UK Analysis Newswire Archive
Indian - Israeli Ties Could Neutralize Delhi’s Palestinian Policy
12-07-2007 16:53
A seminar on “Palestine: 1967 and After” organized by the Indian Council of World Affairs (ICWA) and the mission of the League of Arab States (LAS) in New Delhi on June 22 highlighted India’s still unwavering historical support for the Palestinian people, but failed to address the potential political effects of the growing Indian – Israeli ties on New Delhi’s policy on is dead - long live independent online video networks!
12-07-2007 10:52

China to close 1,000 small collieries by yearend
11-07-2007 19:38
Giuen Wealth FieldWar Crimes, USUK Hypocrisy & Collective Responsibility
11-07-2007 17:11

Turkey poised for attack on 'Kurdistan'! What will the US response be?
09-07-2007 15:38

Corporate Limited Liability Conference 20th & 21st July
09-07-2007 14:24
Conference in London analysing and challenging the core of corporate capitalism.... "For some time now, the rapid rise of corporate power under the auspices of a neoliberal policy-agenda with global reach has been controversial. The conference will seek discussion and answers to questions such as: Is limited liability the key to 'power without responsibility' for giant corporations .... ?"G8: A tale of two victories?
09-07-2007 08:55
The following article, by Tadzio Mueller and Kriss Sol was first published on
Difficulties of translating Guy Debord
09-07-2007 04:34
Find Guy Debord hard to understand? Maybe it's the translation you are reading!Alimta approved by NICE for asbestos cancer mesothelioma
08-07-2007 23:34
The Forum of Asbestos Victim Support Groups welcomes the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) Final Appraisal Determination which has today approved the use of Alimta to treat the terminal asbestos cancer, mesothelioma.Pink, Black, Pirate: Taking Stock of Rostock
08-07-2007 15:04
"Black resistance and pink blockades go hand in hand, and pink clowns were defended by black anarchists when the police roughed them up during the actions and demonstrations: pink and black are complementary and not substitutes, like many, including myself, were led to believe in the past few years."live earth day concerts july 7th 2007....the Hypocrisy
07-07-2007 08:00
now we are preached at by smug secure rocks stars as if politicans are not bad enough.These are Brown's bombs, too
06-07-2007 22:55
Just as the London bombs in the summer of 2005 were Blair's bombs, the inevitable consequence of his government's lawless attack on Iraq, so the potential bombs in the summer of 2007 are Brown's bombs. Gordon Brown has been an unerring supporter of the unprovoked bloodbath whose victims now equal those of the Rwandan genocide, according to the American scientist who led the 2006 Johns Hopkins School of Public Health survey of civilian dead in Iraq. While Tony Blair sought to discredit this study, British government scientists secretly praised it as "tried and tested" and an "underestimation of mortality". The "underestimation" was 655,000 men, women and children. That is now approaching a million. It is the crime of the century.There Are Now More US Paid Contractors than US Troops In Iraq
06-07-2007 16:43
The Corporate Occupation UnveiledBrown’s constitutional reform—a smokescreen for right-wing measures
06-07-2007 16:24
Gordon Brown’s first major speech as prime minister, setting out his proposals on constitutional reform, was delayed by 24 hours due to the car bombs in London and Glasgow. As with his government’s supposedly low-key handling of the terror scare, his remarks on Tuesday before the House of Commons were greeted as a significant departure from the Blair era.5 Fingers Beat 16000 G8 Cops: Are we winning again?
06-07-2007 14:47
The following article, by Ben Trott, was first published on the Red Pepper
Australian defence minister admits oil a key factor behind Iraq occupation
06-07-2007 09:31
Australia’s Minister for Defence Brendan Nelson yesterday acknowledged that maintaining control over Iraq’s vast oil reserves was a critical factor behind the ongoing US-led occupation. His comments came just before Prime Minister John Howard delivered a major foreign policy address, similarly stressing the need to ensure “energy security” amid growing “great power competition” in the Middle East.Oz government Not schizophrenic over Iraq oil statements
06-07-2007 08:02
As the aging carrier USS K(Sh)itty Hawk made its way into Sydney Harbour, Oz defence minister Brendan (studs) Nelson announced on national radio that oil was a major factor in Australia's (criminal) involvement in Iraq. Howard hoped this apparent rogue statement from one of his loyal minister’s would create political hysteria and grab headlines internationally and he was right! Setting the agenda and stealing the debate are well known tactics of Howard. Few possess the highly refined skills required to manipulate the local (and international) media to the extent that Howard does.Full article | 1 addition | 6 comments
Nafeez Ahmed: Whose Bombs?
05-07-2007 23:28
How to understand the attempted but largely failed terrorist plots uncovered since last Friday? Police officers on June 29 dismantled two car bombs made from gas canisters, gasoline and nails, parked in central London’s major theatre and shopping districts. A day later, two men rammed a Jeep Cherokee, filled with flammable material, into a terminal entrance at Glasgow airport. The series of attempted attacks follows hot on the heels of an attempted al-Qaeda attack in the United States earlier in June.
The chronology requires further probing, and indeed, preliminary analysis raises some unresolved questions.
Alan Johnston is released - what about all the invisible captives?
04-07-2007 13:39