UK Analysis Newswire Archive
Three brits killed
04-01-2005 03:11
bulls eye! brit scum fragged in iraq...Pink Science, tsunami and other Global Warming Threats to come
03-01-2005 07:18
Inuit’s are seeing grass hoppers for the first time, polar bears cannot migrate due to melting ice flows and Snow Resorts are opening all year while promoting walking trails while snow disappears, slowly even those who refuted the Global Warming Theory are now Warming to the theory becoming a fact, and no ones investing in development on Tuvalu.But are rising seas, desturbed weather and migrating patterns all there is to worry about?
Rumsfeld: Doing the Dance over Flight 93
31-12-2004 19:22
Jesse Jackson on why he thinks Kerry WON THE ELECTION
31-12-2004 11:01
NEWSWEEK ! -- Jesse Jackson on why he thinks Kerry WON THE ELECTIONThe SHORTWAVE REPORT 12/31/04 ¡LISTEN GLOBALLY!
31-12-2004 00:12
A 30 minute review of news and opinion recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast quality (13.3MB) and quick download (3.3MB). With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, Russia, China, and Cuba.Help the tsunami victims but not the 'development' charities
30-12-2004 20:56
How can we donate to the tsunami fund without our funds going into the pockets of 'development' charities ?An independent review of the year
30-12-2004 19:24
I have produced a short review of 2004 which I thought you may like to take a look at, it is in 2 parts. For the original, with the active links to the news contained in the review please see part 1 (January - June)at and Part 2 (July - December) at, relief, and the stingy West
29-12-2004 18:38
Car Bombings in Iraq: Covert US Intelligence Black-ops?
29-12-2004 13:12
The car bombs that have plagued Iraq for months have baffled many trying to understand the insurgency the U.S. Occupation faces.Original link:
Halton Borough's "Dick" Tregea UK's AmbASSador to the World!
28-12-2004 17:47
Halton 'Burrocrat' "Dick" Tregea has been recognized as jackass-of-the-year for his grief incompassion in relation to Peter Robinson's quest to honour the dying wish of his "lovely son", Sean by keeping two small solar lights on his grave. But "Dick" and his masters at Halton 'Burro' Council think not, citing concerns about "Blackpool illuminations."Yes, Kerry Won.
26-12-2004 15:57
If you haven't been following John Kerry closely, get ready to hear of surprising developments. The vote-defrauded, potential president-in-waiting has just indicated through his lawyer that the validity of George Bush's reelection is no longer a given.Gunning down rainforest protesters
25-12-2004 21:50
Corporate greed knows no bounds. Not content with destroying pristine rainforests in Tasmania, Gunns are threatening legal action against their critics in a crude attempt to silence them.The World Bank and the Politics of Hunger
24-12-2004 01:45
Backgrounder on the social origins of world hunger and on the policies of the I.M.F. and World Bank.The SHORTWAVE REPORT 12/24/04 ¡LISTEN GLOBALLY!
23-12-2004 23:58
A 30 minute review of news and opinion recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast quality (13.3MB) and quick download (3.3MB). With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Russia, Spain, and rising tide film night presents
23-12-2004 21:55
free film showing presented by london rising tide. Jan 9th, Cheeky Apocalypse and The Day After TomorrowThe power of social forums: 3000 words on why we should fight for them
23-12-2004 17:42
"Once the logic of power is adopted, the struggle against power is already lost… for what is at issue in the revolutionary transformation of the world is not /whose/ power but the very existence of power." [Holloway / Peláez]-------
Throughout the ESF process, I kept on having this dark vision: the European Social Forum office in London as an encampment deep in the Congolese Jungle. Like the Heart of Darkness – Ken Livingstone a 21^st Century Kurtz. Picture him: lurking in shadow, brooding in the last rays of a blood red sunset, deep within his humid, plastic-plant-filled office. Picture him: at the end of a long, dark corridor lined with the heads of SWP members and GLA officials who displeased him…
Demonstrations agains Lula da Silva Paralyse Brasília
22-12-2004 14:24
On 25 November 2004 Brasília was shaken by two demonstrations against the government Lula. This year will end under the sign of street mobilizations to end and points out at the same time to the perspective of a fierce 2005.LET’S NOT SAINT ANYONE JUST YET; HYPOCRISY IN CELEBRITY CHARITY
22-12-2004 10:57
This article identifies and analyses certain inconsistencies in the charitable actions of celebrities involved in Band Aid II.Blunkett let off the hook
21-12-2004 16:21
Another government inquiry, another whitewash. Blunkett gets let off the hook.U.S. Criticism of Chávez Unfounded
21-12-2004 16:06
The recent round of Venezuela-bashing from the U.S. State Department and Washington- based foreign-policy organizations is symptomatic of a broader problem. And it's not Venezuela's problem; it's ours.