UK Analysis Newswire Archive
Computerization of voting in Brazil
25-10-2006 12:05
I will present a summary of the computerization of voting in Brazil, but before that, it's necessary to explain some characteristics of the organization of the electoral power so that it can be understood, because some things happened that could lead to misunderstanding.Scandal hits London Underground security/technology company
23-10-2006 22:31
Verint Systems, a wholly owned subsidiary of CMVT is the private company responsible for much of the security of the London Underground system. Since they are responsible for the safety of millions of travellers EVERY DAY isn't it about time SOMEBODY terminated their contract IMMEDIATELY!!! Ken ???Anarchist Bookfair 2006
23-10-2006 17:09
It is that time of year again, autumn in the air, leaves falling off the trees, must be the Anarchist Bookfair.THE SHAME OF THE NATION: A COLLECTIVE PERVERSION
23-10-2006 16:38
THE COLLECTIVE PERVERSION OF THOSE IN HIGH PLACES IN THE USA call to attack and block capitalism, Towards an inventive strategy
23-10-2006 15:48
Towards an inventive strategy for attacking and blocking summits
All out to support the nurses' mass rally in Dublin on Wednesday, November 22nd!
23-10-2006 00:06
End the scandal of people lying for days on hospital trolleys! Ireland's 40,000 nurses are to step up their campaign for a pay rise by holding a mass rally in Dublin on 22nd November. Let’s go all out to support this mass rally in Dublin on Wednesday, November 22nd, this is going to be huge!The Price of Land
22-10-2006 20:47
...according to Reuters yesterday we are on the cusp of a recession after the 'Fed' declared its 17th successive hike in interest rates - which brings it to - 5.25% - oh - thats the same as ours - does this mean we are going into a Bust phase too?How I tracked down Terry Lloyd's killers (repost)
22-10-2006 18:33
ITN reporter Terry Lloyd was killed with an American bullet during the invasion of Iraq - the one where the 'liberators' were expected to be greeted with flowers (not their own friendly fire). A brave colleague went out there to confirm the truth. Here is the story.Racism, another word that helps divide and silence
22-10-2006 15:33
The British people have suddenly awoken to the knowledge that their all inspiring multi-cultural system is in fact crumbling under the pressure of sectional ethnic interests that is causing greater division rather than uniting people under one flag of life. Ireland is about to experience the same problems that have being festering in England for far too long, but people in Ireland think they have a better hang on the problem and will not go down the same roads of racism silencing tones that vested groups use to keep us all from airing our concerns.The lions have awoken but have they awoken too late to solve their problems?Remember Afghanistan and Iraq - Troops Out Now!
22-10-2006 14:00
The Oxford Stop the War Coalition has organised a rally with speakers around the theme: Remember Afghanistan and Iraq -- Troops Out Now! It will take place on Broad Street in the Oxford city centre on November 11, 2006 starting at 1 pm. All are welcome.Australian police raid office of Solomon Islands PM
22-10-2006 02:56

China Asserts Superiority
21-10-2006 18:53
China asserts dominance in the region but if you blinked you missed it; the difference between loud and clear and subtle and clear is the difference between, “bombing into the stone-age” and gently applying Asian lateral diplomacy. DPRK (Kim Jong il) rebuffs six-party talks but promises China during independent talks, that nuclear testing will cease. Miss war whore/status quo/dead children, Condoleezza Rice, and the rest of the world are left in no doubt which nation exercises the greater degree of influence in the region; a clear message has been sent – the world has taken note.NATO continues slaughter of civilians in Afghanistan
20-10-2006 08:02

Gross Incompetence
20-10-2006 07:15
A principal failure if not the major failure of the U.S. administration is its failure to comprehend the nature of post-modern reality, especially post-modern warfare. The U.S. war ‘machine’ is an antiquated beast run by the mentally impaired. Dangerous and angry old men (past failures) do not good leaders/advisers make!The QUICKTIME REPORT 20/10/06 - SEE GLOBALLY!
19-10-2006 20:34

Students' Union Presidents Opinion poll
19-10-2006 16:57
The first ever poll of Students' Union Presidents may serve as a wake up call to the NUS.Housing Association Mergers
19-10-2006 15:09
Councils tenants are promised the earth when they are fed a pack of lies to convince them to vote for the sell-off of their homes, privatisation by any other name. What they are not told however is that they will have no further say in the future of their homes.UK Police Chief hints at Internment for Muslims Following New "Act of Terror"
19-10-2006 13:49
Last July, Ian Blair, the Metropolitan Police Commissioner, said that another terrorist attack in London was inevitable. "I think there will be further attacks" he explained, "in fact I know there will be further attacks". (1)No to Torture - former British ambassador to Uzbekistan speaks out against UK/US torture collaboration
19-10-2006 12:47

Craig Murray, former UK ambassador to Uzbekistan with over 20 years of foreign affairs experience, talks about torture and human righs abuses in Uzbekistan. He presented his book: "Murder in Samarkand - A British Ambassador's Controversial Defiance of Tyranny in the War on Terror" at the Edinburgh Independent and Radical Bookfair on Friday, 13th of October 2006, at the session on "Political Terrorism and the US Imperial Project".
Iran Sparked Islamic Divide, Iran Only Can Defuse It
19-10-2006 11:41
Tehran for the first time and at the highest level has this week went public on the so far taboo Sunni-Shiite divide, accused the American Great Satan of exploiting and fuelling the historic Islamic sectarian tragedy, which is true, but offered no way out of the divide except a verbal call for unity, which has to be tested against the Iranian policies on the ground in Iraq, where the Iranian call can make or break.