UK Analysis Newswire Archive
Protests at the UN as Washington threatens wider Middle East war
20-09-2006 14:45
Read on for an analysis of the impending war with Iran, and see also:
The Next Phase of the Middle East War
The Pentagon's "Second 911"
9/11 - Five Years Later: The Official Story Falls Apart
20-09-2006 13:33
National Identity Crisis
19-09-2006 03:48
Australia takes the idiot news of the week award once again. ‘Onya Oz for not laughing the Prime Minister, John Howard, and the imbecile leader of the opposition, Kim Beazley, out of Parliament and office for their ridiculous and illogical attempts to gain political advantage by exploiting the underlying racism and cringe mentality in the local ‘culture’.Day for Darfur: Tens of Thousands Rally in Global Day Against Genocide
19-09-2006 03:18
More on the Pope's statement
18-09-2006 13:05
More on the Pope's statement deemed offensive to IslamNestlé and child slavery
18-09-2006 11:10
Kill Lebanese & Palestinians and Save Darfur ?
18-09-2006 04:56
Still, there are critics who say the heavy Jewish involvement might have deterred some other groups from joining."The fact that the aggressors in Darfur are Arab Muslims - though it should be said that the victims are also mostly Muslim - and are supported by a regime in Khartoum that is backed by the Arab League has made some people question the true motives of some of the Jewish organizations involved in the rally.”
Resistance (Anarchist bulletin) - two issues for September 2006
17-09-2006 19:07
The Anarchist Federation (Britain) has published two new issues of its Resistance bulletin for September 2006: the usual monthly issue plus a Labour party conference/anti-war special. Articles on ID cards, databases & fingerprinting for children, Iraq corporate carve-up, Asylum-seekers get organised, Army desertion rise, Starbucks union, Climate change activism, School privatisation, & more.IMPERIALISM 101 - THE US ADDICTION TO WAR, MAYHEM AND MADNESS - PART I
17-09-2006 11:32
THE US HISTORICAL PURSUIT OF GLOBAL DOMINANCEThe Importance of Civil Disobedience in post-Katrina New Orleans
15-09-2006 18:25
Citizens of New Orleans are taking it upon themselves to enforce the right of return with everyday acts of civil disobedience. Public housing residents in particular are fighting back. HUD is attempting to shutter all of public housing in New Orleans, but residents have forced the reopening of Iberville Housing Development, and have attempted reoccupation of two other developments.ALSO Remember - (ever think you got "news-wiped") 9/12, 9/13 terror envelopes
15-09-2006 15:39
37 diedchemicals in envelopes
immediately after 9/11
miami, washington dc, congress,
- but -
Pentagon Think Tank Head Resigns Over EDO Corp Corruption Scandal
15-09-2006 08:42
Trustees of a Pentagon funded think tank, the Institute for Defence Analysis (IDA), have concluded that their own President, the disgraced former EDO Corporation director, Admiral Dennis C. Blair, was acting in 'conflict of interest' when he oversaw the writing of a report for the US government that led to the extension of the multi billion dollar F22 Raptor production programme, which financially benefitted contractor EDO Corp, and his own shares in the company.The trustees of IDA have now forced Blair to resign his position as President of the institute.When will someone on Britain's left break ranks?
13-09-2006 16:02
This article challenges the assumption that the Parties on the left, by definition are opposed to all of the War Party's doctrine.Nestlé at the TUC - protests in the Philippines and Japan
13-09-2006 12:23
EDO Corp. Hits Forbes Beltway Index Rock Bottom Again As Protests Grow
12-09-2006 13:48
On the fifth anniversary of 9/11, arms firm EDO Corp, who had till this year profited more from the 'war on terror' than nearly any other company in the US, are now regulars on the Forbes Beltway Index 'worst performing' stock list. Once again this week, EDO hit the bottom of the list in the Forbes Magazine monthly overview of US equity performance.Request for Reflections on Battle Against GM
12-09-2006 10:51
Call out for stories, reflections and analysis on action taken against GM for pamphlet.Australia: Typical CIA planted story: Whose ABC?
12-09-2006 02:23
Death Threats Against Lancet's Haiti Human Rights Investigator
12-09-2006 00:32
"You are a dog ... you should die. We are going to necklace you," whispered a British-accented caller into the phone. It was the latest in a round of death threats that Athena Kolbe, Human Rights Investigator and Master's level social worker at Wayne State University, had received. According to police officials, Kolbe first began receiving threatening calls at home and on her cell phone at 4:00 AM on the morning of Monday September 4.