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UK Analysis Newswire Archive

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Egypt revolt could help spread democracy says Blair

13-02-2011 16:57

Tony Blair and political "technique"
The former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Tony Blair has given an interview to the syndication agency the British Press Association (PA) in which he claims that the revolt in Egypt may spread democracy throughout the Middle-East.

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Hello Hard Times

13-02-2011 07:12

Starts with a rant welcoming the new business Master of Washington. Then to Greenpeace Brazil, interview with Kiko Brito on the climate floods there. Feature interview with Nafeez Ahmed, author of "A User's Guide to the Crisis of Civilization." Ends with a speck of hope. Radio Ecoshock 110128

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The Fall of Mubarak and the Bankruptcy of Western Empires

13-02-2011 04:35

This is an analysis of the fall of Mubarak, the hypocrisy of the Western imperialist/zionist and our tasks of solidarity with the Arab revolutions in the coming months.

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Weather goes off the charts: is it climate change?

13-02-2011 02:53

In the space of a few weeks, Australia and the world have been rocked by devastating weather events, from huge snowstorms across the US to flash flooding and cyclones in Australia. Many of these events have not just been catastrophic, but have set new records for weather.

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#Egypt - The revolution continues after Mubarak's fall

12-02-2011 22:21

Egyptians protest at Tahrir Square on the day Mubarak left office, 11 February.

Yesterday evening, after it was announced that Hosni Mubarak had met the first demand of the revolution and left office, I headed toward the Egyptian embassy in Amman. The joy on the streets was something I had never experienced before.

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Venezuela’s Social Movements: Autonomy’s Difficult Path

12-02-2011 20:14

* On November 2010, in the Spanish city of Cordoba, during the celebrations of the Centennial of the historical anarcho-syndicalist union, the Confederacion Nacional del Trabajo (CNT), a Round Table discussion about Latin America’s social movements took place. A representative of El Libertario was present and delivered the following report.

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ubarak 2.0: Egypt VP Suleiman Has Menacing Reputation

11-02-2011 19:39

"Great changes are now “possible” in Egypt and, potentially throughout the Arab world, but are by no means certain. The US/Israel have a plan B, etc. Bet on it. The citizens of Egypt have shown incredible courage and valor in their struggle. But that struggle continues. Egyptians now must fashion an economy and democracy that serves the needs of all it’s people. Resistance to this effort will be intense. And rest assured has already begun."

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Three important articles on the situation in Egypt

11-02-2011 18:08

“Washington is acutely conscious that what it confronts in Egypt is a social revolution. This has been driven home in the last few days as a strike wave has spread throughout the country, bringing into struggle virtually every section of the country’s working population, from textile workers, to bus drivers, hospital workers, actors, steelworkers, teachers, hospital workers, journalists, shipyard workers, peasants and countless others. Workers have occupied factories, blockaded major roads and fought pitched battles with riot police.

The greatest fear of the ruling elite in the United States and in every other country is that this mass uprising in Egypt will serve as a spark, radicalizing workers throughout the Middle East, Africa and beyond under conditions in which the profound and protracted crisis of world capitalism is creating mass discontent in every corner of the world.”

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Does my society look big in this? Understanding the numbers

10-02-2011 21:55

The politicos keep telling us there's no money left, so we have to cut, cut, and cut again. So where has all the money gone? In the week that bankers get their bonuses, and the ONS has said how much the banks bail out, I've had a look at the numbers.

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Ronald Reagan’s demons

10-02-2011 15:54

40th US President Ronald Reagan (1981-1989)
The myth of Ronald Reagan's vast popularity during his actual terms as president is now all but written in stone, largely thanks to a lying corporate media. Barack Obama is a disciple, embracing Reagan's doctrines of domestic savagery and global American Manifest Destiny. The real, historical Reagan was an overtly racist politician whose “audience heard him loud and clear and knew that he meant to put and keep white people on top in America.”

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Sheffield Humanist Society meeting: Population 101

10-02-2011 12:19

The next Sheffield Humanist Society meeting will be "Population 101 - An introduction to global population dynamics" with Mike Freedman, director of the documentary Critical Mass ( ). You will also be hearing soon about the Sheffield Humanist Society campaign for Census 2011 and the April meeting on Secularism with Terry Sanderson from the National Secular Society.

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Mark Kenney: A detailed chronology of his activities

10-02-2011 07:00

A detailed overview of Mark Kennedy's actions between 2002-2010, in different countries. It will no doubt generate more information, so please comment or email the address included.

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Captive Nation - Egypt And The West

09-02-2011 20:24

In 1886, Tolstoy wrote:

‘Slavery has long been abolished. It was abolished in Rome, and in America, and in Russia, but what was abolished was the word and not the thing in itself.’ (Tolstoy, What Then Must We Do?, Green Classics, 1991, p.104)

In 2011, ‘the thing in itself’ is alive and well in Egypt. What an extraordinary spectacle it is - a dictatorship behaving as though an entire people were its personal property. Henchmen aside, the people have spoken, almost as one, and their demands are very clear. The blunt government response, in effect: We react as we want. If we don’t want to, we don’t have to. Why? Because we have a monopoly of violence.

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Egypt: From Stalemate to Checkmate

09-02-2011 18:14

Building toilets in Tahrir Square - in for the long haul
(Excellent background to the Egyptian uprising)

O Youth, today is your day so shout
No more slumber or deep sleep
This is your time and your place
Bestow on us your talents and efforts
We want Egypt’s youth to hold fast
As they resist the aggressor and outsider

Egyptian Poet Ibrahim Nagi (1898-1953)

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What’s WikiLeaks Got to Do With It?

08-02-2011 20:39

"In other words, cables revealing state corruption and injustice in places like Tunisia and anywhere else where the Internet and other access to information is restricted, can be a tremendous shock, and then a great motivator. Their contents confirm people’s worst fears. They shame. In the case of Tunisia, the writers argue, there was “a genuinely extraordinary WikiLeaks effect.”

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New videos debunk the myths about privatization of health care

08-02-2011 20:35

New videos on the myths surrounding the privatization of health care are now available. Whether you are a health care worker, a union activist or just a concerned citizen, the videos help to answer important questions about the future of our public health care system.

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UG#537 - From Divided Brains to Divided Societies (Neurological/Cultural Roots)

08-02-2011 08:27

This week we hear two scholars on the profound roots of separation, firstly within the structure of the brain itself, secondly between individuals in modern society. Ian McGilchrist sets the scene in our first hour with The Divided Brain and the Making of the Western World. In our second hour we replay one of the deepest talks from earlier Unwelcome Guests episodes - The Roots and Ramifications of our Culture of Hierarchy and Control by Marvin Bram.

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Egyptian regime begins US-backed talks with opposition parties +2

08-02-2011 01:58

"Having slandered the anti-regime protest movement, Suleiman outlined a series of threadbare sops, including a pledge to form a committee comprised of “members of the judicial authority and a number of political figures” that is to spend a month considering possible constitutional and legislative amendments. Another bureau is also to consider complaints about the detention of political prisoners.
The vice president said that media and communications would be “liberalised” but stressed that the state of emergency—continuously in operation ever since Mubarak assumed power in 1981—would only be lifted “based on the security situation and an end to the threats to the security of society.”

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Rapid Population Decline - Or Bust

06-02-2011 19:02

The population of Egypt doubled since 1980. Mexico, India too. Dr. Jack Alpert says it is time for extreme measures, before civilization falls. With three responses by Rex Weyler of Greenpeace fame, Dr. William Rees (co-inventor of "ecological footprint") & ecologist Vandy Savage.