UK Analysis Newswire Archive
Libya, European Union and Europe’s left…
21-02-2011 20:01
When, faced with crimes against humanity, you don't pass beyond the level of declarations, you make yourself accomplice of the crime...Dissident Island Radio 18 February - ready for download
20-02-2011 19:50

Talking solutions. We refuse to work ourselves to death while the bankers laugh!
19-02-2011 23:54

Withdrawing Consent
19-02-2011 19:39
Analysis of the meaning of 'revolution in the wake of the Tunisian and Egyption uprisings ... "Revolution no longer means the violent overthrow of a political regime in an orchestrated (or hijacked) action, under the command of a revolutionary vanguard, secular or religious—an action that inevitably leads to a civil war that never ends for the generations who experience it and indelibly marks the generations that follow it. Revolution now means what it has always meant in essence: the people’s removal of their consent to power."Past is Present: Settler Colonialism in Palestine
18-02-2011 13:47
The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is often described as unique andexceptional with little resemblance to other historical or ongoing
colonial conflicts. Yet, for Zionism, like other settler colonial
projects such as the British colonization of Ireland or European
settlement of North America, South Africa or Australia, the imperative
is to control the land and its resources -- and to displace the
original inhabitants.
The Traitor of Baghdad
18-02-2011 10:51
Hussein Al-alak is a journalist, campaigner and chairman of Iraq Solidarity UK.Iran Says It’s Sending Two Warships to Canal?
17-02-2011 20:18
1) The ships in question are old and can be used by Iran for little more than training, the stated mission.2) Iran, just like Israel, has every right under international maritime law and rules to use this important waterway.
3) It is bluster to refer to the Iranian action as a “provocation.” The move is “assertive,” for sure. But how long did the Israeli leadership believe that the feelings of others and they’re longing for respect and justice on the international scene, could be ignored?
4) Perhaps this would be a good time for the real “international community” to assert our collective demand that these two nations solve a dispute w/o involving or harming the futures of any of the rest of us?
"Perhaps this would be a good time for the real “international community” to assert our collective demand that these two nations solve a dispute w/o involving or harming the futures of any of the rest of us?"
The suffering spreads - Final part of a Short Legal History of the Credit Crunch
17-02-2011 13:07
A review of how banks came to farm countries in order to sustain their very existence. The human toll and the capitalist danse macabre.IF you want to stand and be elected-sign the pledge-no cuts
17-02-2011 12:19
Article from our new blog
Palestinian September 2011 Deadline Doomed
16-02-2011 20:37
The PLO is reshuffling its negotiations department as well as the cabinet of the self-ruled Palestinian Authority (PA) and has called for presidential, legislative and local elections by next September to empower itself with electoral legitimacy ahead of that deadline, encouraged by what the Quartet perceives as a “really important moment of opportunity,” in the words of the Quartet’s representative the former UK prime minister Tony Blair.Ghonim Calls for End to Protests, Strikes to Bring Stability?
15-02-2011 16:34
"Perhaps this young man is sincere. But it is certain that he is “class bound” in his thinking. He is an executive. Not an unemployed factory worker or wet nurse. For the Egyptian revolution to produce the profound changes so needed in our world those elements of Egyptian society must take the lead. Otherwise the U.S., Israel, and ruling classes the world over win. And that was not the intention and will not be the result of this heroic struggle. Stay tuned. Get involved. The Egyptian people have declared that they will remain vigilant. We must do so with them."Preparing for anti-cuts protests on 26th of March – a personal rallying call
15-02-2011 14:57
I'm an individual. I belong to and represent no organisation. I have no authority and don't want it. This is just commentary, suggestion, a discussion starter. I'm an individual who has been to many protests and have often been left questioning their effectiveness. We need effective protest right now and that's what this is about. It is also about taking things further than the TUC will want to take things in March.GLADIO - Secret Fascist Shadow Networks
15-02-2011 05:33

The Egyptian Revolution enters a new stage and much more
14-02-2011 20:42
"As for the Obama administration, having supported Mubarak for as long as possible, it is backing the military regime. On Saturday, the administration declared that it welcomed the measures taken by the generals and their supposed commitment to democracy. Having helped train many of Egypt’s officers, it intends to use them to secure its interests in Egypt and the Middle East. These include not only defending its strategic and military interests, but above all heading off a revolutionary challenge from the working class.Deeply tied to Egypt’s business community, the officer corps is hostile to the wave of strikes that is shaking Egypt, and workers’ demands for improved wages and social conditions. While it does not yet feel strong enough to do so, the army is signaling its intention to move against strikers. In a statement denouncing “chaos and disorder,” the Higher Military Council said it would ban meetings by labor unions or professional syndicates, effectively making strikes illegal.
In six months, and perhaps longer, the army plans to hold elections on the basis of a constitution drafted exclusively by itself, and without dissolving Mubarak’s National Democratic Party (NDP). That is, it hopes to use the six-month period to wind down the protests and give a pseudo-democratic cover to a regime no more responsive to the demands of the population than the one controlled by the hated Mubarak."
Now Then: George Monbiot Interview - Never one to shy away from a thorny issue
14-02-2011 19:19
George Monbiot is an award-winning investigative journalist with a regular column in the Guardian, has published several books and a screenplay to boot. His writing spans topics such as the environment, political corruption, corporate misdeeds and the ideologies behind current economic thinking. Perhaps his most insightful work describes the complex webs connecting these concepts. A tireless campaigner, advocate for human rights and never one to shy away from a thorny issue or controversial argument, we were happy to catch up with him ahead of his upcoming debate tour.A Short Legal History of the Credit Crunch
14-02-2011 17:30
A critical legal analysis of the credit crunch, the banks' tactics for survival and the roll out of these tactics as part of the cuts agenda.New Shift Article - "No Messy Politics Please, We're Anarchists!"
14-02-2011 17:13
“No Messy Politics Please, We’re Anarchists!”SHIFT provides a space for those of us defining as anarchists and based in the UK to ‘constructively’ critique ideas and movements. As the participants from the No Borders network referred to by Dariush Sokolov in his article Cochabamba: Beyond the Complex – Anarchist Pride (printed in Shift issue #9), who took part in the First World People’s Conference on Climate Change (CMPCC), we want to engage with the dialogue opened in #9. We agree with several of the points made, particularly the calling out of “economies based on the same model of petroleum, industrial agriculture, extraction, and growth before everything”. However, we reject a simplistic notion of relishing ‘our’ minority anarchist status. Here we reflect on the chasm we see between maintaining ‘purity’ of ideology and the reality of actually doing politics.
Media Blackout of Protests in Occupied Cyprus
13-02-2011 21:00
Turkish Cypriots continue indefinite strikes and to take to the streets to protest the occupation by Turkey... a small island that is the heart of British strategic interests in the region... unlike Egypt the 30,000 strong occupying force is an army not made up of relatives of the protesters but of external occupiers... where is the solidarity that is so badly needed?Collapse - is a Perfect Storm Brewing?
13-02-2011 19:32
It's time to talk honestly about collapse.Winning the argument or winning the fight? (Ox-Fly)
13-02-2011 18:23
There has been a lot of talk in the anti-cuts movement about the importance of 'winning the argument'. This strategy holds that the best way to go about fighting attacks on wages, living conditions and services is to point out the flaws in the pro-cuts arguments and suggest alternative policies which would avoid the need for cuts.Article taken from Issue 3 of The Ox-Fly - Oxford's radical newsletter: