UK Analysis Newswire Archive
Bush's tight ship springs convenient leaks: The Prelude to 7/7.
25-07-2005 21:41
Journalist Mary Pat Hyland outlines the case of Muhammad Naeem Noor Khan. Did the White House leak of last year allow for the atrocities in London last month?Fixing facts: How Western leaders are in denial
25-07-2005 18:30
Someone should swab the toilets in Congress and the White House, like they did at the European Parliament, finding “substantial amounts” of coke. Jesus, what are these people on?East-Germany Intelligence Connections in Finland
25-07-2005 12:49
East-Germany Intelligence Stasi connections are kept as a secret. Finland’s top leading Politicians, Police Commissiones, Mass Media workers and possibly Presindent Tarja Halonen can very likely be found from this list also referred as ‘Tiitinen’s list’.International law and suicide bombing - Its the target that counts!
25-07-2005 11:56
With the current concern about suicide bombing the media debate seems to have forgotten to focus on the target of the attackers rather than the mechanism. Suicide bombings do not equate to terrorism and terrorism cannot be defined by the method of attack.URGENT TO ENGLISH PEOPLE!!!!!!!
25-07-2005 02:17
Please. If you understand spanish you must translate this text to english. It is very important that english people could reading this analisy. You can wake up against thirany blair and their criminal acts from london blasts.Call for Investigative Performance Contributions: Media Watch
24-07-2005 20:31
KISSS: The Kinship International Strategy on Surveillance and SuppressionK I S S S a series of performance events and interventions that include a s u m m i t , a m e d i a c a m p a i g n , a website and a nd a touring e x h i b i t i o n , a l l d e v e l o p e d a s a m u l t i m o d e p e r f o r m a n c e p r a c t i c e b a s e d, i n t e r n a t i o n a l c o l l a b o r a t i o n b e t w e e n e m e r g i n g a n d e s t a b l i s h e d h i g h c a l i b r e a r t i s t s .
Staging An Attack To Fix The Coverup Of Another
24-07-2005 16:11
This latest "attack" is supposed to correct some faults in the first without causing further mayhem.BRAZILIAN MAN DIES IN THE 'FLIGHT' FOR FREEDOM
24-07-2005 15:42

The "Magic Bomb" Theory
24-07-2005 07:33
24-07-2005 01:25
We are crossing a line and on the other side of that line there is fascism, totalitarianism, death squads, and crypto security. But in reality there is no security. It is a myth. But there are plenty of despots.Bombings in London: The high price of Blair and Bush’s imperialist policies
24-07-2005 00:36
Blair fascist... you are the terrorist !March ! for an end to the occupation of Iraq !!!!
Iraq/France and Euro Referendum/G8/Agentina Film Review at FIGHT BACK Blog
23-07-2005 12:15
Whats on today (Saturday 23.07.2005) at FIGHT BACK BlogIgnoring the Intelligence: How New Labour Helped Bring Terror to London
22-07-2005 17:34
By pursuing policies that are increasing the threat of terrorist attacks on Britain, New Labour has rendered itself fundamentally unfit to governPost-G8 Dissent! Gathering: August 6th-7th, South Wales
22-07-2005 15:34
CALL OUT TO SOUTH WALES DISSENT! GATHERINGCorruption Takes High Measures in Russia
22-07-2005 15:32
According to Indemin’s study annual sum in bribing is 316 milliard USD, and corporations bribed officials 244000USD on average, where as in 2001 the sum was 23000USD. According to Indemin’s study annual sum in bribing is 316 milliard USD, and corporations bribed officials 244000USD on average, where as in 2001 the sum was 23000USD.blairs pledge to Africa phony
22-07-2005 12:18
Africas aid will be reduced by the same amount as the G8 debt relief. So they gain nothing!East London Mosque Incident
22-07-2005 11:52
Heard the Mosque was surrounded by armed police so headed down there pretty quick. When I arrived the police were just removing police tape and getting back in their vans. I wandered around to find out what had gone on and found somebody at the news enterance at the front talking to a local asian journalist. I got a few shots of the front of the building, a couple of cops and then the press pack arrived in force. They quickly surrounded the guy being interviewed and a media scum frenzy began with lots of pushing and shoving which was quite funny because this man was just saying he had only just got there and that it was just a false alarm anyway, nothing had happened, just some hoax bomb threat called in by phone. Poor guy was swamped simply cause there was nothing left to film.British burning books?
22-07-2005 08:50
I got stopped to day by a policeman for reading a book called Incendiary on the was into Stockwell tube. Am I a terror suspect?The Organisation and Politics of Social Forums
22-07-2005 07:59
The new issue of 'ephemera: theory & politics in organization', which has just been published at
...included are some interesting reflections on the London ESF...
21-07-2005 23:46
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.