UK Analysis Newswire Archive
French students movement
17-03-2006 02:04
On the 16th of march, 64 french universities, out of 84, were on strike.This huge movement has started in january. Why ?
16-03-2006 23:24
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.Fresh NATO cannon fodder: English, Dutch & Canadian Death Sentences
16-03-2006 16:10
Not a word in the complicit 'massmedia' about the present uranium radiation holocaust of millions of human beings. Nothing is heard while NATO is replacing thousands of US troops, mercenaries and heavy arms in illegally invaded Afghanistan, for the planned and likewise illegal inhuman US attack on Iran.Israel: Gal Lusky's 'IFA' Caught Up in Moshe Katsav,Mohamed Hadid, Zwebner 'UCSY
16-03-2006 04:03
That might also explain why Michael Zwebner did not take the opportunity of the Hurricane to promote his and his 'business' partner, Palestinian con man and Al Qaeda Islamic terrorist charities connected suspect Mohamed Hadid's,'s 'airwater machine'. Perhaps he felt using you or Israeli President Moshe Katsav again to promote his worthless 'UCSY' shares might get old.Originally I imagined it was because New Orleans was too close to his scam in Miami but then again he sent 120 or so fictitious 'airwater machines' to Texas somewhere in one press release.Full article | 1 addition | 14 comments
shamnesty gig review, Edinburgh
16-03-2006 00:41
This is 30% news, 70% vitriol, can't decide whether to post.The Tax State in the Globalization Trap
15-03-2006 23:22
The middle class cannot do what corporations do. Corporations pay little corporation tax in Germany; their share amoutrs to 2.6% of all taxes. For decades, corporations received more in subsidies than they paid in profit taxes in Germany. Corporate enrichment leads to state deficits.Storming the Bastille and Direct Action
15-03-2006 13:42
It should now be apparent to all that the usual strategies have proven ineffective against the ultra-right of today. The reasons are clear; the right is playing hard, fast and bold while the opposition is lost in analysis and navel gazing. ‘Storming the Bastille’ may again be required to precipitate change. Demos, alternative media, various forms of dissenting propaganda have all failed to alter the course of events. It would seem that while one side is playing hardball (for keeps) the other is content to fossick on the shores of world-shaping politics.Considering a fallen world
14-03-2006 19:50
This is an extract of a short pamphlet written in January 2006 detailing some thoughts on our current situation. This situation has remained intact for at least a hundred years past. It is not news as such but clearly is still very much a cause of great concern and will not go away as long as we are ignorant and compliant. A friend and I wrote this as the beginnings of a potential movement of discontent in Manchester and the world. We despise consumerism, our revolting spectacle society and the banality of modern life and the modern slave. We are inspired by the Lettrists, situationists, Dadaism etc. This is to be continued…The QUICKTIME REPORT 15/3/06 - SEE GLOBALLY!
14-03-2006 19:03

Where the Legislative and Regulatory Reform Bill is coming from
14-03-2006 12:33
"The Bill has the potential to be the most constitutionally significant Bill that has been brought before Parliament for some years. It needs to be scrutinised with particular care."UK/ Posthumously defaming victims of police killings
13-03-2006 23:29

Former top judge says US risks edging near to dictatorship
13-03-2006 23:04

· Lawyers 'must speak up' to protect judiciary
Full article | 1 addition | 3 comments
Milosevic - murder or suicide
13-03-2006 16:13
Preliminary results from an autopsy on Milosevic have so far indicated the former Yugoslav leader died of a heart attack in his cell at a UN detention centre in The Hague. There has been speculation he committed suicide or was poisoned.Can UK Edu Secretary Ruth Kelly save Xrail-hole-plan Christine Gilbert?
13-03-2006 16:11
The sinking of the cabinet career of Blairist UK Education Secretary Ruth Kelly is being given an extra push today with the announcement that Home Office minister Tony McNulty's wife, Christine Gilbert is to be given huge publicity via the Tessa-Jowell-compliant BBC [and to be paid related bonuses from the public purse] as a way out for Gilbert from the East End Council [Tower Hamlets] which she [Gilbert] has helped to get embroiled in the Crossrail hole mess over the past 3 years. Just how competent is Gilbert to delivery even a fraction of the goodies on education that Kelly is claiming she will be able to do? One organisation, CBRUK which foudned Khoodeelaar! in 2004 to defend the Brick Lane London E1 area against Christine’s Crossrail assault plan knows a few things about the disaster on the ground that Tower Hamlets Council ahs been causing to ordinary people. And to standards and ethics in public life. Here are extracts from CBRUK Chair Muhammad Haque’s comments on Christine Gilbert, first published on the internet on Sunday 25 July 2004No to Crossrail news conference, to change East End Council on 4 May elections
13-03-2006 12:20
The Crossrail hole Bill [The Crossrail Bill – UK House of Commons, March 2006] contains so many powers that if they are passed into UK Law they will be sued to destroy some of London’s most important communities. Social cohesion, community cohesion, tolerance, multi-faith and inner cities regeneration are phrases that feature very frequently in the vacuous vocabulary of the UK regime associated with the name and the images of Tony Blair who is blindly followed by the clique that has been in control of the East End Tower Hamlets Council. The Khoodeelaar campaign defending the East End against that Crossrail-hole-colluding Council is set to announce an electoral programme at the news conference in Brick lane at 1400 Hrs GMT on Tuesday 14 March 2006The forthcoming 4 May elections will be fought on Crossrail in the eats End and that will change the composition of the East End council with far wider ramifications than usually is the case with ‘local’ issues.Ian Blair resign!
13-03-2006 12:09

to restore the morale of the metropolitan police force, and to acknowledge the serious disquiet in the police force, and the international outrage and accompanying alienation within many of London's ethnic minorities, Sir Ian Blair QPM MA commissioner of the Metropolitan Police should offer his resignation to the "Rt Hon Tony Blair PM of HMG".
Not one iota has changed. Having marked 2 years this weekend since Madrid 11, and the weekend which followed and the Elections of March 14th 2004. I wish to link the behaviours of the securocracies of Spain and the UK.
UK companies in Iraq: new report from Corporate Watch
13-03-2006 11:23
Corporate Watch is a small independent research organisation, based in Oxford. We publish research to help those resisting corporate power -- check out also bring out a newsletter every two months, and a news update on web and email every two weeks. To subscribe to either of these, please see our website, or give us a call on 01865 791 391
US Paper Confirms Indymedia Article on CIA - Plame, Libby Leak Trial
13-03-2006 08:32
Chicago Tribune has confirmed part of this story: LIBBY WILL WALK in CIA Leak Case -- (1) Libby never should have been indicted for leaking former CIA officer Valerie Plame's name, because her so-called cover company, Brewster-Jennings Associates (BJA) in Boston, was not undercover. Former employees like Jean C. Edwards and Robert Lawrence Ellmann even advertise their associations with the company on the Internet! They were doing so before Brewster-Jennings and Valerie Plame came to light and they still are.German Intelligent Agency (BND) aided American invasion of Iraq
13-03-2006 08:12

FBI Charles Rasner names Austin Indymedia, Food Not Bombs Terrorist
13-03-2006 04:48
And then a perpetrator or bunglar on the side of militaristic over reaction in the Waco tragedy has the nerve to call indymedia free speech supporters and a group 'food not bombs' that gives away vegetarian meals 'terrorists' ! ? Truly when the Bush Regime confines 'free speech' to a cage or 'corral' what more does Mr. Rasner want in his rage to gut the Constitution and the First Amendent ?