UK Analysis Newswire Archive
Please Think Fast
22-06-2005 13:09
The long-term implications of Peak Oil on your way of lifeare nothing short of mind blowing. As we slide down the
downslope of the global oil production curve, we may find
ourselves slipping into what some scientists are calling a
“post-industrial stone age.”
Save Yourselves
22-06-2005 13:07
The long-term implications of Peak Oil on your way of lifeare nothing short of mind blowing. As we slide down the
downslope of the global oil production curve, we may find
ourselves slipping into what some scientists are calling a
“post-industrial stone age.”
G8 arms exports fuelling poverty and human rights abuses (new report)
22-06-2005 09:47

New report from the Control Arms Campaign: Amnesty International, Oxfam, IANSA
The G8: global arms exporters
Failing to prevent irresponsible arms transfers

Monbiot on G8 Media Spin and Bono + Geldof's Shameful Love Fest with UK Gov
21-06-2005 08:08
Articles below:Faculty for Radical Aesthetics – Call for Applications
21-06-2005 03:16
expensive but cool looking course. perhaps some euro radical bandits can attend.---------------------
Faculty for Radical Aesthetics - Call for Applications
In the context of two research projects starting in autumn 2005 the eipcp
will organize a transnational pilot course for Radical Aesthetics. The
components of this one-year course will take place in different European
cities (Barcelona, Linz, Lüneburg, Napoli, Paris, Vienna). Aimed at
fostering the transnational exchange and discourse on art and activism,
they will reflect on concrete activist and critical projects, accompanying
them with discursive events and theoretical workshops.
G8 Retreat on Climate Change
20-06-2005 20:15
LONDON - A new leaked document on the current stage of negotiations on the G8 position on climate change shows a further retreat from consensus on many fronts.Pilger: NUJ 'Partnership' w/ Government
20-06-2005 20:13
The National Union of Journalists and the Blair government are planning a "launch" ceremony, at which they will announce their "partnership". According to John Fray, the NUJ's deputy general secretary, this collaboration will "promote awareness among journalists of the issues that surround the struggle against poverty on a world scale... We want to help the media to tell it like it is."Palestine / Israel Mapping: A Talk: London This Friday
20-06-2005 19:37
One land, two people. That's how it's usually represented. And after all, both Palestinians and Israelis display the map, the one map from the Mediterranean to the Jordan river, from the gulf of Aqaba to the Lebanese border. If you can't read Arabic or Hebrew you might not notice the difference between a Israeli and a Palestinian map. But is it really one land? What happens when one place has two names?To the Gates of Gleneagles Hotel by Tariq Ali
20-06-2005 16:51
June 20, 2005To the Gates of Gleneagles Hotel
Making the Noises Politicians Don't Want to Hear

The First Embedded Protest - Guardian
20-06-2005 10:05
Two Dissent! activists manage to get a decent criticism of MPH into the mainstream media.
Media Strategies and Revolving Spin
20-06-2005 04:32
Should anyone be in shock or awe over the fact that Bush, Blair and Howard still lead their respective governments? What are the results of international exposure regarding the lies they promulgated in relation to the Iraq invasion? It is highly unlikely that any of these leaders would have survived the public outrage generated by these exposures in a historical setting a few decades earlier. But today leaders are comfortable in the knowledge that the public is not as it was and times are not conducive to integrity or public outrage.The media continues to conduct ‘debates’ relating to the lies surrounding the invasion of Iraq when firm evidence (which could support a trial) has already become a matter of public record. The now very partisan mass media entertains its audience with the appearance that justice is a possibility and that righteous indignation may be appeased. However, it has become a saga or serialised for its own sake, a distraction feigning effectiveness. Meanwhile, the powers behind the puppet leaders continue their agenda of action while the ‘debate’ deals with the semantics of previous events.
Radio 2GB - The Hate Machine
20-06-2005 04:07
Prior to 06-06-2005 Jim Ball was denying the existenceof abuse and desecration of Quran by the US forces and
the same time he was injecting his never ending
anti-Muslim, anti-Arab slurs and slanders. However at
about 12.15 am of 06-06-2005 Jim Ball turned around
and found valid reasons and grounds for the
desecration and abuse of Quran.
A short history of the G8...
19-06-2005 21:36
A short history of the G8...URGENT: Downing Street Memo hearing with Ray McGovern and company repeats today
19-06-2005 15:29
URGENT: Downing Street Memo hearing with Ray McGovern and company repeats today at 11:10 AM PT & 2:10 PM ET (6:10 PM GMT) on C-SPANStop Caring Please
19-06-2005 10:14
In which I discover, to my horror, that not all teenagers are totally apatheticFamily Violence United States, Bad Data, Bureau Justice Statistics Needs to Redo
19-06-2005 06:24
United States Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics reported that family violence had declined over half from 1993 to 2002. The report is criticized because it does not meet the BJS high standards of quality and is in error in method and substance. Discussion of the report is important in England because there are similar problems with the data collection systems for family violence throughout Europe.Antimilitarism And the G8
18-06-2005 12:04

17-06-2005 16:18
A dramatic legal victory this month
has highlighted the possibility that the
UK government would face international
condemnation should threats to bulldoze
Britain's largest Gypsy settlement be
carried out.
16-06-2005 23:47
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, China, Cuba, and Russia.Public Forum: Only the communist revolution can make poverty history
16-06-2005 23:00
Only the communist revolution can make poverty historySaturday 9th July
2.00pm until 5.00pm
Birmingham Friends of the Earth Warehouse
54a Allison Street, Digbeth, Birmingham