UK Analysis Newswire Archive
56a Infoshop Final Night of Map Festival: Exp Music/Film Night
01-07-2005 11:24

SATURDAY 2nd JULY from 8pm at 56a INFOSHOP
The final chance to see the YOU ARE HERE BUT WHY? Free Festival of Mapping exhibitions at this long-established South London radical social centre and enjoy a curious night of free pickles and movies and moosick...
live 8 concerts an alternative view
01-07-2005 10:07
an alternative view of the up coming live 8 concertsU.S. Disinformation War Continues
01-07-2005 05:51
"It is difficult to fathom that this individual, working under the auspices of the U.S. Ambassador to Venezuela, will not be promoting a pro-US agenda. As evidenced in recently declassified documents from the FBI regarding the Luis Posada Carriles case, it was the FBI officer in Venezuela that maintained contact with Posada Carriles during his years in Venezuela apparently as the liaison between the Cuban terrorist and the U.S. intelligence community."Why we are anti-capitalist. Why we are fighting the G8.
01-07-2005 02:44
We are anti-capitalist because we do not believe that capitalism can be consistent with democracy, social justice, environmental sense or the fight against AIDS: an argument, via Starbucks and Bill Gates, for why the South is all of us.Review of BLACK SUN OVER GENOA
01-07-2005 00:13

30-06-2005 23:42
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, Cuba, Spain, China, and Russia.Live 8 - Making Poverty History? Or Entrenching Our Irresponsibility?
30-06-2005 18:06
"These eight guys should to this thing" Bob Geldof has said of the G8 leaders gathering in Scotland. Do these 8 men really have the power to change the world?Interesting article about the problems of activism at the G8
30-06-2005 17:02
Think this artical by Marco of Eurodusnie is worth a look for thoughs wondering what the actavist respons to the G8 is all about.----------------
G8 and the comeback of the alter-globalists
Geschreven door Marco van Duijn
Wednesday, 29 June 2005
A great deal has changed since the alter-globalisation movement put itself in the spotlight during the WTO summit in Seattle. The global mobilisations against free trade summits reached a peak in Seattle and almost a year later in Prague, during the annual meeting of the IMF and the World Bank. The end of the alter-globalisation movement was accompanied by an orgy of violence during G8 summit in Genoa (2001) and briefly following the events in New York on September 11. This summer another G8 meeting will take place in Scotland. While the world leaders of the eight most powerful countries entrench themselves in a golfing resort behind seven kilometres of fencing, the alter-globalists are preparing a comeback.
The Principles of Socialism
30-06-2005 13:22
It is very likely that the hour is late, that capitalism will soon perish. It will happen sooner or later and if it does happen sooner, we have to be prepared. We need to debate the principles of our coming revolution; the principles of socialism.Pollution 'is helping to keep earth cool'
30-06-2005 09:20
Scientists have demonstrated that particles of chemicals and dust in the atmosphere are helping to keep the earth cool, and that reducing pollution could take away the artificial protection which has built up over many years, sending global temperatures soaring.G8-debtrelease: the rips and rapes.
29-06-2005 20:24
a summary of arguments to act up against this PR-stunt, that in fact is a swindle.Corporate Watch blog during the G8
29-06-2005 20:13
Corporate Watch will be publishing regular anlysis and comment on corporate G8 subjects on our blogThe Crusade against legal liars in Scotland
29-06-2005 02:36
The struggle of ordinary people against the litany of deceit within the legal profession in Scotland has ruined many a person and made many legal firms and lawyers rich - who have the protection of their own lobby groups, their friends within the financial industry (many famous UK Banks and Insurers) ...Anglican Church Council in Nottingham :: Caterpillar, Zimbabwe,& Gays
28-06-2005 16:06

Antics of ASIO
28-06-2005 13:29
The Australian Security Intelligence Organisation is at present scurrying about attempting to gain some credence by engaging in a series of raids in Sydney and Melbourne. The focus of these “raids” has not been clarified – the term “terrorists” was of course mentioned but no arrests were made. The raids were described by ASIO liaison as “preventative measures,” designed to disrupt “future” organised terrorist attacks! Therefore these raids could be accurately described as ‘pre-emptive’ actions; we know the result of pre-emption without accurate, solid evidence. If the evidence does not exist the raids would then be pure harassment and and back online
28-06-2005 05:51
Infoshop (

Rightness Seen
28-06-2005 00:07
Da Bush Docta is now online describing the current situation in Scotland. Da Bush Docta is into some crazy voodoo!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------