UK Analysis Newswire Archive
American Health Insurance Compromise or Hypocrisy
17-08-2009 16:02
To Hell with THIS kind of CHANGEItaly, Germany and Japan: Former World War II Axis Nations Repudiate Bans agains
17-08-2009 15:42

So despite constitutional requirements to repudiate and renounce and bans against preparing for war, the three former Axis nations have indeed been partners to a series of armed conflicts for sixty years.
But for most of that period, indeed for almost a half century, the nations' legal prohibitions against direct military aggression have been observed even in the breach.
With the return of Germany, Italy and Japan to waging and supporting wars and the revival of Nazi sentiments in Europe a student of the future could be forgiven for thinking that the Axis powers were the victors and not the losers of World War II and that the Nuremberg trials had never occurred.
Report from the protest against the BNP's RWB festival 2009
16-08-2009 18:26
I posted picture here:
Mass murder of Afghan infants by US, UK, NATO & Australia
16-08-2009 12:42

Would the Afghan parents and family members of these innocent victims willingly vote for puppets of the US Alliance mass murderers of Afghan children?
Clinton Threatens War in Horn of Africa
16-08-2009 08:24

Nuclear Power Trashing the Climate
15-08-2009 12:42

Afghan War: NATO Builds History's First Global Army
14-08-2009 19:02

Open Letter to the Presidents of the Union of South American Nations
14-08-2009 13:25
"Clearly, faced with the progressive and democratic advances in our continent, the U.S. Empire - which in the past one hundred years exercised its hegemony over the life of our republics - has launched a retrograde and anti-historic counteroffensive, with the aim of rolling back the union, sovereignty and democracy of our continent, and imposing the restoration of imperial domination in all spheres of life of our societies."EF! Gathering location announced
14-08-2009 11:57
Details of how to get to this years Earth First! Summer Gathering have just been announcedID – Behind the Card
14-08-2009 07:25
With the ID card pilot set to hit Manchester this autumn, Dave Page from Manchester NO2ID tells us exactly what we’ll be getting.Of Power, Incarceration and Revolution (Part I)
12-08-2009 23:19
Incarceration being the domain of dogma is based upon false presumptions of capitalist power. The cunning revolutionist will attack it with stealth from the sanctity of the social power base.Yes-Men entertain, then anger audience
12-08-2009 16:50
The simulataneous screening of the new Yes Men film yesterday first entertain, then disappointed in a big way.Whose the Real Hypocrite Secretary Clinton?
12-08-2009 14:20
"In recent days, Narco News has reported that, in the three months prior to the June 28 coup d’etat in Honduras, the US-funded Millennium Change Corporation (MCC) gave at least $11 million US dollars to private-sector contractors in Honduras and also that since the coup it has doled out another $6.5 million.The latter revelation – that the money spigot has been left on even after the coup – comes in spite of claims by the State Department that it has placed non-humanitarian funding “on pause” pending a yet-unfinished review."
More than a movement -- the search for 9/11 truth is an awakening
12-08-2009 13:04

Beyond the basic questions of who really did it, and all the hows and whys that go with it, diving into 9/11 truth for many becomes a personal and even spiritual process. It stirs us to ask deep and profound questions:
Who am I and what do I really believe? How do I know what I know? How would it change my life if I admit that “Dad” or any authority figure is really capable of the unthinkable? What does it mean to wake up and tell the truth every day -- to myself, first, and then to those around me who may ridicule me for what I say?
Bombshell: Bin Laden worked for US till 9/11
12-08-2009 07:56
Former FBI translator Sibel Edmonds dropped a bombshell on the Mike Malloy radio show, guest-hosted by Brad Friedman (audio, partial transcript).
Ralph Nader Was Right: Liberals Are Going Nowhere With Obama
12-08-2009 07:32
The American empire has not altered under Barack Obama. It kills as brutally and indiscriminately in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan as it did under George W. Bush. It steals from the U.S. treasury to enrich the corporate elite as rapaciously. It will not give us universal health care, abolish the Bush secrecy laws, end torture or “extraordinary rendition,” restore habeas corpus or halt the warrantless wiretapping and monitoring of citizens. It will not push through significant environmental reform, regulate Wall Street or end our relationship with private contractors that provide mercenary armies to fight our imperial wars and produce useless and costly weapons systems.1905
12-08-2009 00:54
... for the empire was important to Britain in other, less material ways too.Football and Big Business
11-08-2009 16:26
So another Premier League season is about to start. Last year yet again the top four was made up of the same four clubs who generate the highest revenue. Is the virtual monopolisation of English football by wealthy businesses inevitable, or are alternatives possible?Honduras Coup: Template for a Hemispheric Assault on Democracy
11-08-2009 07:39

But when the army, machine guns blazing, assaulted President Zelaya’s house, kidnapped him, and dumped him in Costa Rica – still in pajamas – their actions forged unprecedented unity in Latin America and the Caribbean against the coup regime, and enraged hundreds of thousands within the country.
Radical Jewish Website Launched -
10-08-2009 21:59
The UK based radical Jewish group Jewdas have launched a new website with the hopes of it being a hub for critical and comical cosmopolitan minded Jews and gentiles alike.