UK Analysis Newswire Archive
The Bankers Own The Earth [Revised]
04-11-2005 23:40
Capitalism is organized crime and has nothing to do with "free markets" and everything to do with illegitimate debt-slavery. It is by design that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, not by accident. Capitalism is a bankrupt and broken concept that must be replaced with an entirely new ethic based on the principles of fair trade and economic justice.Effets positifs de la charte pour la paix et la réconciliation nationale.
04-11-2005 14:11
Trente jours se sont déjà écoulés sur le vote de la charte pour la paix et la réconciliation nationale par la majorité écrasante d’algériens soucieux de recouvrer la paix et la stabilité ,l’heure est maintenant de la proportionner aux effets réels sur le terrain.
03-11-2005 23:57
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, China, Russia, and Cuba.Beyond Greed & Scarcity
03-11-2005 23:51
Finance expert Bernard Lietaer explains why capitalism is one gigantic race to the bottom for us all (except the bankers).Latest Corporate Watch news update
03-11-2005 15:41
Corporate Watch is a small independent research organisation, based in Oxford. We publish research to help those resisting corporate power -- check out also bring out a newsletter every two months, and a news update on web and email every two weeks. To subscribe to either of these, please see our website, or give us a call on 01865 791 391
Money Versus Wealth
03-11-2005 01:20
David Korten provides some details as to why capitalism is a broken concept and we need fair trade and economic democracy now.The Neocon Agenda: Will We Undermine It? Or, Is Democracy Dead?
03-11-2005 01:06
Will the American and British people demand -- not wish, hope or plead for, but demand -- that their ransacked, just-barely ostensible, and corporatized democracies be exchanged for the real McCoy, true democracies built upon solid foundations of truth, law and mutual respect, so that democracy itself may live?BLAIR BENT ON SMAHSING CIVIL LIBERTY as MEDIA PEDDLE BLAIR LIES
03-11-2005 00:00
Blair wants to demolish the remainder of the ‘welfare sate’ just as he wants to smash the remainder of a constitutional democracy in the UK...The Labour ‘rebels’ are no rebels and they will acquiesce as fast as they can run to their coveted posts as MPs or as holders of office they wrongly think they owe to Blair rather than to the disrespected and misrepresented electorate and constituents.
Outback DNA evidence 'contaminated'
02-11-2005 19:56

Blair on climate change
02-11-2005 09:06
Tony has said it. Action on climate change is impossible due to competition between nations. See
Time for SP to move up a gear.
Is Blunkett being primed for an insane attack on people in poverty in UK ?
02-11-2005 00:01
The price of allowing David Blunkett to stay on in the Tiny Blair cabinet despite latest details about Bplunkett's improper behaviour may be to let Blair mount the one attack that he has been unable to do so far: to really violate the people in poverty in a frontal onslaught on all sort of rights that so many people fouight so hard to establish over the past 100 yearsArbitrary Detention and Magna Carta
01-11-2005 23:05

Confessions of an Economic Hitman [Interview]
01-11-2005 22:33
"They play a game as old as empire, but one that has taken on new and terrifying dimensions during this time of globalization."World Can't Wait: November 2, NYC
01-11-2005 22:04
On November 2nd, in over 60 cities across the country, including high schools and colleges in many of these cities, The World Can’t Wait Drive Out the Bush Regime will launch what it claims is "the first national movement in American history dedicated to driving a sitting president out of office."Who cares about history and legal precedence?
01-11-2005 21:42

The Distilled Evil
31-10-2005 21:48
An oldie but goodie from the early years of the IMC International site. Happy Halloween.CUCKOO ECONOMICS (Abridged Ed.)
31-10-2005 17:47
By deliberately confusing assets that can be *produced*with assets that can only be *acquired*, modern economics
laid the ideological foundation for unemployment, poverty,
inequality, and the looming global depression.
Guy Debord's letters 1957-1972
31-10-2005 15:32
never-before-translated into English: the best parts of four books of letters by Guy DebordHariri: Disturbing questions about UN's 'assassination investigator
31-10-2005 00:01
The Mehlis report provides the Bush and Sharon administrations the ammunition needed to galvanise support for the neoconservative plan for military action against Syria. Given his role in the 1986 La Belle bombing, the possibility remains that his investigation has firstly concealed the role of US and Israeli intelligence interests in relation to the Hariri assassination, and secondly been politicized to support US and Israeli grand regional designs.Die-in at Edinburgh Consulate Saturday 29th October 2005
30-10-2005 22:16