UK Analysis Newswire Archive
Letter from our Afghanistan correspondent
11-09-2004 09:36
I write this from Kabul where I can hear rockets exploding in the background.INN WORLD REPORT PRESENTS: 9/11-- CONFRONTING THE EVIDENCE:
10-09-2004 18:24
On September 11, 2004 we invite you to come and see why. A prominent panel of researchers, writers and government employees will explain the physical evidence and disprove the official story about 9/11Nationwide protests AGAINST the Project for the New American Century
10-09-2004 04:51
10-09-2004 00:02
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast quality (13.3MB) and quick download (3.2MB). With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, Russia, Germany, and China.Indymedia and the Text Message Jihad
09-09-2004 19:58
Using technology at the RNC is a new wave for protesters!trouble reposting re-edited too, report on gm crop trials (prelim)
09-09-2004 17:14
follows here is the brief report that i did... big love to all. stay conscious:)gm debate
09-09-2004 10:52
here is the re-posting becAUSE of the data loss the other file seems to have experienced. on this day, maya red serpent 6with respect
Why do the Neo-Cons hate America Mummy?
08-09-2004 21:36
Schools to be extended to 'free' parents to work
08-09-2004 13:33
In order to 'free' parents to work longer hours school hours are to be extended to a 10 hour day. It makes sense "to keep children in a single, secure place throughout the day" apparently. Nice attitude, if a little North Korean.Rally in Leeds agianst decline of manufacturing - Sept 18th
08-09-2004 12:00
The Trade union Amicus is holding a demonstration in Leeds on the 18 of Sept 2004. It starts outside its Hydro works on Clarence Road, Leeds (nr the Royal Armouries) at 10.30am. The purpose of the demo is to highlight the decline of manufacturing in the UK. 750.00.00 jobs have been lost since 1997. Several trade unionists and workers will be speaking at the finish point, as will Amicus General Secretary. It finishes at Victoria Gardens in central Leeds.
Feel free to come along. It will be one of the biggest demos in Leeds for many a year
08-09-2004 11:50
A reception to launch the UK tour of SINTRAEMCALI President, Luis Hernandez, will be held next Friday evening at the Union Tavern.Sustainable Transport?
08-09-2004 11:28
New sustainability website which went live this summer, is pleased to announce a bumper package of articles posted this week. With rising fuel prices in the news, one theme is transport with features such as alternatively fuelled cars, an inner city tram network, freight on British waterways, cycling and even walking.US Death Toll in Iraq Conflict Passes Milestone.
07-09-2004 22:12
Over 1000 US Soldiers killed in Iraq Conflict.Silvia Cattori : Violence against Palestinian children: A weapon of war
07-09-2004 20:01
The Palestinians, although they do have courage and unlimited perseverance, are humans with limitations.Oppressed by Israel and subjected to permanent violence and stress, betrayed by the international community, the Palestinians draw their main strength from our support.
Top 25 Censored Media Stories of 2003-2004
07-09-2004 14:59
Here are the top 25 stories censored by the US corporate press in 2003 - 2004, compiled by the US independent journalism group "Project Censored". Most have also been censored (or self-censored) in the UK corporate press as well.Pavilion v Atlantic
06-09-2004 13:58
Pavilion Housing Association are trying to take over Atlantic Housing Group. Or is it the other way around?Sowing Seeds of Dissent
06-09-2004 13:54
Seeds are the very beginning of the food chain, we are losing genetic diversity in our domesticated seeds and handing control to global corporations. He who controls the seeds controls life itself.FEMA misled the public about the WTC collapse!
06-09-2004 07:06
If WTC was built correctly, it should have burned out and not collapsed, causing smaller material damage and much fewer victims among almost 1000, who died under the zones of impact in and around the both towers. Exposing design flaws causing the WTC collapse would have weakened the argument for the retribution war in Iraq, because the retribution should be proportional to the injury. So, not exposing design flaws, and putting more blame for the injury on the attackers, implied more retribution, i.e. a stronger argument for the war.Riots and Curfew in Kathmandu as residents target Manpower Companies
05-09-2004 07:05
The city of Kathmandu, NEPAL, has been under curfew for the past four days following riots which occurred in the aftermath of the killing of twelve Nepali workers taken hostage in Iraq. Both the government and the manpower company responsible for sending them have been held to severe obloquy after it was revealed that each of the twelve believed they were going to work on projects in Jordan or Oman.The Biggest Unsolved Mystery of the Iraqi War.
04-09-2004 16:26
The great unsolved mystery of the Iraqi war is that there has never been a single reliable or substantiated report of a single Iraqi military casualty. Coalitions military casualties are accurately documented, however official figures of the wounded may not be so reliable. The Iraqi body count attempts to collate the numbers of civilians casualties by the media, which attempts to be reliable but by definition is an underestimate. So, does anyone know where to start with Iraqi military Casualties?