UK Analysis Newswire Archive
Brown Delivers A Budget For The Rich Which Penalises The Poor
23-03-2007 14:33
Gordon Brown’s last budget as chancellor of the exchequer ended his time at the treasury as he began it—robbing the poor and gutting the social services on which millions rely in order to benefit the rich. It was, at the same time, a declaration that, should he become prime minister as expected after Tony Blair steps down, the interests of big business will remain his paramount consideration.Dialog among Civilizations: Whytalksfail? Part-1
23-03-2007 05:15
This analysis explores why dialogs among civilizations continually fail to produce results by showcasing one short dialog as an illustrative example. The showcased dialog is meant to illustrate the depth of passion, preconceptions, and self-interests that often formulate opposing view points such that if ever they come together for a discussion, they fail to communicate despite all the rationality and compassion they can muster in the best of cases, friends. The Preamble is informally structured into three seamless sections. First section is the narrative that highlights vast disparity in views, emotional affiliations, and cultural attachments, as exemplary of any deeply contentious and dichotomous problem space that is insoluble and irresolute under current best practices among nations and peoples. The second section is the analysis that points towards a rational approach that can potentially make this problem tractable and make contentious dialogs among civilizations actually work despite jealously coddled self-interests. It further examines a snippet from a dialog between former American President Jimmy Carter and his detractors on his own new book "Palestine, Peace not Apartheid" to extend the analysis. The third section develops the rational solution space by proposing a strangely commonsensical algorithm that has hitherto been ignored by nations and statesmen alike, like the proverbial trumpeting elephant in the bridal suite. It further makes suggestions on how to globally deploy this algorithm to validate its premise. The Preamble is followed by a short illustrative dialog in the form of letters and replies to demonstrate how dialogs fail. The illustrative sequence showcasing where it succeeds is left for Part-2. Hopefully that will happen - by employing the commonsensical algorithm developed here - before another civilization is made to hit the dust at the hands of hectoring hegemons!Stop the political repression in the Philippines - 800 killed
23-03-2007 01:37

Bristol's Dialect Radio: National ID Database Special
22-03-2007 23:49

ID cards special.
Stop Voting - Stop Supporting Pseudo Democracies: Updated Repost
22-03-2007 23:09

Empire as a Way of Life, Part 3
22-03-2007 21:24

The current imperial slaughter in the Middle East, justified by the "Global War on Terror", that has resulted in at least 600,000 deaths in Iraq, is nothing new — the U.S. Empire has a long and sordid history of genocidal mass murder.
The history of the US imperialism and Empire is the subject of a series of ten monthly seminars from Dr John Marciano, "Empire as a Way of Life". Attached is a recording of the third of these seminars and the text upon which it was based. The first 6 of these seminars have taken place and the intention is to have the whole series published on this site; the last 4 will take place between now and June.
This seminar, recorded on 21th November 2006 by the L.A. Sound Posse, runs for 36 minutes and includes the discussion following. It has been made available under a Creative Commons license. If this recording is broadcast please let the L.A. Sound Posse know. This recording was originally made available on the A-Infos Radio Project site.
The following text has been reproduced here with the kind permission of Dr John Marciano and he can be contacted at He introduced this series of seminars in the following way:
A fundamental purpose of our meetings is to understand the systemic nature of the U.S. Empire and the economic and military imperialism that is its lifeblood. The historian William Appleman Williams argues that empire became "a way of life" in the U.S., a "combination of patterns of thought and action that, as it becomes habitual and institutionalized, defines the thrust and character of a culture and society." This "way of life" has convinced many U.S. "Americans" they have a right or "manifest destiny" to impose their political and economic policies upon others.
Dr John Marciano is Professor Emeritus, State University of New York at Cortland, where he taught courses on social and historical foundations of education and class, gender and race.
Previous parts of this series:
A Review of John Ross' Zapatistas
22-03-2007 20:11
Review of Zapatistas' struggle for autonomy and freedom.Cultural Barbarians are at the Gate
22-03-2007 17:25
Presently we Iranian are facing two facets of US militaristic doctrine, on one hand, we can see their exercise of hard power and our country being encircled by US armies to the east, west and south. On the other hand, they are constantly flexing their soft power and there is no day that western media are filled with rumour, exaggerated claims and bare faced lie.Warmongers hang out in Washington DC: Helen Clark visits the US
22-03-2007 13:25

New World Order
22-03-2007 05:07
A recent article brought home the shocking truth of today’s new world order by contrasting the social outrage expressed against Richard Nixon for his minor offence of a break and enter (Watergate) with today's social complacency in the face of half-a-million civilian dead in Iraq. The office of president of the USA has become an experimental position where corporate placed buffoons are allowed to reign ruin on the world. The “bouquet of flowers, mission accomplished, WMD, give war a chance”, administration has got it wrong from the start yet ‘bouquet’ Wolfowitz has been promoted to the president of the World Bank, where he continues to bungle and lose to other interests (China). The incompetent clown, Bush, remains president and the criminals who benefit remain behind the scenes profiting on the misery of others!War criminals need time, not a timetable: Community
22-03-2007 02:03

Let’s strip away contradictions in capitalism and its disinformation apparatus
22-03-2007 01:31
VHeadline en Español News Editor Jesus Nery Barrios writes: Just for fun, and to show all our readers around the world how easy it is to fall into mainstream media fallacies concerning Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez and the Bolivarian Republic, let’s take a piece about Venezuela’s economy and contrast it with others from those same media and some local sources opposed to Chavez, to let you to decide who to believe, how to understand news and analyses about Venezuela that come to your attention and how to break the siege of disinformative set upon my country.George W. Bush's Ides of March
22-03-2007 01:06
For Iraq, March brings not alone the fourth anniversary of the illegal US led invasion, butalso the memory of the 1991 'turkey shoot' on the Basra Road and the US encouraged uprisings in the south and north - then bloodily put down - with US assistance. March marked the beginning of the forty day period of mourning for the thousands of retreating conscripts and civilian families incinerated in their vehicles, when B52's bombed the front and back of the sixty mile convoy, then relentlessly bombed the rest 'like sitting ducks', as one pilot explained.Over 100 nations support South Africa’s call for a “time out” on new UN sanction
22-03-2007 00:21
Campaigners claimed today that South Africa’s backing for a 90-day time out before any further sanctions against Iran are considered, has the support of over 100 nations. The idea for a time out, first proposed by Mohammed ElBradei, the Director-General of the International Atomic Energy Agency, would be supported by all the 56 signatory nations of the Baku Declaration as well as a majority of the 118 nations of the Non-Aligned movement, according to academics in London and Washington.Australia: Gov't terrorism scapegoats apply for trial delay
20-03-2007 23:45

Taking Aim: The Fake Confession of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed
20-03-2007 21:26

Water ideology hurts world’s poorest, says new report
20-03-2007 13:28
Mismanagement of water systems is hurting the world’s poor according a new report being published on World Water Day, Thursday 22 March 2007.Just WHO will keep RCTV and 1BC permanently removed from broadcasting...
20-03-2007 02:16

Killing two birds with one Mohammed
20-03-2007 02:10
Alas, Khalid Sheik Mohammed has confessed to masterminding the 9/11 attacks at a Guantanamo Bay military hearing. He also took the rap for masterminding more than two dozen other terrorist acts around the world and the murder of reporter Daniel Pearl. As the Pentagon release reported, he said “I was responsible for the 9/11 operation, from A to Z.” So there you have it. It’s a wrap. And who needs to catch Osama Been Forgotten? Rip up the wanted posters and throw away the fake tapes.Afghan Instability: A Scorched-Earth Strategy
19-03-2007 21:31
AFGHANIBLOG COMMENT:This article outlines a US orchestrated scorched-earth policy: Better to destroy an asset, than to let it fall into the hands of an enemy.
From the perspective of Brzezinski’s “Grand Chessboard” – a logical choice.
From the perspective of an Afghan citizen – a genocidal choice.