UK Analysis Newswire Archive
Activism & Social Change Seminars @ University of Leeds
30-01-2009 23:35
++++ 2009 SEMINAR SERIES ++++All @ Geography Lecture Theatre, East Building

No need to book.
Wine reception and book sales will follow each seminar
Israel denies Gaza clean water -French aid shipment blocked
30-01-2009 21:36
"Israel has refused to allow a French-made water purification system into Gaza amid a drinking water crisis in the Palestinian strip.The French Foreign Ministry said Friday that Tel Aviv had blocked the entry of a much-needed water purification station into Gaza and had forced its repatriation."
Statement from Icelandic Anarchists
30-01-2009 19:12
A statement from the Icelandic anarchist collective on the recent collapse of the Icelandic government. The original article can be found, with images, here:
An interview with Werner Bonefeld on the economic crisis
30-01-2009 16:38
Werner Bonefeld teaches Politics at York. He recently published Subverting the Present - Imagining the Future with Autonomedia. This interview is also available here
People needed for this Saturdays Tamil Demonstration to take testimonies
30-01-2009 02:01
Help us to document the Tamil peoples untold story this SaturdayCraig Murray at the Cambridge Law School occupation
28-01-2009 11:22
On Tuesday 28th night, Craig Murray, the former UK ambassador to Uzbekistan was invited by the assembly of the occupation for a talk. The university authorities prevented him from crossing into the lobby, meaning that he had to give his talk, standing withing the sliding front doors of the faculty. This sends a strong message to those within the university that try to prevent freedom of speech.The transcript of the talk was made by David P.
Rogue element in British intelligence accused of Sabotaging Omagh Inquiry
27-01-2009 23:24
The former head of the inquiry into the Omagh bombing has claimed that elements within the intelligence services might have "effectively sabotaged" the investigation which failed to convict anyone for the worst atrocity of the Northern Ireland conflict, it emerged last night.Obama: Regime Rotation
27-01-2009 19:15
The arrival of the Obama administration will not fundamentally alter the course of military expansion accelerated during the Bush era. The origins of these policies do not lie uniquely in neoconservative ideology. While the election of President Obama may offer new opportunities for progressive forces to delimit the damage, their space for movement will ultimately be constrained by deep-seated structural pressures that will attempt to exploit Obama to rehabilitate American imperial hegemony, rather than transform it.
Nicholas Stern Is A Dangerous Idiot
26-01-2009 17:47
Sir Nicholas Stern: market obsessed economist or environmental saviour? You could be excused for thinking the latter; so here's something that should make things a bit clearer.Edit BBC and SkyTV to remain impartial on 'being humane'
26-01-2009 17:25
The BBC’s Mike Fudge said “Some viewers think that when there is a major catastrophe, the BBC should help the Aid Agencies in their work to stop civilians suffering and dying – what we might call ‘being humane’.”“But other viewers disagree, and think that babies with limbs torn off should go through lots and lots of pain, a nasty infection, and death – what we might call ‘being inhumane’ or ‘cruel’. It is not the BBC’s place to judge which of these positions is ‘right’ or ‘wrong’.”
He explained: “It is often difficult for news networks to strike a balance between humanity and cruelty. By telling the Aid Agencies to get lost, we ensure that everyone thinks we’re being fair.”
Posters for March 14th Working Class Bookfair 25th Aniversary of Miners strike
26-01-2009 16:51

President Obama: War Criminal in Waiting
25-01-2009 17:05

These nights are for Alexis; a closer look into the december uprising in Greece
25-01-2009 16:28

Maoist Leadership in Nepal Bans Strikes
25-01-2009 11:33

Since the Maoists emerged in the April 2008 Nepal elections as the largest party (though without an absolute majority) to lead the new coalition government, they have failed to heal existing divisions - in their own party, within the parliamentary political system and its ruling class - or within the intermingled social, caste and ethnic tensions across the wider society. In fact, all these divides have widened. And since November a strike wave has spread across the country.
Energy War: NATO meddling in Sudan to block China
25-01-2009 09:32

Clearly, the NATO will be brought in to support the US in its 'conquest' mission and its global strategy of controlling the 'energy' reserves across the African continent.
Free Association: Speculating on the Crisis
24-01-2009 11:11
This article was written for and published in Shift Magazine
Why the police riot? - part 2
24-01-2009 11:10

This is part 2 of a series, for part 1 see:

Gaza – The Blood-Soaked U.S.-Israeli “Ceasefire”
24-01-2009 10:00

Community Public Action Notice !
24-01-2009 06:22
Demonstration Against Judicial Corruption, Unlawful Imprisonments, Human Rights Abuses and Institutional Failures in the UK Every week outside HMP Wormwood Scrubs, Du Cane Road, London W12 0AE.Analysis of UK University Occupations.
24-01-2009 01:37
Initial response to the wave of occupations in a dozen universities across the country in solidarity with Gaza. The Theorillas [Theory-Guerillas] are an affinity group throwing theory at the movement.