reclaim The Night 2010
26-10-2010 19:10

Reclaiming the Oxford Night
25-10-2010 20:55
Friday saw the return of Reclaim the Night in Oxford.Legal challenge to ban on gay marriage & straight civil partnerships
25-10-2010 10:59
Legal challenge to ban on gay marriage & straight civil partnerships
Gay couples will file applications for civil marriages
Heterosexual couples will apply for civil partnerships
Legal bid to end sexual orientation discrimination
Sober Living for the Revolution Talk: 25.10.10. Brighton
25-10-2010 07:59
Gabriel Kuhn will be doing a free talk at The Cowley Club (brighton) about his new book ‘Sober Living for the Revolution’ at 7pm on Monday 25th October 2010.
Rally against the cuts in Oxford
21-10-2010 21:10
The Comprehensive Spending Review was announced on 20 October. I went along to the rally against public sector spending cuts in Oxford that evening. Here is what I saw and felt ...Gay Russians win in European Court
21-10-2010 12:12
Gay Russians win in European CourtMoscow mayor declared to have acted illegally
Gay Pride parade must be allowed in Moscow, says Court
Stonewall gay marriage survey "flawed"
18-10-2010 09:35
Stonewall gay marriage survey "flawed"Marriage equality question buried in long list
Question is headed civil partnerships, not gay marriage
Survey method is "biased and unethical"
Oppose the English Nationalist Alliance on November 20th 2010
15-10-2010 05:14

The Gay Liberation Front’s social revolution
13-10-2010 10:44
Forty years ago, the Gay Liberation Front challenged society's gender systemGLF’s radical critique of orthodox masculinity and femininity
Women's Festival Fundraiser 30 October
13-10-2010 10:23

Save Gamu Nhengu and her mother from being deported back to Zimbabwe
10-10-2010 08:28
Not only has Gamu shown herself to be deserving from an artistic and human point of view, if she were to be deported back to Zimbabwe with her mother she would find herself in a society where women are discriminated against and humiliated – even more so, seeing that Gamu is young, pretty and by now famous."Women at the cutting edge" - a conference on women and the cuts
07-10-2010 12:21
On 30 October Feminist Fightback will be hosting a conference on women and cuts, open to people of all genders.HURRIED STEPS by Dacia Maraini
05-10-2010 22:39

Activists disrupt police recruitment event, Brussels
03-10-2010 15:22
On Saturday 2nd October three activists disrupted a police recruitment event in Commensurate Ixelles, Brussels, following a week of harassment at the Brussels No Border camp. The public event was well attended and the activist took this opportunity to ask some questions of their own.An evening with Gabrial Kuhn
29-09-2010 18:00