UK Analysis Newswire Archive
The myth of Al Qaeda is now almost totally exposed
28-05-2007 18:45
In raising the ante in Iraq, Lebanon, the West Bank and the Gaza by again raising the empty spectre of ‘al Qaeda’ in order to get at Iran, Syria and Hizbollah, the US and the Israelis have exposed their hand about the myth of ‘al Qaeda terrorism’ in the Middle East.Bush administration failing to achieve its “benchmarks” in Iraq
28-05-2007 17:38
US President Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice have all personally warned Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki that time is running out. Deadlines have gone or are fast approaching. Still, the Bush administration is no closer to achieving the “benchmarks” it demanded of the Iraqi government on January 10 and linked to the success of its current military “surge”.Bush expects everything to be solved with a bang.
28-05-2007 15:32

BBC is wrong to brag about the Paul Wolfowitz 'exclusive' interview today
28-05-2007 09:05
The BBC is bragging to the world today [UK ‘bank holiday’ Monday 28 May 2007] about its allegedly exclusive interview with the G W Bush-backed 'World Bank’ president, the soon-to-retire Paul Wolfowitz.Globalization And Democracy: Some Basics
27-05-2007 07:13
The goal of the transnational corporation is to become truly transnational, poised above the sovereign power of any particular nation, while being served by the sovereign powers of all nations. Cyril Siewert, chief financial officer of Colgate Palmolive Company, could have been speaking for all transnationals when he remarked, “The United States doesn’t have an automatic call on our [corporation’s] resources. There is no mindset that puts this country first.”[i]Iraq war funding bill fiasco masks collusion between Bush and Democrats
27-05-2007 06:55
On May 22, 2007, Washington’s Democrats obediently capitulated to the Bush administration, handing Bush a war spending bill completely stripped of conditions that would, in any way, slow the administration’s relentless Middle East conflagration. In fact, the new bill is an even more egregious blank check for a massive “surge” of Bush administration violence throughout the region, opening the door for a war with Iran. New Iraq “benchmarks” pushed by the Democrats themselves will result in new atrocities and more bloodshed, funded by the Democrats themselves.Ken Knabb's "Situationist International Anthology" (25th Anniversary)
26-05-2007 03:23
review of the "revised and expanded" edition of the "Situationist International Anthology."The March to War: Syria Preparing for US-Israeli Attacks
25-05-2007 21:44
It is no mere coincidence that fighting has broken out in Lebanon between Fatah Al-Islam, a previously unheard of radical militant group, and the Lebanese Armed Forces, days after David Welch, the Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs at the U.S. State Department, held unprecedented meetings with General Michel Sulaiman (Solomon) the Commander of the Lebanese Armed Forces. Although Saudi Arabian, Jordanian, and American channels created Fatah Al-Islam, Syria is conveniently being blamed as the perpetrator in a calculated move to strengthen the manufactured war dossier against Damascus.Bush authorises covert CIA operations to destabilise Iran
25-05-2007 19:31
An ABC News report on Tuesday provided further evidence that the Bush administration is actively engaged in a covert campaign of destabilisation aimed at “regime change” in Iran.The Grauniad: An Unlimited Conduit for USUK's War Propaganda
25-05-2007 14:49

Guardian at the Gates: Surging Toward War With Iran
24-05-2007 21:27

For the deaf who won't listen...
24-05-2007 13:35

Campaign for a New Workers’ Party has next to nothing to show for its first year
24-05-2007 13:21
.Going nowhere fastFull article | 1 addition | 11 comments
London lecture: 9/11 official story, fact or fiction?
24-05-2007 13:11
Friday 8th June 2007 - Separating Facts from Fiction - Why the Official Account of 9/11 is contradicted by genuine Scientific Research ...with Gordon Ross and Calum DouglasAmnesty hits Aust on refugees, women's rights, Aboriginal, Hicks, WOT
23-05-2007 22:21

Nobody wants to take the bull by the horns...
23-05-2007 13:41

The Hidden Pollution Issue
22-05-2007 23:57
It doesn’t matter who we are or where we live, we are all contaminated with harmfull chemicals that threaten our health and that of our children.