UK Analysis Newswire Archive
Get off the internet, I'll see you in the streets!
20-02-2009 20:28
A bunch of reports today talk about the harmful effects of so-called social networking websites and how infact they isolate and separate people. When reading this it might be worth substituting some of the websites and concepts with things closer to home for users of this site and analysis what role activist sites such as indymedia really have in bringing forward the revolution or advancing radical struggle. The article quoted below suggests that social networking sites do the opposite of what they claim, could the same be true across the board.The CIA Beyond Redemption and Should be Terminated
20-02-2009 18:05
The Central Intelligence Agency(CIA) has confirmed the worst fears of its creator President Harry Truman that it might degenerate into “an American Gestapo.” It has been just that for so long it is beyond redemption. It represents 60 years of failure and fascism utterly at odds with the spirit of a democracy and needs to be closed, permanently.Three Cheers for the Recession & How to Self-Publish Your Book
20-02-2009 13:13

Barack Obama Administration Continues US Military Global Dominance
20-02-2009 10:12

Who's Telling the Truth About Iran's Nuclear Program?
19-02-2009 11:06
Since February 2003, Iran's nuclear program has undergone what the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) itself admits to be the most intrusive inspection in its entire history. After thousands of hours of inspections by some of the most experienced IAEA experts, the Agency has verified time and again that (1) there is no evidence of a nuclear weapons program in Iran, and (2) all the declared nuclear materials have been accounted for; there has been no diversion of such materials to non-peaceful purposes.Who is a Terrorist?
18-02-2009 21:28
There is a shrinking group of free people, people who believe in a context with everyone’s equal worth. This group still dreams about a society where everyone is included and for this, one is prepared to struggle.The hours are not enough. Daddy Obama tries every night to give Natasha and Malia some of his time. The hours are not enough. That is just the way it is. Part of the job, the assignment. Much has been promised and every promise has to be kept.
Someone Else’s England
18-02-2009 20:12
You don’t have to be a nationalist, or English, to accept the case for an English parliament.One of the most striking features of the massive response to my article last week on Hazel Blears and the Labour Party was the number of Labour activists who wrote in to agree(1). If, as I suspect, their fury and dejection is representative, Labour will be eliminated at the next election. Just three years ago, almost all the pundits agreed that the Tories were finished as an electoral force. Suddenly, Labour looks like the force that might never recover. Has any party in modern politics done more to squander the goodwill that swept it into power?
But I noticed something else as well: something that wasn’t there. Every other issue I mentioned was picked over and debated. One was not. It concerns the most glaring democratic deficit over which this government has presided, yet almost everyone is too polite to mention it.
Obama paints a picture of economic catastrophe
18-02-2009 19:51
Addressing a national television audience in his first White House press conference, President Barack Obama, promoting his economic stimulus plan, used unprecedented language to characterize the deepening economic crisis. He described conditions of rapidly rising unemployment, growing demand at food banks, widespread foreclosures, the collapse of consumer spending and the failure of small businesses.He declared that his administration "inherited the most profound economic emergency since the Great Depression," and warned that the lack of a federal government intervention "could turn a crisis into a catastrophe."
CoML: Animal Rights and odd bedfellows
18-02-2009 19:29
I hope to write a few articles discussing different aspects of the Convention on Modern Liberty, beginning with the bedfellows we seem to have chosen - some of which rather dislike one another. My recent copy of SchNEWS (no. 666, issued on Friday 13th February!) discusses the Convention in none-too-flattering terms. Henry Porter, co-organiser, remarked that none of the participants wish to get rid of the State, but SchNEWS points out that actually many of the people bearing the brunt of the anti-liberties legislation are anti-statist - from animal liberationists to anti-militarists to no-borders activists.Israel, Hamas and Moral Equivalence
17-02-2009 20:29
Now that Israel has entered Gaza, the response from much of the world’s press has been totally predictable. Israel is called a nation of terrorists and mass murderers, and it is claimed that Israel is being far too disproportionate in its response. Demands for an immediate withdrawal, along with expectations that Israel grovels in remorse are becoming commonplace.New documentary about the December 2008 insurrection in Greece
17-02-2009 10:41
New documentary about the December 2008 insurrection in Greece (in english)New article on the Copenhagen climate summit
17-02-2009 10:24
In his article 'Are We Anywhere? Carbon, Capital and COP-15' Pascal Steven looks at the complexities for a mobilization 'against' the UN's COP-15 summit in Copenhagen. Originally published here
Tony Blair received $1 million 'prize' from Zionist backed charity fund
16-02-2009 21:50

Bailouts for Bunglers
15-02-2009 22:25
"When I read recent remarks ... by top Obama administration officials, I feel as if I’ve entered a time warp — as if it’s still 2005, Alan Greenspan is still the Maestro, and bankers are still heroes of capitalism.“We have a financial system that is run by private shareholders, managed by private institutions, and we’d like to do our best to preserve that system,” says Timothy Geithner ... as he prepares to put taxpayers on the hook for that system’s immense losses.
Meanwhile,... Mr. Geithner and Lawrence Summers ... “think governments make poor bank managers” — as opposed, presumably, to the private-sector geniuses who managed to lose more than a trillion dollars in the space of a few years."
Participatory Economics (Parecon) and Inclusive Democracy
15-02-2009 20:03
IntroductionAlthough Michael Albert , in his new book Parecon, Life After Capitalism,[1] follows the trouble-free path of comparing Parecon with the disastrous central planning system and the narrowly ecological bio-regionalism, (or, elsewhere[2], with social ecology’s libertarian municipalism, which, in fact, offers no mechanism at all for the allocation of resources as it is based on a utopian post-scarcity moral economy), a comparison of the two main systemic proposals for an alternative economic system recently advanced, i.e. Parecon and ID, would certainly help the advancement of the discussion ―urgently needed today― on alternative proposals of social organization, so that readers could make up their own minds about the pros and cons of each project.
MPs fiddle while parliamentary democracy burns
15-02-2009 11:43
At the very least, you might expect Labour MPs to pay attention while they strip this country of its freedoms. But apparently we have gone beyond that stage. Of the eight or nine Labour members on the select committee discussing the Coroners and Justice Bill, three were using the opportunity to go through their correspondence.
How Racism Sparked the Financial Crisis
14-02-2009 18:15

Why the police riot? - part 5
14-02-2009 13:42

This is part 5 of a series, for parts 1-4 see:

What's Really In Your Food
14-02-2009 12:51
You may be grossed out, but insects and mold in our food are not new. The F.D.A. actually condones a certain percentage of “natural contaminants” in our food supply — meaning, among other things, bugs, mold, rodent hairs and maggots.
In its (falsely) reassuringly subtitled booklet “The Food Defect Action Levels: Levels of Natural or Unavoidable Defects in Foods That Present No Health Hazards for Humans,” the F.D.A.’s Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition establishes acceptable levels of such “defects” for a range of foods products, from allspice to peanut butter. . . .
More mayhem, please
14-02-2009 09:32
ANDREW MURRAY argues that, even though the elite wants to keep the rest of us in our place, green shoots of resistance may soon sprout.