UK Analysis Newswire Archive
The Political Economy of Diamonds
19-03-2007 18:25

Iraq: What about the ‘surge’ in civilian casualties?
19-03-2007 16:43
What about the ‘surge’ in civilian casualties? In the media coverage of the American 'surge' - committing 20,000 extra troops to the war in Iraq - there has been barely a word about the likely consequences of this intensified combat for the Iraqi civilian population.Open Letter to Farah Diba: "Kindly Come and Do Us a Favor, Oh Lady"
19-03-2007 01:31
Note from the translators: Azadeh Forghani is one of the women’s rights activists who was arrested for peaceful protest on March 4th 2007 in front of the Revolutionary Court in Tehran. The following open letter was addressed to Farah Pahlavi, the empress of Iran during the reign of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. Forghani critiques the cooptation of the Iranian women’s rights movement by Farah Pahlavi and opportunistic opposition groups. The original piece in Persian was published by on March 13.Radical Academics
18-03-2007 22:54

Open letter to the anti-war movement
18-03-2007 17:54
The national popular resistance in Iraq, in defending the whole of humanity against a culture of force, deserves our recognition and support, writes Hana Abdul Ilah Al-Bayaty“The Germans have to learn to kill”
18-03-2007 12:24
At a meeting in Washington, Bush administration officials, speaking in the context of Afghanistan, berated Karsten Voigt, German government representative for German-American relations: "You concentrate on rebuilding and peacekeeping, but the unpleasant things you leave to us." ... "The Germans have to learn to kill."Sunday service: Christian right's twisted view of Revelation
18-03-2007 10:12
The Christian right, particularly in the U.S., has decided that 'believers' have to precipitate by arms cataclysmic events that lead to Christ's second coming. What they appear to have missed is that they may be the very group of twisted 'believers' and nuclear button-pushers that Christ will return to banish from the face of the earth. - posted by Tony GoslingIs Blogger Josh Wolf a Political Prisoner in U.S.?
18-03-2007 09:10

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed: The Official Legend of 9/11 is a Fabricated Setup
18-03-2007 04:56
The arrest and confessed statements of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed serve to uphold the official 9/11 narrative, namely that the 9/11 attacks were masterminded by Islamic terrorists.The following text by Chaim Kupferberg, first published by Global Research in October 2003, shortly after the arrest of KSM, reveals with foresight and accuracy the nature of the propaganda ploy. According to Kupferberg, a "marketing plan" was established in June 2002 to introduce Khalid Sheikh Mohammed to the public as the 9/11 mastermind.
Confronting the War Machine in the Pacific Northwest
17-03-2007 14:49
On March 5th, 2007, several people were attacked and at least three arrested by police in Tacoma, WA. at a series of protests against shipments of military supplies at the city's port. The reasons for the attacks and arrests were not clear to onlookers, who told the press that the protesters were doing nothing but holding signs. In an exchange I had with Jeff Berryhill of Olympia, WA (who was arrested along with Wally Cudderford and Caitlin Esworthy), I was told that all he was doing when he was shot with a rubber bullet by the police was "holding a sign that read "Courage to" (Courage to Resist is an organization supporting military resisters.) The next thing he knew he was hit in the thigh by a police-fired projectile. All of this occurred in the predawn hours of March 5th, 2007. The reason for the unusual timing of the arrests is because even though the protest began the evening before, the actual loading of the equipment did not begin until after midnight.International Media Conference
17-03-2007 13:43
Major International Media Conference Coming To WindsorChomsky, Herman, Goodman, McChesney, Jhally, K'naan (& more) Among
Internationally Renowned Media Scholars and Journalists to Attend Event
The Politics of Apathy: an Australian story
17-03-2007 12:41
While America leads the world in insularism and denial, Australia is the world leader in complacency and apathy. No cultural equivalent for the Oz expression, “she’ll be right, mate”, exists anywhere – notwithstanding the variation of “who gives a shit?” Today, non-involvement is proving to be a very costly cultural habit. America has become the world’s most hated nation and will soon attract very real consequences for its actions, one of which is the acquisition of Australia as a colonial trophy. Australia remains an international laughing stock under the servile leadership of lackey prime minister, John Howard; Aussies are experiencing their eleventh year under the rule of the most slavish, gutless, lying, duplicitous, cringing, government on record. No other leader in world history has displayed the servility and cowardice of John Howard. When America says jump, the despicable little coward, Howard, says how high, boss!Khalid Sheikh Mohammed deconstructed
17-03-2007 10:54

Divide and . . . divide: Is this colonialism in its final throes?
16-03-2007 23:07
The sectarian difference between the Sunnis and Shiites in Iraq has been mythologized by American and British propaganda since well before the invasion, and many impressionable Americans now believe sincerely that their forces have become embroiled in a sectarian war that has been going on for centuries.Global Warming: A Convenient Lie
16-03-2007 22:09
It seems worrisome that politicians are all too eager to grab onto this man-made myth of global warming in order to make us afraid and guilty. Guilty enough to want to change it, and afraid enough to give up our freedoms and undergo massive financial expenses in order to do so. So this lie, being pushed by big money and big governments, is a convenient lie for those who want to exert control and collect money. However, it’s inconvenient for the mass amount of people who are already experiencing the problems of a widening wage-gap and fading middle class.Khalid Sheikh Mohammed: “Confession” or Bush administration propaganda?
16-03-2007 21:37
Rather than put to rest all doubts about 9/11, the KSM “confession” refocuses all inquiries back on the Bush administration’s role behind the 9/11-Al-Qaeda-“terrorism” military-intelligence propaganda operation, and the manufacturing of the KSM legend.Corruption in the Defence Industry
16-03-2007 19:00
Last night a very interesting couple of talks took place in the Redlands Friends Meeting House in Bristol, organised by the Bristol Campaign Against the Arms Trade (CAAT).Fake Congressional Opposition to War
16-03-2007 01:13
Rhetoric and wishy proposals with no chance of passage are once thing, real bipartisan action with teeth another, and so far there's none from either House with key senators and congressmen voicing the usual boilerplate about not wanting to cut off funding the troops because we have to support them. Their kind of support means letting them die or get maimed and be disabled for life for imperialism on the march. Some support.Global Meeting - Venice - 30/31 march and 1 april
16-03-2007 00:00
GlobalMeetingMake multitude, make autonomy, make worlds
Hacer multitud, construir autonomia, crear mundos