UK Analysis Newswire Archive
What Did Israel Know in Advance of the 9/11 Attacks?
12-03-2007 10:56
The following article by Christopher Ketcham was shunned by the mainstream media in the USA, Counterpunch was the only publication which was prepared to run it, the story behind this article is told in this article:Ketcham's Story: Coming in From the Cold by Alexander Cockburn and Jeffrey St. Clair

In Additon Democracy Now! has covered it:
Cheering Movers and Art Student Spies: Was Israel Tracking the Hijackers Before the 9/11 Attacks?
A new article in the newsletter Counterpunch examines unresolved questions over whether Israeli agents were tracking the 9/11 hijackers before September 11th. ABC’s 20/20, The Forward, and have all covered the story. But where’s the follow up? We speak to the author of the article, Christopher Ketcham; Counterpunch editor Alexander Cockburn, and Marc Perelman, the Forward reporter who did one of the first reports on the story in 2002.

a globalist agenda
12-03-2007 09:06
the wealthiest family in the world has called together the most influential people in the world for a secrete meetings.Iran and the Congo's Vanishing Uranium Bars
11-03-2007 23:16
A mysterious Congo vanishing uranium bars incident has emerged, coinciding with a decisive International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Board of governors meeting in Vienna on March 5-8, regarding Iran's nuclear program.Are we dealing with a similar fabricated Psyop in the case of the alleged missing Congo uranium bars, which could at some later date be used as a pretext directed against Iran?
Israel pResident Moshe Katsav's Penny Stock Partner Michael Zwebner loses in U.S
11-03-2007 18:22
Zwebner's business backer/partner Moshe Katsav is disgraced.
Bush, ‘political cadaver’ -- It’s all but (over)
11-03-2007 12:14
There is something politically odd about Bush’s tour of various Latin American countries. South American nations were ‘lost’ to the U.S. some time ago – the price paid for America’s fixation in the Middle East. Bush is loathed internationally but is particularly despised in Latin America. The Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez accurately called Bush a “political cadaver” and led 20,000 Argentinian supporters in the chant, “gringo go home”, during his counter-tour of the region.STOP Blairs EU sell out
11-03-2007 09:39

On March 25th he will travel to Berlin to sign the 50 page agreement , Declaration on the future of Europe, without even consulting the people of the UK. Far from a simple "declaration", this a binding treaty which embodies "basic laws" for 490 million people in 27 countries
Iran Attack: Neocons Find New Curveball
11-03-2007 01:18

U.S. military banking on Turkey for Iran, Iraq access
10-03-2007 23:18

Officials said the Defense Department has been negotiating for an increase in U.S. air operations at the Incirlik air force base in southern Turkey. They said Incirlik would be used for operations in northern Iraq as well as reconnaissance in neighboring Iran.
Genocidal or Great Britain? - Mr. Brian W. Haw
10-03-2007 10:03
I have had the pleasure of getting to know Brian over the years and I have also had the privilage of typing this message from him.Charity Sweet XXX
London: The rich get so much richer under Blair
10-03-2007 09:05
The last ten years of a Labour government has seen a significant increase in the number of billionaires living in London. According to Forbes magazine, London is home to 23 of the 54 billionaires that are resident in Britain, 11 of whom are foreigners.Israel-Palestine: The endless trail of red herrings
10-03-2007 04:02
On the Israel-Palestine issue, unraveling the endless trail of red herrings that even permeates the dissent space precluding a just solution from being perceived by the ordinary peoples in the Western nations, and thus postponing the harbinger of justice to the suffering peoples on the ground. Written in reference to the article by Israeli Peace Activist Uri Avnery on MediaMonitors on Feb 16, 2007, as well as President Carter's book Palestine, Peace not Apartheid.UN Sanctions on Iran: Political Confrontation, Iran's Response to US Threats
10-03-2007 02:14
The US so far has not directly targeted the clerical leaders of Islamic Republic namely Supreme Leader Khamenei and former president Rafsanjani. Instead, it has pointed at President Mahmood Ahmadinejad who has stayed firm against US pressures. The US is trying to link Ahmadinejad and his affiliated Sepah-e Pasdaran with supplying weapons to anti-US militants in Iraq. Ahmadinejad has popularity among Iran’s underprivileged class who were disappointed with former clerical presidents due to their inability to enhance economic welfare for the poor. It is unlikely that US can cause Ahmadinejad to be deposed by any means.Democracy or Corpocracy?
09-03-2007 21:40
Putting protesters sentences into perspective....The Shortwave Report 3/9/07 ¡Listen Globally!
09-03-2007 01:06
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.Taking Aim: Imperial Death Squads and the Shredding of Iraqi National Life
08-03-2007 22:25

US ally Musharraf in a tangle over Iran
08-03-2007 17:24
The intense pressure from Washington on President General Pervez Musharraf of Pakistan to be cooperative in the "war on terror" is yielding dramatic results, although perhaps not of the kind initially anticipated.The Pakistan-Iran relationship, which has never been easy, has nosedived to a low point in recent weeks, even as Musharraf remains under pressure to do more in clamping down on al-Qaeda and the Taliban in Pakistan's tribal areas.
El-Baradei Strongly Challenged for Not Speaking the Whole Truth on Iran
08-03-2007 03:35
Dr Mohamed El-Baradei, the Director General of the International Atomic EnergyAgency (IAEA) has been challenged for not speaking the whole truth about
Iran’s nuclear programme. The challenge comes in the wake of Dr El-Baradei’s
statement that Iran’s concealment of its nuclear programme for some 18 years
sets it apart from all other nations.
Australian government declares it owes no legal duty to Guantánamo detainee Davi
07-03-2007 22:44

Dump the Democrats and unite!
07-03-2007 18:32
U.S. foreign policy has not and will not change direction as long as the Democratic Party continues to be dominated by corporate interests and tacit compliance with the neoconservative agenda. The antiwar movement needs to understand this reality or it is doomed to collapse like it did under the pressure of the 2004 elections.Author of 'Simulacra and Simulation' Dead
07-03-2007 14:30
French thinker Baudrillard dies