UK Analysis Newswire Archive
Bush Escalates Iraq War with 20,000 More Troops; Threatens Iran, Syria
12-01-2007 10:50

President Bush announced plans Wednesday night to escalate the war in Iraq and send over 20,000 more troops. He said he took responsibility for past mistakes but that more troops are needed to pacify Baghdad and other parts of the country. The President also threatened military action against Iran and Syria. We play excerpts of his address.
Australian prime minister welcomes US “surge” in Iraq
12-01-2007 06:48

Distracting Congress from the Real War Plan
12-01-2007 00:47
Is the surge an orchestrated distraction from the real war plan? A good case can be made that it is. The US Congress and media are focused on President Bush’s proposal for an increase of 20,000 US troops in Iraq, while Israel and its American neoconservative allies prepare an assault on Iran.Somalia : another war "Made in USA "
12-01-2007 00:41
To understand what is happening in the Horn of Africa, the nature of the TPLF-regime of Zenawi Meles in Ethiopia that sent its troops into Somalia last month must first be explained.Interntional community supports Americans against Bush war plan
11-01-2007 23:10

In speech on Iraq escalation, Bush promises more bloodshed, wider war
11-01-2007 19:55

Police Entrapment in Terror Case?
10-01-2007 22:37

The American ‘Think Tank'
09-01-2007 14:18
The world can hardly wait to hear Bush’s new plans for the continued occupation of Iraq. With an official Iraqi death toll exceeding 655,000, social anarchy and failed state status fast approaching, the Bush regime has NOTHING to skite about and no where to go but HOME. The whole disastrous intervention in Iraq is living proof that myopic criminal endeavours always end in tragedy for the people. We recall that U.S. invading forces were under strict orders to secure one site only, the OIL MINISTRY in Baghdad – how telling! From the first day analysts were under no illusions as to the real intentions of the invaders – PLUNDER – the appropriation of Iraq’s most valuable resource.Top U.S. Officials: ORGANISED CRIME ALLEGATIONS
08-01-2007 14:26
these were spotted on google, not in the main newspapers, no one as of yet can confirm whether this information is true, ..Paulson and Cheney Subpoenaed by Tribunal (is this true ! ? please confirm !)
08-01-2007 14:22
08-01-2007 01:30
The (unused) rushed delivery of 30 ‘bunker busters’ (tactical nuclear weapons) to Israel by the USA during the South Lebanon conflict seemed unwarranted at the time but today the murky machinations of the ultra-right forces of Zionism and the Washington neo-cons, become clear. The PNAC agenda (specifically Middle East domination) also adds credence to what would seem to be a delay in plans; due principally to Israel’s unsuccessful foray against Iranian backed Hezbollah, in South Lebanon.American Defeat: An anti-state communist perspective on the Iraq War, 2003
06-01-2007 22:28
An analysis of the US-UK war on Iraq which was written just before the start of the war in 2003. Some of the predictions made subsequently proved to be mistaken but the overall picture has proved to be accurate.Nuclear War: US or Israeli Attack on Iran could contaminate Middle East
06-01-2007 20:09
f the U.S. or Israel attack Iranian nuclear power facilities "huge amounts of radioactive material will be lofted into the air to contaminate the people of Iran and surrounding countries," an eminent international authority on nuclear weapons warns.Experts describe UK as world’s “first onshore tax haven”
06-01-2007 09:56
Expert research commissioned by the Sunday Times before the new year deemed the UK the world’s first “onshore tax haven.”Acountancy firm Grant Thornton calculated the scale of tax avoidance by the super-rich and concluded that Britain’s 54 billionaires pay tax on only a tiny fraction of their wealth.
Behind the New Year’s Eve bombings in Thailand
06-01-2007 09:41
On New Year’s Eve, a series of eight bombs exploded in the Thai capital of Bangkok, killing three people and injuring another 37. All the bombs were relatively small. Six were timed to go off simultaneously in the early evening. The remaining bombs were triggered toward midnight, by which stage Thai authorities had cancelled New Year’s celebrations. No one has claimed responsibility for the blasts.The Spirit of Tom Paine
05-01-2007 21:54
The corrupted corporate media has defiled the spirit of Tom PaineAustralia: Here we go again more Howard gov't lies
05-01-2007 21:17

The Execution of Saddam Hussain - some thoughts
05-01-2007 19:27
Some thoughts about the execution of Saddam and how it is a manifistation of certain facts about the realities of the invasion of Iraq.Recycling – a tale of two councils
05-01-2007 11:47
Two councils, one with an abysmal track record on recycling, the other the best performing council in the country.