UK Analysis Newswire Archive
Canada supplied drones to Libyan rebels
28-04-2012 18:40
While the UN embargo was clearly aimed at preventing the delivery of weapons both to Gadhafi and those fighting him, NATO looked the other way when it came to the rebels. Hundreds of tonnes of ammunition and arms breezed through the blockade, exposing what critics say was Canada and NATO’s real motive during the Libyan war — regime change under the guise of protecting civilians.Blood spattered ex spy chief joins Jeremy Hunt protection racket
26-04-2012 23:19
Alex Allen has reappeared at last - in the Jeremy Hunt will not resign soap opera! with a mystery reappointment which was done secretly by Downing Street and the Cabinet office to avoid bad press - curiouser and curiouser said AliceBobby Robert's Sneaks to sedgefield racecourse: Not If We Can Help It
26-04-2012 15:26
Bobby Roberts and his sick and evil show is planning to slope off after willington in Durham and go to sedgefield racecoursewe URGE EVERYONE contact the race course demand they do not let bobby use there grounds
Non Violent Civil Disobedience in the 21st Century
26-04-2012 10:44
In recent years, the activities of UKUncut, the Occupy Movement, the student movement and the forthcoming Olympics protests can be counted as a resurgence of non-violent civil disobedience, as a means of highlighting social issues in the UK. Today’s article examines the key criticisms levelled at proponents of non violent civil disobedience and puts forward the case that their asking is the path to success rather than the obstacle.Rain of Words
26-04-2012 05:43
Anything is a message from anyone to anyone else if a pattern of variation is agreed upon, and when oppression leaves no space for agreement or disagreement any pattern that finds no space for variation is a message to anyone that this is so. Because it is infertile to the possibility of agreement, any other message that comes from oppression is itself a pattern of oppression. Yet the variation of agreement that leaves no space for oppression can only become the message that this is so when the patterns of oppression are being replaced with agreement and disagreement. Therefore the existence of oppression is the message that our species is involved in a self-inflicted experiment not even worth its own risk. The hypothesis that is being tested in it is just as obvious as the oppression itself: Its claim for progress over the rest of the biosphere.Noam Chomsky on America's Declining Empire, #Occupy and the Arab Spring
25-04-2012 21:04

The economy's double dip recession - an anarchist perspective
25-04-2012 10:50

An Olympian Inspiration
25-04-2012 09:47
With the Olympic Games and Paralympics only months away, Hussein Al-Alak introduces some of the key competitors of the Paralympics.Northcliffe bosses rewrite history on 80th birthday of Bristol Evening Post
20-04-2012 21:10

At five:discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six: straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers
For all the shows back to Easter 2009 visit the Friday Drivetime archive page.
Winston Green 8 - Only 1 person drove the car 8 charged with murder
19-04-2012 17:28
The trial opened with what would have been a comedy of errors if it hadn't been for the seriousness of what was happening.Former SAS soldier Ben Griffin: UK Veterans For Peace launched at Easter
15-04-2012 23:58

At five: discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six: straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers
For all the shows back to Easter 2009 visit the Friday Drivetime archive page.
Burdened with debt reloaded - An analysis of the current situation in Greece
12-04-2012 12:09

Why The Birmingham Mayoral Referendum Matters
12-04-2012 11:08
I recall a magazine headline prior to the tightly contested 2000 US Presidential election: it read: ‘Bush and Gore - Too Close To Care’. The implication, of course, was that the two men’s policies were so similar that it mattered not which was elected. We now know better.I was reminded of this headline recently when a friend likened Birmingham’s forthcoming mayoral referendum to, “moving the deckchairs around on the Titanic”. The implication being that not much would change should there be a Yes vote. But it most certainly will.
UG#585 - Institutionalizing Wage Slavery (Plutocracy, Money and Society)
10-04-2012 17:28

UG#586 - The Iron Triangle (The Carlyle Group and Ethos)
10-04-2012 17:24

UG#587 - Engineering The Stench of Urban Decay
10-04-2012 17:18

Rich people tax avoidance = £38Billion. Poor people Benefit fraud = £1.1Billion
10-04-2012 09:33
New direct action policies against inequality required...Bormann & Dulles: were the Nazis really defeated in 1945?
07-04-2012 08:38

At five: discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six: straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers
For all the shows back to Easter 2009 visit the Friday Drivetime archive page.
1954's inaugural Bilderberg meeting held in SS Field Marshal Model's wartime HQ
04-04-2012 23:44

Squatting is still legal
04-04-2012 22:03
It will remain legal in non-residential properties, but a new law is going through the final farcical stages of parliamentary approval that is meant to make squatting in residential property a crime. The law still needs royal assent and a timetable to come into force, and its effect is not so simple. The wording leaves some space for argument, and there will be human rights challenges.