UK Analysis Newswire Archive
THINK G8 ! An anticapitalist teach-in
19-10-2006 10:54

Call 07796 788 111 for directions – entrance free
Human trafficking and the terms of engagement.
19-10-2006 10:43
This article suggests a cross-cultural consideration is needed when trying to devise policy concerning the trafficking of humans.US military and Iraqi deaths soar amidst preparations for major offensive
19-10-2006 10:18

Five years since Australia’s SIEV X tragedy: the official cover-up continues
19-10-2006 08:02

Taking Sides: The Media and The 'War on Terror'
18-10-2006 16:34

Brazil: The Perfect Electoral Crime (II)
17-10-2006 19:56

Pathfinder hits the buffer
17-10-2006 17:11
Thanks to the courageous and determined efforts of a handful of local campaigners in Liverpool, the neo-Labour Pathfinder project appears to have been derailed.England Does not Want Gitmo Detainees
17-10-2006 16:30
Europeans don't want these islamic killers any more than the Arabs.Campaign For Truth & Justice
17-10-2006 11:39
Fighting Judicial Corruption, Unlawful Imprisonmentsand Human Rights Abuses in the UKIs there any point in talking about local democracy in London in 2006?
17-10-2006 11:01
Tony Blair is increasing Ken Livingstone's powers. Those may well includethe power to effectively scrap elected local councils in inner city London. Ken Livingstone is
set to become a very happy holder of huge powers. Is it safe to give the maniac Livingstone any more powers?
Israel’s Plan for a Military Strike on Iran
17-10-2006 09:43
NAZARETH, 16 October 2006. The Middle East, and possibly the world, stands on the brink of a terrible conflagration as Israel and the United States prepare to deal with Iran’s alleged ambition to acquire nuclear weapons. Israel, it becomes clearer by the day, wants to use its air force to deliver a knock-out blow against Tehran. It is not known whether it will use conventional weapons or a nuclear warhead in such a strike.Nuclear Strike on Iran Is Still on the Agenda
17-10-2006 08:11
No nuclear country is likely to intervene when the U.S. uses nuclear weapons against Iran, so there is no military deterrent. The U.S. has now achieved vast nuclear superiority and is about to demonstrate to the world that its $5 trillion nuclear arsenal is not "unusable."
Facing Up To 30 Years in Prison, Civil Rights Attorney Lynne Stewart
17-10-2006 01:37

Australian State Govt moves to ban 'riot' game
17-10-2006 00:03

Australian government steps up threats against PNG, Solomon Islands
16-10-2006 20:59

16-10-2006 20:12
16-10-2006 16:52
A forum for landlords organised by four local authorities and a landlords association held at the Holiday Inn in Farnborough on Thursday 12 October 2006.Cuban Forum Analyzes Extra-territorial Nature of US Blockade
16-10-2006 15:08
Dresser Rand Group Inc, a New York-based company that manufactures turbines and compressors for the energy sector, announced that it will fight sanctions imposed by the US government against one of its subsidiaries as part of its economic blockade against Cuba.Geographers warn of risk to society
15-10-2006 20:46

choosing wisely – a short political essay in two parts (and another bit)
15-10-2006 08:17
Our societies were once far less complex and vast. Our leaders lived amongst us and we knew them intimately as individuals. So we chose leaders we knew to be capable of combining compassion, intellect, and common sense, in equal measure – it was a personal judgement based on individual experience.However, in the modern world 'intellect' is the primary criteria by which this selection is made and the distance between the leaders and the led has increased. Our rulers are now largely divorced from everyday life and everyday concerns and our opportunities for assessing their emotional fitness for office, first hand, are diminished or non-existent.