Who cares about history and legal precedence?
Propaganda Monster | 01.11.2005 21:42 | Analysis | Anti-militarism | Repression | World
AUSTRALIA: Who cares about history and legal precedence when 3,000 people died in 9-11 in the USA?
Who cares about history and legal precedence when john HoWARd took us to an illegal and degrading war that would last for years and terrorise the whole community at large?
Who cares about history and legal precedence when our citizenry have been kidnapped and tortured?
Who cares about history and legal precedence when our citizenry are alleged to be terrorists, suspected, and detained indefinitely as scapegoats for the war on terror, which is terror?
Who cares about history and legal precedence when 182 people died in Bali?
Who cares about history and legal precedence when 50 people died in bombings in the UK?
Who cares about history and legal precedence when you can't go on holiday's and travel oversease in peace?
Who cares about history and legal precedence when 27 people died in Bali?
Who cares about history and legal precedence when the major political parties do not oppose illegal and degrading war?
Who cares about history and legal precedence when we are surrounded by 80 terrorists who have done training and are ready to blow us all up?
Raising the stakes
Who cares about history and legal precedence when we could be taken out by a dirty bomb any time soon?
Who cares about history and legal precedence when we are surrounded by 800 terrorists who have done training and are ready to blow us all up?
So for all these reasons you should be terrified of history and legal precedence?
12 noon NOVEMBER 5 @ BELMORE PARK, SYDNEY, opp. Central station
* Daryl Melham (ALP)
* Senator Kerry Nettle (Greens)
* Socialist Alliance
* Council for Civil Liberties
* Australian Muslim Civil Rights Network
More Info: 0401 900 690 or 0404 015 789
Note: A PDF OF THE RALLY FLYER entitled "November 5 leaflet.PDF" is available at Stop the War's Yahoo! website: If you create a Yahoo! ID you can log in to download and print the leaflet and/or forward it to others...
Using "The Matrix's" Software Against it
"Just look at us. Everything is backwards. Everything is upside down. Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the major media destroy information, and religion destroys spirituality." - Micheal Ellner
The day angry doctors made a Kirribilli House call
Medical Association for the Prevention of War, were among more than 30 doctors and lawyers who protested against the new laws at Kirribilli House yesterday. The group, who taped their mouths shut, heard an address from the president of the NSW Council for Civil Liberties, Cameron Murphy.
Arbitrary Detention and Magna Carta
Below is a copy of an open letter re the proposed new anti-terorism bill, sent to all premiers, chief ministers and the leader of the opposition. It is not overly complmentary.
Preventive Detention: A Shield or A Sword?
Yet there are no bombs being thrown any where in the country. If anything, it was only the 'smoking gun memo' and troops off to wage war that occasionally pervaded the atmosphere in Australia.
Proposal for the Australian Sedition act
Australia, Statutes at Large, Canberra, A.C.T., 2005.
Petition for Campaign Against The Government's Anti-Terrorism Bill
Civil Rights Network Australia
The yahoo egroup, Civil Rights Network Australia, was set up on October 27 in response to the government's increasing restriction of our civil liberties.
Prime meanster 'tells' States?
hoWard controls the media giants, the sin-ate, the States and now he wants you! Any time he pushes a button on his dictatorial consol, you will jump and he'll use you as cannon fodder. HoWARd will be handed insurmountable scapegoats on a silver platter to wipe his dirty lies and war crimes clean.
Terrorist legislation, a clear fiction of a picture
It is with great shame that I Simon Willace recognise the error of my ways and now retract my words and 'turn coats' to apologise for western action in the middle east, in order to permit my continued freedom, I must become an apologist for my own nation.
Brisbane Peace Convergence calls on Beattie to reject terror legislation changes
The Brisbane Peace Convergence (BPC) are calling on Premier Peter Beattie to reject the Federal governments proposed amendments to anti-terror laws. The BPC consider the changes to pose a threat to fundamental rights in a democratic society, including life, liberty and democratic action.
More pics etc from civil liberties rally
Saturday's rally has already been reported very fully, so this is just to fill in a few gaps perhaps ...
ASIO laws: Don't be silenced
The proposed new offense of sedition is defined, in part, as bringing the sovereign (Queen Elizabeth) into hatred or contempt, or urging another person to attempt, other than by lawful means, to achieve a change by breaking any of Australia's laws, or to promote feelings of ill-will or hostility between different groups that threaten the peace, order and ``good government'' of the country.
Shoes are appearing
This is not a joke piece or a 'put-up job'. Well. But it's a genuine article about shoes that are appearing. It's an unfolding ritual involving shoes and politics.
Photographs of Anti-Terror Legislation Demonstration
The following are images captured at the Anti-Terror Legislation demonstration held at the steps of parliament on Saturday 22.10.05.
Civil Liberties Rally - Speeches Video
In the interests of a non sound-bite democracy on this important day of actions around Australia here are the full speeches from the protest against the anti-terrorism laws in Melbourne on Saturday 22 October 2005
Civil Liberties rally photos
Images from the civil liberties rally in Melbourne against the terror laws proposed by John Howard.
Images from Melbourne civil liberties demonstration
Images from the civil liberties demonstration - 22 October 2005
Victorians rally to protect civil liberties
Victorians concerned at the impact of new "anti-terror" laws on civil liberties rallied at State Parliament today.
Transcripts of audio interviews from todays demonstration
Recordings i took today (22 October 2005) from the Melbourne civil liberties demonstration 5mins/piece.
WA Public Forum to discuss Federal/State Anti Terror Legislation
West Australian groups and individuals are concerned for civil liberties and the growing "criminalisation of dissent". A Public Forum/Discussion of these new "Anti-Terror" Laws has been announced. The forum is being held on Friday November 4th 2005 5.45pm-7.45pm at the Social Sciences Lecture Theatre, University of WA.
National Weekend of Protest - November 5
Bring the Troops Home Now!
Defend Civil Liberties - Don't Be Silenced
No Scapegoating of the Muslim Community
Open Letter to Australian Senate
Every West Australian needs to take note of the proposed terror legislation that will be debated in the Senate next Tuesday. Our own Premier has sold us out, and the time has come for some serious and organised protest in WA to protect our democracy and civil liberties. Write to the Senate, to the papers, and to every political party. This is a fundamental issue that affects the future of our society.
Cracks in terror solidarity
But Mr Howard's push is in trouble as a growing number of solicitors-general, senior members of the bar and legal bodies are swaying premiers to take more time to examine the bill, its judicial safeguards and the possibility it will be struck down by the High Court as unconstitutional.
How's this for sedition?
I have read the proposed anti-terrorist bill and see that reference is made to sayings and acts done in good faith. I make as clear as possible, in terms as unambiguous as possible, that in urging disaffection - and hatred and contempt - I am motivated by no sense of good faith whatsoever.
Anti-terrorism laws draw rights watchdog's ire
"This is a shocking departure from Australia's proud tradition of protecting individuals from an overly powerful state."
When Terrorism Outlaws Democracy
Federal and state leaders sold out democracy when harsher laws were agreed at the Terror Summit. The stronger laws potentially threaten to target Muslims and dissidents with searches, raids, and secret detention. In a country without a Bill of Rights, the draconian Terror Laws set us up for police statehood.
They know where you live
But lawyers worry that promises of "judicial review" will not amount to a real safeguard for those detained. Barker says: "It doesn't make oppressive laws any less oppressive because you involve judges somewhere in the process. And if I were a judge I would think very carefully before lending my name to an oppressive process."
Mein Kampf by John Howard
All Sieg Heil John Howard as his enabling act gets passed
John H.o.W.A.R.d line roars at Fascism Week
Embellishments of all kinds -- detention, deportation, fines -- were evident on the dogwalks this week, as were masculine details such as ASIO, security risk, threats and new anti-liberty laws. Even those signs came off more like criminogenic intellectual slavery and less harsh than the nasty, over-the -top feelings of many suspected terrorists detained last season. That's a joke son!
Tell Your State Premier: Don't Do Ruddock's Dirty Work
Over the past several years, the Howard government has passed a series of dangerous new laws. These laws have undermined our basic legal and democratic rights.
Now the Government wants to go even further. But this time, there's a hitch. The government wants to pass a new law that is forbidden by our Constitution - so they need the States to do it for them.
Evans: moderate threat
Now whip it, into shape, shape it up, get straight, go forward, move ahead, try to detect it, it's not too late to whip it, whip it good!
Who cares about history and legal precedence when john HoWARd took us to an illegal and degrading war that would last for years and terrorise the whole community at large?
Who cares about history and legal precedence when our citizenry have been kidnapped and tortured?
Who cares about history and legal precedence when our citizenry are alleged to be terrorists, suspected, and detained indefinitely as scapegoats for the war on terror, which is terror?
Who cares about history and legal precedence when 182 people died in Bali?
Who cares about history and legal precedence when 50 people died in bombings in the UK?
Who cares about history and legal precedence when you can't go on holiday's and travel oversease in peace?
Who cares about history and legal precedence when 27 people died in Bali?
Who cares about history and legal precedence when the major political parties do not oppose illegal and degrading war?
Who cares about history and legal precedence when we are surrounded by 80 terrorists who have done training and are ready to blow us all up?
Raising the stakes
Who cares about history and legal precedence when we could be taken out by a dirty bomb any time soon?
Who cares about history and legal precedence when we are surrounded by 800 terrorists who have done training and are ready to blow us all up?
So for all these reasons you should be terrified of history and legal precedence?
12 noon NOVEMBER 5 @ BELMORE PARK, SYDNEY, opp. Central station
* Daryl Melham (ALP)
* Senator Kerry Nettle (Greens)
* Socialist Alliance
* Council for Civil Liberties
* Australian Muslim Civil Rights Network
More Info: 0401 900 690 or 0404 015 789
Note: A PDF OF THE RALLY FLYER entitled "November 5 leaflet.PDF" is available at Stop the War's Yahoo! website: If you create a Yahoo! ID you can log in to download and print the leaflet and/or forward it to others...

Using "The Matrix's" Software Against it
"Just look at us. Everything is backwards. Everything is upside down. Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the major media destroy information, and religion destroys spirituality." - Micheal Ellner

The day angry doctors made a Kirribilli House call
Medical Association for the Prevention of War, were among more than 30 doctors and lawyers who protested against the new laws at Kirribilli House yesterday. The group, who taped their mouths shut, heard an address from the president of the NSW Council for Civil Liberties, Cameron Murphy.

Arbitrary Detention and Magna Carta
Below is a copy of an open letter re the proposed new anti-terorism bill, sent to all premiers, chief ministers and the leader of the opposition. It is not overly complmentary.

Preventive Detention: A Shield or A Sword?
Yet there are no bombs being thrown any where in the country. If anything, it was only the 'smoking gun memo' and troops off to wage war that occasionally pervaded the atmosphere in Australia.

Proposal for the Australian Sedition act
Australia, Statutes at Large, Canberra, A.C.T., 2005.

Petition for Campaign Against The Government's Anti-Terrorism Bill

Civil Rights Network Australia
The yahoo egroup, Civil Rights Network Australia, was set up on October 27 in response to the government's increasing restriction of our civil liberties.

Prime meanster 'tells' States?
hoWard controls the media giants, the sin-ate, the States and now he wants you! Any time he pushes a button on his dictatorial consol, you will jump and he'll use you as cannon fodder. HoWARd will be handed insurmountable scapegoats on a silver platter to wipe his dirty lies and war crimes clean.

Terrorist legislation, a clear fiction of a picture
It is with great shame that I Simon Willace recognise the error of my ways and now retract my words and 'turn coats' to apologise for western action in the middle east, in order to permit my continued freedom, I must become an apologist for my own nation.

Brisbane Peace Convergence calls on Beattie to reject terror legislation changes
The Brisbane Peace Convergence (BPC) are calling on Premier Peter Beattie to reject the Federal governments proposed amendments to anti-terror laws. The BPC consider the changes to pose a threat to fundamental rights in a democratic society, including life, liberty and democratic action.

More pics etc from civil liberties rally
Saturday's rally has already been reported very fully, so this is just to fill in a few gaps perhaps ...

ASIO laws: Don't be silenced
The proposed new offense of sedition is defined, in part, as bringing the sovereign (Queen Elizabeth) into hatred or contempt, or urging another person to attempt, other than by lawful means, to achieve a change by breaking any of Australia's laws, or to promote feelings of ill-will or hostility between different groups that threaten the peace, order and ``good government'' of the country.

Shoes are appearing
This is not a joke piece or a 'put-up job'. Well. But it's a genuine article about shoes that are appearing. It's an unfolding ritual involving shoes and politics.

Photographs of Anti-Terror Legislation Demonstration
The following are images captured at the Anti-Terror Legislation demonstration held at the steps of parliament on Saturday 22.10.05.

Civil Liberties Rally - Speeches Video
In the interests of a non sound-bite democracy on this important day of actions around Australia here are the full speeches from the protest against the anti-terrorism laws in Melbourne on Saturday 22 October 2005

Civil Liberties rally photos
Images from the civil liberties rally in Melbourne against the terror laws proposed by John Howard.

Images from Melbourne civil liberties demonstration
Images from the civil liberties demonstration - 22 October 2005

Victorians rally to protect civil liberties
Victorians concerned at the impact of new "anti-terror" laws on civil liberties rallied at State Parliament today.

Transcripts of audio interviews from todays demonstration
Recordings i took today (22 October 2005) from the Melbourne civil liberties demonstration 5mins/piece.

WA Public Forum to discuss Federal/State Anti Terror Legislation
West Australian groups and individuals are concerned for civil liberties and the growing "criminalisation of dissent". A Public Forum/Discussion of these new "Anti-Terror" Laws has been announced. The forum is being held on Friday November 4th 2005 5.45pm-7.45pm at the Social Sciences Lecture Theatre, University of WA.

National Weekend of Protest - November 5
Bring the Troops Home Now!
Defend Civil Liberties - Don't Be Silenced
No Scapegoating of the Muslim Community

Open Letter to Australian Senate
Every West Australian needs to take note of the proposed terror legislation that will be debated in the Senate next Tuesday. Our own Premier has sold us out, and the time has come for some serious and organised protest in WA to protect our democracy and civil liberties. Write to the Senate, to the papers, and to every political party. This is a fundamental issue that affects the future of our society.

Cracks in terror solidarity
But Mr Howard's push is in trouble as a growing number of solicitors-general, senior members of the bar and legal bodies are swaying premiers to take more time to examine the bill, its judicial safeguards and the possibility it will be struck down by the High Court as unconstitutional.

How's this for sedition?
I have read the proposed anti-terrorist bill and see that reference is made to sayings and acts done in good faith. I make as clear as possible, in terms as unambiguous as possible, that in urging disaffection - and hatred and contempt - I am motivated by no sense of good faith whatsoever.

Anti-terrorism laws draw rights watchdog's ire
"This is a shocking departure from Australia's proud tradition of protecting individuals from an overly powerful state."

When Terrorism Outlaws Democracy
Federal and state leaders sold out democracy when harsher laws were agreed at the Terror Summit. The stronger laws potentially threaten to target Muslims and dissidents with searches, raids, and secret detention. In a country without a Bill of Rights, the draconian Terror Laws set us up for police statehood.

They know where you live
But lawyers worry that promises of "judicial review" will not amount to a real safeguard for those detained. Barker says: "It doesn't make oppressive laws any less oppressive because you involve judges somewhere in the process. And if I were a judge I would think very carefully before lending my name to an oppressive process."

Mein Kampf by John Howard
All Sieg Heil John Howard as his enabling act gets passed

John H.o.W.A.R.d line roars at Fascism Week
Embellishments of all kinds -- detention, deportation, fines -- were evident on the dogwalks this week, as were masculine details such as ASIO, security risk, threats and new anti-liberty laws. Even those signs came off more like criminogenic intellectual slavery and less harsh than the nasty, over-the -top feelings of many suspected terrorists detained last season. That's a joke son!

Tell Your State Premier: Don't Do Ruddock's Dirty Work
Over the past several years, the Howard government has passed a series of dangerous new laws. These laws have undermined our basic legal and democratic rights.
Now the Government wants to go even further. But this time, there's a hitch. The government wants to pass a new law that is forbidden by our Constitution - so they need the States to do it for them.

Evans: moderate threat
Now whip it, into shape, shape it up, get straight, go forward, move ahead, try to detect it, it's not too late to whip it, whip it good!

Propaganda Monster