UK Analysis Newswire Archive
Report from Nuweiba, Egypt and Aqaba, Jordan.
06-04-2005 10:46

General Election - Hold 'em to account!
05-04-2005 21:35
Find out how your MP really represents you and publish what you find. With the General Election now announced and
The Self Managed Community
04-04-2005 22:53

All the news that’s fit to report
04-04-2005 19:23
The media monitoring website Medialens ( has published some extraordinary correspondence between itself and the BBC regarding allegations of war crimes committed by US troops in their recent assault on the Iraqi city of Fallujah.Torture in US prisons
04-04-2005 17:32
Torture in US prisons. A BBC Channel 4 documentary.
04-04-2005 17:21
Any tenants of NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST (a housing association supported by CLIVE SOLEY MP) that are still suffering from harassment, nuisance, negligence, theft of their mail, anti social neighbours (housed there intention-ally by their landlords) or any other unlawful tactics by their landlords - then get in touch with this website.maelstrom is passed away - billions of christians mourn
04-04-2005 13:28
MAELSTROM, the squatted social centre in hyde park, leeds has closed it's doors finally. unlike the pope, we will come back!nuclear waste consultation
04-04-2005 04:28

audio + link to public consultation.
audio entitled: lords criticise governments nuclear waste management policy. consultation begins 4th april runs till 27th june, Committee on Radioactive Waste Management (CoRWM)
Dr Kissinger reports from Taba, Egypt.
04-04-2005 01:23

Intelligence USA
02-04-2005 07:19
It’s now official, but do these admissions carry even a vestige of credibility? The US administration recently announced that it was grossly in error regarding ‘intelligence’ assessments of the existence of WMDs in Iraq! Someone forgot to inform neo-con PR that the ‘Bull’ has already wrecked the China shop. It is already on public record that Wolfowitz needed an excuse to invade Iraq and WMDs would be the most convincing. The campaign (by the US) to undermine the credibility of UN inspectors (who were later proven correct) is also on public record.The Sun will come out the day after tomorrow
02-04-2005 01:00
Bet your bottom dollar,the sun will come out tomorrow
but it will not report the news tomorrow
come what may....
Report (part two) of Cairo Conference held March 24th to March 27th 2005.
01-04-2005 18:18

Wolfowitz and the World Bank: beyond a joke?
01-04-2005 14:00

01-04-2005 07:06
Amid ever more aggressive criticism of our ‘democratic’ mass media the question we should ask is whether our media’s much vaunted impartiality has become blatantly partial over the last years or whether the mass media has always been the serf of particular interests, interests camouflaged as the struggle to preserve the freedom of ‘our’ democratic world.The SHORTWAVE REPORT 4/1/05 ¡LISTEN GLOBALLY!
01-04-2005 00:53
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, China, Cuba, and Russia.10 MYTHS ABOUT IRAQI ELECTIONS - WHY I VOTED
31-03-2005 12:19
There hasn't been much real debate about the Iraqi elections. A lot of superficial rhetoric, but not much substance. Here is an exploration of some of the most common objections.Stolen American Presidential Election
31-03-2005 04:37
I believe this is likely the most important story in several months. I am sending this to you for distribution as the story greatly impacts the whole world. Thusfar, the US has not paid much attention to it and it needs to be addressed globally. It is about a scientific study showing that the US Presidential election of 2004 was stolen. Thank you.John Macchietto, Ph.D.
Incitement to racial hatred
30-03-2005 23:37
The Conservative Party escalated the political arms race on refugees and immigration yet further on Tuesday, proposing a new "tax" on employers who give jobs to non-British and EU citizens and a new security force "to secure Britain's borders".