UK Analysis Newswire Archive
UG#697 - The Estimable Russ Baker (Boston Bombings and the Family of Secrets)
08-11-2014 12:49

Philippines: Akbayan and Santiago file joint resolution to terminate VFA
05-11-2014 11:04

The Canadian Conundrum – Causes and Consequences of a Containment Catastrophe
03-11-2014 16:34
Justin Bourque is being flanked by Mumia Abu Jamal and Leonard Pelletier as a political prisoner of the extinction system for a reason that represents the distinction between the two political entities of North America. In Unitedstates, the latter was so lucky to hit a rare period of suspension of the death penalty in the calendar, while the former was openly sentenced to execution and then at whim changed to death in prison without execution as to be misused as a bargaining chip by an unscrupulous politician. In Canada the supreme enemy of the state is however never being killed openly, but with a verdict that amounts to death without spelling it. It is of course being taken into account here that the common denominator of the three cases is that the reaction pattern of the repressive apparatus unloading upon the individual is of much more urgent need of attention than the blame it is meant to express. It matters little whether these prisoners were involved in these killings. But it matters a lot that the repressive apparatus is attempting to masquerade as the advocate of future generations when it is a solid matter of fact that the loss of a cop father is far less traumatic to a child than the loss of a non-violent father. If a reactor operator wishes to have children, it is common sense that something can only be a means to an end if it does not contain excessive contradictory risks. If the reactor engineer were to hide behind children to defend himself against the Abolitionist it would be recognised as an abuse of the children or at least as a fraud, given the toxic legacy. But when the cop who keeps the reactor operating does, apparently it does not yet attract the broad smack-down such grossly inappropriate kid-ducking deserves.Reforge the Fourth International!
02-11-2014 21:03
In the face of vicious attacks and setbacks for our class, and the ripening contradictions, the need of the hour is for revolution.Execution of "Occupy Democracy" and the Banality of Evil
29-10-2014 13:05

Yorkshire Ripper farce - new fake TV documentary
27-10-2014 13:30
Ever since the fabrication of The Peter Sutcliffe Myth, the mainstream media have kept repeating the police version of events. The truth rarely gets a look in.UG#695 - Funding The Deep State Off-The-Books (Media Silence on Drugs for Guns)
26-10-2014 20:01

Philippines: Lawmakers studying the filing of bill against hate crimes
26-10-2014 01:40

Confessions of a Civil Anarchist
25-10-2014 16:41
Repost of this article -
Has Australia Suffered a Covert Military Coup?
24-10-2014 15:10
The incident was an independent response to the censorship case discussed here and resonated with the description of the self-referential nature of body politics for a group of people whose constellation resembles the human organism: If the Islamic state censors beyond the lines drawn by its internationalist base, it is stealing from the people and the “executive body part” involved in it is to be looked at. The execution of someone wrapped in an IS flag that recently was disrupted by Australia´s military-industrial complex and triggered the largest police state quake in the history of the colony apparently was meant to write with the blood of an easily available victim the comment to Mosul that such behaviour was inappropriate. Yet while the message from the Southern continent got out, it was not implemented since as a result of spying the people involved were taken prisoners by the capitalist state in an unprecedented instance of “victimless crime.” Since then, the Canberra regime has been weighed by the temptation to persecute someone who has not done anything more than a cop who places a bullet into the wrong direction at the wrong time as an alleged terrorist, and as a result thereof such symptoms of internal discomfort could be observed as the threat to imprison people who identify spies by their names or frictions between troops and spies over subordination issues. Already since the sudden cabinet resignation at the peak of the NSA runaway affair, and the ensuing degradation in a conservative cesspool trampled by a surge of Unitedstates occupation troops, Australia has politically appeared like the broken clock that is right twice a day but no one can tell when. Yet since Julian Assange of Wikileaks called health emergency this summer to get out of the London siege, this appears to have changed and the Southern continent presents itself more like a lost watch where total desertification by runaway climate change is likely to be expected earlier than anywhere else.Fatal encounter: Jennifer Laude meets US Marine Corps
21-10-2014 12:13

Brief Analysis of Western Anarchist / Leftist Critique of Rojava Solidarity
19-10-2014 19:23

Demographic Endgame – IS/UK Relations in a Nutshell
15-10-2014 16:23
When the imperialist moron in the London regime in interacting with the forces of abolition is parroting this publication (see Jan 23, 2014 + Sept 19, 2014) although there hardly is anything more depraved than its on series of undercover rapes, it is not merely a war of words which sees another copycat cowardice, it also is an admission of guilt that all the pompous reports how IS was behaving like an Arab king at home are just that. Cameron the regrettable idiot is so agitated to commit terror bombings that he does not notice any longer how the other fingers are pointing back at himself when he is grabbing for excuses for his atrocities. IS on the other hand has chosen not to follow the “speakers corner approach of substitute execution” and respect the last will of the prisoners in the same way it respects other aspects of their dignity except for their lives, but instead leave the British public blind to their own messengers. The message is clear – cease the bombings – and the messenger – the randomly arrested member of the public – whose death is being used as the carrier to transmit it is silenced, as if that was to be a part of the message. The confusion clears up a bit when it is taken into account that it happens intentionally, like the turning of a page before the content has been fully read, and therefore remains an obstacle to the signing of the document. The originator thereof intends to keep the British public out of the conflict with the regime, and instead tease the latter a little more, because in the circumstances of total spying that is the only way to leave the regime blind about the public. Hence, from the public viewpoint, the conflict between the two types of states is an internal issue of these, such as the intimacy of the prisoners in their robes is for them.Deregulation rules while Ofcom and Ofgem behave as Ofscum and Ofshame
10-10-2014 11:59
Is it free for all for all the giant corporations?Does Britain care about ordinary democracy at all?
08-10-2014 12:07
Does Britain care about ordinary democracy at all?If so, where is the best place to find out about ordinary stuff that are going on?
Cory Doctorow: Information Doesn't Want to Be Free
07-10-2014 22:07

Hongkong: Tehran in a Cool Pool
03-10-2014 17:55
Large historical prototypes are rare, to speak of fitting ones. The more likely scenario is that, while everything is being done to exclude any direct repetition, the material limitations of that effort are the new environment in which the old conflict of ideas will reproduce. In its own historical reference to the cultural monstrosities of imperialist and colonialist Europe, dialectic materialism is used to talk of the tragedy and the farce. But occasionally such prototypes do occur as conscious moves. E. g. when when the Antifascist coalition of WWII broke up into the containment vessel of the Unitednations Security Council, the fault line running through the Nazi state in a surprise move on the model of 1938 (see Mar 15, 2014) was turned into a reenaction of the “limes” (though only for one generation rather than six or seven). But while the Roman wall was an offensive installation run by foreign mercenaries at a significant distance to any densely populated territories, what is to be drawn up as a historical prototype in this instance is an unequivocally defensive measure. Molotov served Ribbentrop the famous cocktail of one portion appeasement plus a double shot of red-coloured imperialism to change the “great game,” and maybe without that Leningrad might have fallen. Ulbricht drew Gehlen a line into the sand and preempted thermonuclear war in Europe before there was any “hotline.” And when the Soviet Union found the beginning of its end in Afghanistan, Khomeini showed a red line to Carter and prevented yet another military coup in Persia, laying the foundation for the current system of the Islamic Republic in which any ballot sheets are filtered by a structure of councils and meta-councils that freezes the country´s unresolved external fraud cases and is intended to shield elections from becoming a gateway to their extension.Cameron is the frontman for the Jungle Thatcher dreamt of..
30-09-2014 11:40
This is about NeoCons deregulating of everything. Main items first: the courts system has been scrapped. The system that did exist up to a few years ago is no longer. Under that system, which was near-accessible, at least up to certain stages which the nearly-citizenry could use. There was, at least some notional scope to put the claimant’s assertions before the court. That has been abolished,,,Dysophia 5 - anarchist approaches to crime & justice (Trigger warning)
29-09-2014 14:44
"What about the rapists?" - anarchist approaches to crime & justiceThis zine is aimed at anarchists thinking about how to deal with abuses of power and acts of domination in their communities. It brings together a collection of articles representing different approaches to this problem, from transformative justice-based accountability processes to retributive-based acts of survivor-led retaliation.
Marx, Lenin, Mao and the Futurology of Scientific Anarchism
26-09-2014 15:27
While the mean spirits of the terror gang calling itself “the West” are being drawn into the abyss of their own ridiculous glorification, desecrating the graves of the few exceptional characters among the fathers who cautioned them against just that, something significant is happening at the border between India and China. This time it is not state tents being put up like “Occupy” stickers or cyber soldiers trying to clean the brushes of technological propaganda. Nor is it Tibetans blessing foreign evildoers or Uyghurs desperately struggling for the attention of a betrayed audience. It is the raising realisation that with the decapitation of Hindu fascism of the “Karma” type to the headless corpse of “Modi” nationalism (see [2013], [2014]), a portion of India turns out to be more Chinese than China. Yet while nationalist China is a sluggish conglomerate only very gradually realising the aberration of industrialism and growth, the foreign Maoists are unfolding a small but decisive influence on its surroundings. How that is functioning is best to be explained with the Diamond Peddler Paradox: If a couple purchases a diamond to celebrate each other, it is impossible to predict how long their marriage will last and whether the stored amount of carbon has any influence on that. Yet for the diamond peddler who knows the society they live in, it is precisely possible to specify the average time after which a diamond of that size will be back on his desk. That is so because for the true lover there is only one adored partner, but for the commercial peddler any exchange is like the other without distinction. Likewise, industrialist China maintains the hallucination of being able to purchase an uncounted number of corporate identities, while the convinced Marxist-Leninist-Maoist sees only one way to a lasting future.