UK Analysis Newswire Archive
Dialect - Global Economic Crisis or Global Confidence Trick?
29-08-2009 00:11

plus Rejuvenating Easton and part 1 of John Pilger on ‘hypnotist’ Barack Obama.

AFRICOM: The Pentagon's First Direct Military Intervention In Africa
28-08-2009 10:23

Andy Thomas and Lawrence Gardner
28-08-2009 09:59
Andy Thomas and Lawrence Gardner work together, and Andy Thomas passes on curious messages at particular moments.Human Rights Activists Outraged that Scientology Cult Founder Compared to Gandhi
28-08-2009 05:23
Human rights activists are shocked that the Scientology criminal organization has declared its founder, L. Ron Hubbard, to have been as great a humanitarian as Martin Luther King, Mother Teresa, and Mahatma Gandhi - or even a greater ISSSS selling real fur
27-08-2009 14:42
2 animal rights supporters visited cruise in newcastle yestrerday after hearing its now selling real fur againLammas Ecovillage, Wales gets Planning Approval (finally!)
27-08-2009 11:48

Global War and Dying Democracy: The Revolution of the Elites
27-08-2009 07:48

Fourth Generation Warfare: Twisting our minds into total submission
26-08-2009 15:17

Latest on HLS financials
24-08-2009 16:47

See Baker Deal webpage

Hamid Karzai and Afghan elections 2009 (byLatuff)
24-08-2009 03:27

Obama: Necessity of War in Afghanistan; continuation of Democratic politics?
23-08-2009 18:23

Cuban Connection: Honduran Coup
23-08-2009 17:09
"Perhaps slightly less well known is that, before the coup, Ralph Nodarse was an active participant in assassination attempts against president Zelaya. And it may not be common knowledge, outside of Honduras, that his name came to light in a bombing attempt against former Honduran president Carlos Roberto Reina."Pentagon Plans For Global Military Supremacy
23-08-2009 13:32

Even the vice chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff General James Cartwright was forced to concede this even the vice chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff General James Cartwright was forced to concede the point at the space and missile defense conference this week.
Should We Seek to Save Industrial Civilisation?
23-08-2009 10:48
A debate with Paul Kingsnorth.Controlling the Global Economy: Bilderberg, the Trilateral Commission and the Federal Reserve
21-08-2009 19:33

The New World Order was meant to represent a new phase in the global political economy in which world authority rested in one place, and for the time, that place was to be the United States.
Nuclear New Build Blessed by Bishop of Carlisle
21-08-2009 14:36

Radiation Free Lakeland sent an open letter to the Bishop in June - there has been no reply. Today representatives from Carlisle Action on Climate Change and Radiation Free Lakeland delivered a letter direct to Carlisle Cathedral.
More freedom in eastern Europe than Big Brother Britain
20-08-2009 11:18
This article from the London Times reflects on how, as civil liberties flourish in former police states in eastern Europe, Big Brother is taking an ever increasing hold in Britain, thanks to our collective inaction.Interference via Twitter, Dreyfuss and NED
20-08-2009 07:40

Corporation during the electoral unrest in Iran was a solid proof of the
close cooperation between media, the electronic industry (internet, etc.)
and the State Department.
Is Barack Obama steering a healthy ship out of turbulent titanic global waters?
19-08-2009 17:04

Caucasus: The War That Was, The World War That Might Have Been
19-08-2009 14:59

A coordinated attack by Georgia on South Ossetia and Abkhazia and by Azerbaijan on Nagorno Karabakh would have led to a regional conflagration and possibly a world war.