mr earthboots | 08.01.2007 14:26 | Analysis | World
these were spotted on google, not in the main newspapers, no one as of yet can confirm whether this information is true, ..
Sunday 7 January 2007 21:34
By Christopher Story FRSA, Editor and Publisher, International Currency Review, World Reports Limited, London and New York: Press CLICK HERE and the ARCHIVE Button on the Home Page for Wanta Crisis reports since April 2006. Note: Due to NSA/CIA et al interference, some US users may find they can access directly, without the www. Mostly, provides access to our website at once.
As repeatedly explained in reports posted on, the Secretary of the US Treasury of the day, Henry M. Paulson, the former Chief Executive Officer of Goldman Sachs and Company, intervened to prevent the finalisation of the $4.5 trillion Settlement in favour of Ambassador Leo Emil Wanta and his AmeriTust Groupe, Inc., based in the Commonwealth of Virginia. In December, we reported that Paulson had been arrested following the implementation of a subpoena issued by the International Court of Justice upon the petition of one or more signatory Governments seeking to deploy their powers to procure the resolution of this critical matter and thus to avoid a global financial calamity [see our analysis dated 2nd September 2006 at, Home Page ARCHIVE].
According to a high-level White House source [see under 04 January 2007 below] Paulson flew to Israel immediately following a Cabinet Meeting at which he was seen standing around, separated from the President, with his hands in his pockets. He has not been in charge of the money-bags for many days now. All intelligence resources at Ambassador Leo Wanta's disposal are currently being deployed to obtain 'further and better particulars', and specifically whether his departure is to be 'of indefinite duration', as is being suggested. If it transpires that this report from the high-level White House source is as accurate as its impeccable provenance implies, this already grave international crisis will be ratcheted up by several further notches, especially if it ALSO transpires that the United States has been ransacked by foreign intelligence and that substantial funds have been stolen in the process.
In such an event, the Government of Israel will only have itself to blame if the firestorm which our reports on this crisis have already ignited, devolves into an unwelcome outburst of anti-semitism, which the evil forces manipulating these matters would like to see accentuated. Therefore, it will be incumbent upon the Israeli authorities to disgorge any stolen funds and to provide the Americans with all necessary assistance for appropriate apprehension, extradition and legal procedures to be taken, in such circumstances.
Readers will recall that Paulson, the former C.E.O. of Goldman Sachs, took personal control of the Ambassador's $4.5 trillion, which were held under his personal name and code. In allowing him to do this, Goldman Sachs violated Securities regulations by using private funds tagged in the name of Leo Emil Wanta/Lee Emil Wanta/AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc., the beneficial owner, to be used to generate additional funds, and for purposes never approved, of course, by the beneficial owner. This lays Goldman Sachs, and other banks participating in this corruption, open to very severe penalties. Interference with private business transactions exposes the wrongdoers to violations of the Securities Acts of 1933 and 1934, and to the Organized Crime Control Act of 1970, especially R.I.C.O. We listed the many other laws of which the accessories to the fact and co-conspirators are in breach, in earlier reports in this series. Additionally, all parties have been further advised of H.R. 3723 which summarily provides that corporate business activity is protected under the Economic and Industrial Espionage Laws of the USA and the International Economic Community.
Judging by the Internet firestorm triggered by our last posting, some people seem to be confused by the fact that we have not so far published the documents of the International Court of Justice and the ad-hoc Tribunal which resulted in Paulson's arrest. These documents can only be released if the Tribunal so decides, and within the scope of the law. Moreover, since the ICJ can only be petitioned by Governments, it is a matter for officials to decide whether the documents in question can be released or not. An individual such as the Editor of International Currency Review necessarily lacks standing in this context. Therefore, pressure on the Editor to 'come forward with the documents' is wrong-headed, naïve and unreasonable. We are aware of two parties (one intelligence service and one firm of lawyers) that hold these documents, and we had previously been advised that they would be forthcoming.
However a moment's thought will clearly reveal that publication of the documents may be a matter so sensitive, in view of the speed of developments, that it may well be one of a number of levers that are being held in reserve against compliance. We would therefore respectfully request those who have been pressing us to perform what we are not in a position to perform, unless so advised, to cease and desist, and to await the evolution of events. Manifestly there are more dramatic, and very disturbing, developments to come. We are not in control of those events, and can only confirm, of course, that what we have posted was authorised, as stated, and was/is accurate, to the best of our conscientious knowledge, at the time of posting.
Several other very basic considerations need to be borne in mind by such people, who rush to judgment. First, there are certain laws which manifestly have to be adhered to when publishing sensitive information. Secondly, the Editor of International Currency Review has been doing this job since 1970, and may therefore reasonably be considered capable of using his judgment and the gift of discernment properly.
It has further transpired that Vice President Richard Cheney intervened on 4th January to have all the payments stopped. Given the absence from the scene of the Treasury Secretary, Mr Henry M. 'Conflict-of-Interest' Paulson, who disappeared, as noted above, immediately following the Cabinet Meeting at which he was observed standing around with his hands in his pockets away from the President (a stance he also adopted when he entered the National Cathedral for the late President Ford's service alone after having been exfiltrated from European custody by the British, according to intelligence sources), the man in de facto charge of the money-bags is Vice President Cheney. This official is now in the R.I.C.O. firing line, following the discovery, reported by Michael C. Cottrell, M.S., of incriminating evidence that he, too, may have been diverting funds for his own benefit. More may be heard about this shortly.
Cheney's behaviour is strongly reminiscent of that of General Alexander Haig, who briefly usurped the power of the President of the United States in 1982, proclaiming: 'I'm in charge'. He subsequently vanished into near-oblivion.
Cheney's intervention reflected inter alia the fact that he is alleged to have forced Ambassador Negroponte to leave his post as Director of National Intelligence, leaving Cheney himself in de facto charge of instruments such as the National Security Agency (NSA), and of sensitive financial transactions following the departure of the Treasury Secretary. Since the Vatican was involved directly in urging and facilitating the Wanta Settlement, not least given its huge holdings of CMKX stock and its insistence that the Settlement MUST be finalised in order to prevent a global financial and economic catastrophe, the tidal waves from this crisis are truly reaching the four corners of the earth. It will be a miracle if sanity returns in time to calm matters and make the Settlement, before confidence collapses.
We are now in a position to publish the texts of three letters, from the US lawyer acting in this matter for Ambassador Wanta and AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc. The Editor of International Currency Review holds copies of the originals. These letters reiterate what has been posted for many months on, with respect to the laws of which the criminalist operatives are conspicuously in breach. Specifically:
1. Letter dated 4th January 2007 to Vice President Richard Cheney, copied to President George W. Bush, Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff, the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, General Michael V. Hayden, Ambassador John Negroponte, Foreign and local settlement participants, and Members of the United States Congress. This puts Mr Cheney and the other recipients on direct notice of the violations noted above. The Vice President is correctly advised that 'continued interference' with the Settlement could potentially produce a very volatile situation with potential [for] serious impact on the global economy. This is a polite way of saying that if this matter is not resolved, there will be an accelerating global financial and economic calamity, with Americans ultimately unable to pay for gasoline, long lines at soup kitchens, and millions thrown out of work, given that any collapse of the dollar will work through much faster than would have been the case even two decades ago, because of the outsourcing of manufacturing and 'just-in-time production'. Leading European Governments (Germany, France, The Netherlands and Italy, to our knowledge) have already begun distributing national banknotes to their banks, just in case the European Collective currency collapses, so that their populations have access to banknotes that have not failed. None of this is any exaggeration. Matters are running out of control due to the extreme and perpetuated criminality of the operatives concerned.
2. Letter dated 30th December 2006 to Ambassador John Negroponte, then Director of National Intelligence. It should be understood that all officials and office-holders with knowledge of this matter are accessories to the fact and vulnerable to the unpleasant consequences of being identified as co-conspirators in thwarting the Wanta Settlement which was formally agreed and signed in May 2006 by the President, the Vice President, Supreme Court Judges, the Attorney General, other officials, and senior legislators. The signatures of all these people have so far been shown to be worthless, as a result of which the 'Full Faith and Credit' and the reputation of the United States has been destroyed. The Rest of the World is now more than fully aware that business dealings with US officials are unfortunately tantamount to doing business with the mafia.
3. Letter dated 28th December 2006 to the President of the United States, George W. Bush Jr. This states inter alia:
'The Honorable Henry M. Paulson, United States Department of the Treasury, is either unilaterally and/or in conspiracy with others (known and unknown), refusing to following the "Rule of Law" and [to] complete financial obligations negotiated and approved by all concerned parties and parties of interest in the referenced ("Re") matter.
On December 15, 2006, Secretary Paulson was advised in writing that failure to comply with terms and conditions of the agreed upon settlement constitutes a violation of the Securities Acts of 1933, 1934 and the Organized Crime Control Act of 1970, specifically R.I.C.O.. Additionally, Secretary Paulson was advised of H.R. 3723 that summarily provides that corporate business activity is protected under the Economic and Industrial Espionage Act of the United States of America and the International Economic Community.
All concerned parties are aware that Secretary Paulson, under his personal signature, has control over referenced settlement agreement funds located at Goldman Sachs, et al, (C.H.I.P.S.) account with CITIBANK, NYC. It is believed that Secretary Paulson, in violation of his oath of office when accepting a position in your Cabinet with responsibility to the United States Department of the Treasury, is avoiding his legal and ethical obligations to complete the transfer of the referenced settlement agreement funds and apparently favoring a private business relationship with his previous employer. This conflict of interest position and Secretary Paulson's former relationship with Goldman Sachs provides the formidable basis for the assertion of a violation of the Securities Acts and Organized Crime Control Act of 1970.
This matter requires your immediate attention and direction to enable mitigation of a very volatile situation with the potential of serious impact on the global economy'.
The following developments, presented in our diary entry format, are relevant in the context of this correspondence:
03 January 2007: Investigators inform AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc., that Vice President Cheney personally ordered Mr McCurdy, a Federal Reserve officer, to stop any payment to AmeriTrust Groupe, et al, and blame the situation on one or more of the investigators.
04 January: Associates of AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc. inform Michael C. Cottrell, M.S., that a senior official within the George W. Bush Jr. Administration, in an office located within the White House compound, advises that Henry M. Paulson flew to Israel shortly after 'the Rose Garden speech of President Bush', in part to avoid any complications when Chancellor Angela Merkel met with President Bush. Madame Merkel is separately stated to be 'under heavy pressure', now serving as President of the EU Collective while also facing the insistent demands for completion of the Settlement from the G-8 countries, torpedoed to date by the United States.
04 January: Investigators inform AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc., that Vice President Cheney personally called the Vatican and 'ordered' that no payments are to be released and/or paid - especially to Ambassador Leo Wanta/AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc.. Of course the Vice President of the United States for the time being is in no position to order anyone outside US jurisdiction to do anything.
The Editor of International Currency Review has stated in earlier postings that this is the worst international financial crisis in world history. He is in receipt of confirmed information to the effect that several 'mainstream' news organisations have received pay-offs, by way of bribes to prevent them from publishing information on this crisis. The 'mainstream' will be unable to continue this stance and is expected to begin scrambling to catch up, as successive dimensions of our reports are confirmed. It is pathetic that, so far, leading newspaper editors in the United States, and journalists in the United Kingdom, have lacked the guts to address these issues. There can be no doubt that, the way things are going, they will be forced to do so. Meanwhile, as the criminalised operatives work out how to extricate themselves from the extreme straits in which they find themselves due to their open-ended greed, we (reluctant advocates) are being cheered on by large numbers of good Americans who are delighted that, at long last, the criminal cadres that control the levers of Government in the United States are decisively on the run.
Recovering from the bind they are in has become ever more problematical for them, as the noose that they have themselves placed around their own necks has been pulled tighter and tighter, as a consequence of their own reprobate behaviour. The Rest of the World stands aghast at the brazen arrogance of these people, in treating private funds as though they are their own property, and hoping that no-one would notice them intermingling private funds with obfuscated stolen fiat 'funny' money masquerading as 'public funds'.
Those who exhibit a degree of impatience with us, and keep pressing us to post more information, should understand that we can only post what is relevant and approved by Ambassador Wanta and his Treasurer and Executive Vice President, on this subject. We can of course post what we choose on our own website: but as this is a global international crisis without parallel, we must rely on the expert Principals for guidance and direction concerning these issues at all times.
We have no axe to grind except the knowledge that this corruption must be terminated.
The texts of the letters are as follows:
First letter:
THOMAS E. HENRY, Attorney at Law, 1125 South 79th Street, Omaha, Nebraska 63124
January 4, 2007
Honorable Richard B. Cheney
Vice President, United States of America, White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500
Transmitted via facsimile, email attachments and United States mail:
Re: Apparent Circumvention and Avoidance of Agreed Upon Financial Settlement regarding Leo E. Wanta/Lee E. Wanta and AmeriTrust Groupe. Inc.:
Dear Mr Vice President
It is respectfully proffered that circumvention and diversionary interference of private business transactions by publicly elected officials is a violation of the "Rule of Law". Irrespective of full compliance with United States of America laws and the endorsement by applicable "Need to Know" USG agencies your office has intervened and unilaterally prevented completion of contract agreements between the People's Republic of China and Ambassador Wanta, Leo E. Wanta/Lee E. Wanta and AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc.
The "White House" and various Cabinet members have been repeatedly advised of the impropriety committed by the Honorable Henry M. Paulson, Jr., United States Department of the Treasury, when he either unilaterally and/or in conspiracy with others (known and unknown), refused to follow the "Rule of Law" and complete financial obligations negotiated and approved by all concerned parties and parties of interest in the referenced ("Re") matter. It is anticipated that the White House is further aware of recent communications with Ambassador Negroponte that occurred prior to his resignation as Director of National Intelligence. In the event the referenced communications have not been appropriately circulated, copies of the letters sent to President Bush and Ambassador Negroponte are forwarded with this letter for your review.
It is strongly believed that there is a substantive foundation to assert that interference with private business transactions exposes the wrongdoers to a violation of the Securities Acts of 1933, 1934 and the Organized Crime Control Act of 1970, specifically R.I.C.O.. Additionally, all parties have been advised of H.R. 3723 that summarily provides that corporate business activity is protected under the Economic and Industrial Espionage Laws of the United States of America and the International Economic Community.
American participants in this private business transaction have received communication from many foreign and domestic parties complaining of the manner in which the completion of the settlement is being thwarted by non-party participants. This matter requires your immediate attention. Continued interference could potentially produce a very volatile situation with potential of serious impact on the global economy. The principals in this matter continually reaffirm their allegiance to the United States of America and additionally reaffirm a total commitment to fully comply with the "Rule of Law" and abide by the full extent of the terms and conditions of the settlement agreements.
Sincerely yours,
Signed: Thomas E. Henry
Cc: President George W. Bush; Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice; Secretary Robert M. Gates; Attorney General Alberto Gonzales; Secretary Michael Chertoff; General Michael V. Hayden, Director, Central Intelligence Agency; Ambassador Negroponte; Foreign and local settlement participants; Members of the United States Congress.
Second letter:
THOMAS E. HENRY, Attorney at Law, 1125 South 79th Street, Omaha, Nebraska 63124
December 30, 2006
Ambassador John Negroponte
Director of National Intelligence, Office of National Intelligence, Washington, D.C. VIA FACSIMILE: 202-201-1857
Re: Status of Financial Settlement between various parties, Leo E. Wanta/Lee E. Wanta and AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc.:
Dear Ambassador Negroponte
I am attaching a copy of a letter recently sent to President Bush. The attached letter sets forth the conclusion reached by several concerned parties trying to comprehend the failure of USG parties to complete the agreed upon financial settlement. The substantive structure for the referenced financial settlement was approved by your office and other pertinent USG offices (CIA and NSA as examples). Participation by the various agencies obviously leads to an obvious assumption that failure to complete could have an impact on various arenas both domestic and foreign.
The attached letter is for your review, requested comments and suggestions. Your input to place the transaction back on course would be most appreciated. As you are aware, many foreign, public and private interests (Germany, France, China, England and others) are concerned with this transaction stalling and no apparent reason being offered for the delay. There are current rumours that Germany is questioning the intent and reason that Secretary Paulson is stalling completion of required tasks. It does not appear far-fetched to proffer that continued delay could have impact on the US Dollar and such impact has direct implication on national security.
There is continued mention, after numerous false representations in the past, that all would be completed by January 4, 2007. It appears that it may take the intervention of your office to assure that all does not stall out and fail to complete once again. Your considerate attention to the matters addressed in this letter would be most appreciated.
Sincerely yours,
Signed: Thomas E. Henry
Third letter:
THOMAS E. HENRY, Attorney at Law, 1125 South 79th Street, Omaha, Nebraska 63124
December 28, 2006
Honorable George W. Bush
President, United States of America, White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20220
Transmitted via email attachment and United States mail:
Re: Apparent Circumvention and Avoidance of Agreed Upon Financial Settlement regarding Leo E. Wanta/Lee E. Wanta and AmeriTrust Groupe. Inc.:
Dear Mr President
It is respectfully requested that immediate attention be given to the matter addressed in this letter. Irrespective of participation and knowledge of the referenced settlement agreement by several American and foreign interests (both in the public and private sector), official(s) in your administration are pursuing an agenda contrary to the "Rule of Law" and in direct contravention of the agreed upon settlement.
The Honorable Henry M. Paulson, Jr., United States Department of the Treasury, is either unilaterally and/or in conspiracy with others (known and unknown), refusing to follow the "Rule of Law" and complete financial obligations negotiated and approved by all concerned parties and parties of interest in the referenced ("Re") matter.
On December 15, 2006, Secretary Paulson was advised in writing that failure to comply with terms and conditions of the agreed upon settlement constitutes a violation of the Securities Acts of 1933, 1934 and the Organized Crime Control Act of 1970, specifically R.I.C.O.. Additionally, Secretary Paulson was advised of H. R. 3723 that summarily provides that corporate business activity is protected under the Economic and Industrial Espionage Laws of the United States of America and the International Economic Community.
All concerned parties are aware that Secretary Paulson, under his personal signature, has control over referenced settlement agreement funds located at Goldman Sachs, et al., (C.H.I.P.S.) account with CITIBANK NYC. It is believed that Secretary Paulson, in violation of his oath of office when accepting a position in your Cabinet with responsibility in the United States Department of the Treasury, is avoiding his legal and ethical obligations to complete the transfer of the referenced settlement agreement funds and apparently favoring a private business relationship with his previous employer. This conflict of interest position and Secretary Paulson's former relationship with Goldman Sachs provides the formidable basis for the assertion of a violation of the Securities Acts and Organized Crime Control Act of 1970.
This matter requires your immediate intervention and direction to enable mitigation of a very volatile situation with the potential of serious impact on the global economy. The principals in this matter continually reaffirm their allegiance to the United States of America and specifically the Office of the President of the United States.
Sincerely yours,
Signed: Thomas E. Henry
Cc.: President George W. Bush Jr.,; Vice President Cheney; Patrick J. Fitzgerald; James A. Baker III; Ambassador Lee E. Wanta; Michael C. Cottrell, M.S.
With so many corrupt noses out of joint given that the interests of the American people are at last being placed ahead of the criminal cadres and liars occupying high office and in the intelligence services, it has not been surprising that a paltry minority of vocal renegades have been leveraged to orchestrate a cascade of lies to attack the integrity of the Principals and even of the Editor of International Currency Review, who has 37 years of service in this role. One notorious antagonist has gone certifiably mad and has forfeited what little credibility she may have once retained, as she spews out her confused and libellous statements, asserting inter alia that the Editor of this service 'dislikes Americans', a piece of idiotic claptrap invented by a sick mind and manifestly contradicted by his 30+ years of working with the USA. A radio talk show host, Greg Szymanski, who has been vacillating for months, has taken it upon himself to imply that the information about Paulson's arrest, affirmed by Michael C. Cottrell, M.S. and based upon sound intelligence, is a lie - Szymanski's 'evidence' being the say-so of some previously unheard-of alleged Treasury official or other. Since Szymanski is now de facto accusing Mr Cottrell of lying, the following information unfortunately has to be placed on the record right now.
Szymanski has consistently twisted facts to suit himself. For instance, he has inaccurately reported that Leo Wanta was held in jail until 2005, which is not true. The Editor of this service, who arranged for the payment from scarce private funds of the third illegal tax demand levied by the corrupt Wisconsin Department of Revenue, made by Attorney Steven Goodwin in person on 21st July 2005, is personally aware from visits made to the Ambassador's location on three occasions that he remained illegally held on probation under house arrest from 2001 onwards. Despite being informed in writing by the Editor, as well as verbally, that his further repetition of this lie was unconscionable, Szymanski subsequently persisted with the same lie and distortion of the truth. In a radio show, 'The National Intel Report', hosted by John Stadtmiller on Republic Broadcast Network located at Round Rock, Texas, broadcast from 4.00pm to 6.00pm CST on 4th January 2007, Szymanski stated that Leo Wanta was imprisoned in Switzerland 'for more than 200 days', whereas the Editor has extensively publicised the fact that the number of days that Leo was held in a stinking Swiss prison, where an attempt was made to poison him by feeding him contaminated cheese, was 134 days. This fact has been well known for many months. That Szymanski saw fit to convert 134 days into 200 days indicates that, as is well known, he plays fast and loose with facts, as a matter of routine. He was wishy-washy with respect to quotes by Leo Wanta, Michael Cottrell and the Editor, and mentioned 'Bush' as the recipient of the illegally transferred $1.0 billion identified by Leo Wanta and highlighted, for instance, on page 33 of the latest special 'Wanta issue' of International Currency Review: this $1.0 billion was sent by Banco Exterior de Espana, Malaga, Spain, to Banco de Panama, Panama City, for credit to Pilgrim Investments/Jorge Bush - that is to say, BUSH SENIOR, NOT JUNIOR - on 10th August 1989; and against this entry on the relevant Federal Reserve print-out, Leo Wanta, as USG Special Agent/analyst, had annotated: 'Acceptance of value by former U.S. President of the United States, George (Jorge) Bush is direct violation of our USC Title 5, Section 7353, et seq: Jim Baker told me to just "SHUT UP" as I am protected by Rogers Houston Memorandum to "co-operate", but I kept Receipts & Notes'. Comprehensive documentary details of the giga-funds stolen from the original $27.5 trillion have been presented in the Editor's financial journal, for the whole world to review, and have been available for study since January 2005.
Further, in the same broadcast, a participant well known to the Editor of International Currency Review asked Greg Szymanski whether he had read International Currency Review (referring specifically to the 480-page 'Wanta issue' published in December 2006, Volume 31, Numbers 3 and 4). The caller states: 'When I asked both [Szymanski and Stadtmiller] if they had read the ICR, which I called 'a masterpiece', there was "mutual agreement", though neither admitted they hadn't read it at all, as was obvious'. They cannot have done so, as the Editor deleted Szymanski from the mailing list after realising that this man's idea of the truth needs to be read back to front. Finally, after we published the carefully sourced and seven-times checked intelligence about Paulson having been arrested, the Editor received an email message from Greg Anthony (one of the names this man uses) addressed to Christopher Story FRSA at dated Sunday, December 31, 2005 11.05 AM. Subject: 'you are so full of shit. pray with the jebbies'. [Apparently this is a vulgar reference to the Jesuits]. Unfortunately, given that Mr Szymanski has taken it upon himself to imply that what he now calls 'the Wanta Group' are liars, it is necessary to make clear what kind of creature he is, complete with foul language.
To those who cannot help but indulge in ill-informed speculation without the facts, we suggest that you should take special care now, because the detailed information which answers almost all outstanding 'Wanta questions' has been 'out there' since early December. If you haven't seen and absorbed International Currency Review Volume 31, Numbers 3 and 4 (and preferably also ICR Volume 30, Numbers 2 and 3, February 2005, which reproduced the Federal Reserve print-outs concerning the original $27.5 trillion of funds entrusted to Leo Wanta's care), you are NOT INFORMED; and all speculation and elaboration without such basic data is, by definition, not credible. So, if you need to ask questions, make sure that you have read, absorbed and properly understood this openly published intelligence information FIRST. If you can afford neither the time nor the money to do this, at least please have the basic courtesy to acknowledge that a very large publication consisting of 480 pages of detailed information was published by this Editor last December, and that it is hardly likely that such a work would be prepared and made available at vast private expense if the information it contained were inaccurate, or invented, like the tawdry lies of spooks, 'Useful Idiots' and other members of the criminal or deluded classes.
This message is directed, of course, only at the sick minds of our panicking sad detractors.
George Orwell: 'In an age of deceit, speaking the truth is a revolutionary act'.
J. Edgar Hoover: 'The individual is handicapped coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous, he cannot believe it exists'. [As with the Holocaust].
Martin Luther King: 'Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere'.
US friend: 'You are to be congratulated on a masterful piece of research in exposing the treason and the biggest heist in history'.
Ambassador Leo Emil Wanta: Diplomatic Passport Numbers 04362 & 12535 a.k.a. Frank B. Ingram [FBI] (Sector V) SA32NV; and a.k.a. Rick Reynolds, SA233MS. AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc: Federal EIN Number 20-3866855; Virginia State Corporation Identification Number: 0617454-4; Virginia State Department of Taxation Identification Number: 30203866855F001
London Fax: +44 (0)20-7233 0185 • New York Fax: 212-679 1094
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Sunday 7 January 2007 21:34
By Christopher Story FRSA, Editor and Publisher, International Currency Review, World Reports Limited, London and New York: Press CLICK HERE and the ARCHIVE Button on the Home Page for Wanta Crisis reports since April 2006. Note: Due to NSA/CIA et al interference, some US users may find they can access directly, without the www. Mostly, provides access to our website at once.
As repeatedly explained in reports posted on, the Secretary of the US Treasury of the day, Henry M. Paulson, the former Chief Executive Officer of Goldman Sachs and Company, intervened to prevent the finalisation of the $4.5 trillion Settlement in favour of Ambassador Leo Emil Wanta and his AmeriTust Groupe, Inc., based in the Commonwealth of Virginia. In December, we reported that Paulson had been arrested following the implementation of a subpoena issued by the International Court of Justice upon the petition of one or more signatory Governments seeking to deploy their powers to procure the resolution of this critical matter and thus to avoid a global financial calamity [see our analysis dated 2nd September 2006 at, Home Page ARCHIVE].
According to a high-level White House source [see under 04 January 2007 below] Paulson flew to Israel immediately following a Cabinet Meeting at which he was seen standing around, separated from the President, with his hands in his pockets. He has not been in charge of the money-bags for many days now. All intelligence resources at Ambassador Leo Wanta's disposal are currently being deployed to obtain 'further and better particulars', and specifically whether his departure is to be 'of indefinite duration', as is being suggested. If it transpires that this report from the high-level White House source is as accurate as its impeccable provenance implies, this already grave international crisis will be ratcheted up by several further notches, especially if it ALSO transpires that the United States has been ransacked by foreign intelligence and that substantial funds have been stolen in the process.
In such an event, the Government of Israel will only have itself to blame if the firestorm which our reports on this crisis have already ignited, devolves into an unwelcome outburst of anti-semitism, which the evil forces manipulating these matters would like to see accentuated. Therefore, it will be incumbent upon the Israeli authorities to disgorge any stolen funds and to provide the Americans with all necessary assistance for appropriate apprehension, extradition and legal procedures to be taken, in such circumstances.
Readers will recall that Paulson, the former C.E.O. of Goldman Sachs, took personal control of the Ambassador's $4.5 trillion, which were held under his personal name and code. In allowing him to do this, Goldman Sachs violated Securities regulations by using private funds tagged in the name of Leo Emil Wanta/Lee Emil Wanta/AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc., the beneficial owner, to be used to generate additional funds, and for purposes never approved, of course, by the beneficial owner. This lays Goldman Sachs, and other banks participating in this corruption, open to very severe penalties. Interference with private business transactions exposes the wrongdoers to violations of the Securities Acts of 1933 and 1934, and to the Organized Crime Control Act of 1970, especially R.I.C.O. We listed the many other laws of which the accessories to the fact and co-conspirators are in breach, in earlier reports in this series. Additionally, all parties have been further advised of H.R. 3723 which summarily provides that corporate business activity is protected under the Economic and Industrial Espionage Laws of the USA and the International Economic Community.
Judging by the Internet firestorm triggered by our last posting, some people seem to be confused by the fact that we have not so far published the documents of the International Court of Justice and the ad-hoc Tribunal which resulted in Paulson's arrest. These documents can only be released if the Tribunal so decides, and within the scope of the law. Moreover, since the ICJ can only be petitioned by Governments, it is a matter for officials to decide whether the documents in question can be released or not. An individual such as the Editor of International Currency Review necessarily lacks standing in this context. Therefore, pressure on the Editor to 'come forward with the documents' is wrong-headed, naïve and unreasonable. We are aware of two parties (one intelligence service and one firm of lawyers) that hold these documents, and we had previously been advised that they would be forthcoming.
However a moment's thought will clearly reveal that publication of the documents may be a matter so sensitive, in view of the speed of developments, that it may well be one of a number of levers that are being held in reserve against compliance. We would therefore respectfully request those who have been pressing us to perform what we are not in a position to perform, unless so advised, to cease and desist, and to await the evolution of events. Manifestly there are more dramatic, and very disturbing, developments to come. We are not in control of those events, and can only confirm, of course, that what we have posted was authorised, as stated, and was/is accurate, to the best of our conscientious knowledge, at the time of posting.
Several other very basic considerations need to be borne in mind by such people, who rush to judgment. First, there are certain laws which manifestly have to be adhered to when publishing sensitive information. Secondly, the Editor of International Currency Review has been doing this job since 1970, and may therefore reasonably be considered capable of using his judgment and the gift of discernment properly.
It has further transpired that Vice President Richard Cheney intervened on 4th January to have all the payments stopped. Given the absence from the scene of the Treasury Secretary, Mr Henry M. 'Conflict-of-Interest' Paulson, who disappeared, as noted above, immediately following the Cabinet Meeting at which he was observed standing around with his hands in his pockets away from the President (a stance he also adopted when he entered the National Cathedral for the late President Ford's service alone after having been exfiltrated from European custody by the British, according to intelligence sources), the man in de facto charge of the money-bags is Vice President Cheney. This official is now in the R.I.C.O. firing line, following the discovery, reported by Michael C. Cottrell, M.S., of incriminating evidence that he, too, may have been diverting funds for his own benefit. More may be heard about this shortly.
Cheney's behaviour is strongly reminiscent of that of General Alexander Haig, who briefly usurped the power of the President of the United States in 1982, proclaiming: 'I'm in charge'. He subsequently vanished into near-oblivion.
Cheney's intervention reflected inter alia the fact that he is alleged to have forced Ambassador Negroponte to leave his post as Director of National Intelligence, leaving Cheney himself in de facto charge of instruments such as the National Security Agency (NSA), and of sensitive financial transactions following the departure of the Treasury Secretary. Since the Vatican was involved directly in urging and facilitating the Wanta Settlement, not least given its huge holdings of CMKX stock and its insistence that the Settlement MUST be finalised in order to prevent a global financial and economic catastrophe, the tidal waves from this crisis are truly reaching the four corners of the earth. It will be a miracle if sanity returns in time to calm matters and make the Settlement, before confidence collapses.
We are now in a position to publish the texts of three letters, from the US lawyer acting in this matter for Ambassador Wanta and AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc. The Editor of International Currency Review holds copies of the originals. These letters reiterate what has been posted for many months on, with respect to the laws of which the criminalist operatives are conspicuously in breach. Specifically:
1. Letter dated 4th January 2007 to Vice President Richard Cheney, copied to President George W. Bush, Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff, the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, General Michael V. Hayden, Ambassador John Negroponte, Foreign and local settlement participants, and Members of the United States Congress. This puts Mr Cheney and the other recipients on direct notice of the violations noted above. The Vice President is correctly advised that 'continued interference' with the Settlement could potentially produce a very volatile situation with potential [for] serious impact on the global economy. This is a polite way of saying that if this matter is not resolved, there will be an accelerating global financial and economic calamity, with Americans ultimately unable to pay for gasoline, long lines at soup kitchens, and millions thrown out of work, given that any collapse of the dollar will work through much faster than would have been the case even two decades ago, because of the outsourcing of manufacturing and 'just-in-time production'. Leading European Governments (Germany, France, The Netherlands and Italy, to our knowledge) have already begun distributing national banknotes to their banks, just in case the European Collective currency collapses, so that their populations have access to banknotes that have not failed. None of this is any exaggeration. Matters are running out of control due to the extreme and perpetuated criminality of the operatives concerned.
2. Letter dated 30th December 2006 to Ambassador John Negroponte, then Director of National Intelligence. It should be understood that all officials and office-holders with knowledge of this matter are accessories to the fact and vulnerable to the unpleasant consequences of being identified as co-conspirators in thwarting the Wanta Settlement which was formally agreed and signed in May 2006 by the President, the Vice President, Supreme Court Judges, the Attorney General, other officials, and senior legislators. The signatures of all these people have so far been shown to be worthless, as a result of which the 'Full Faith and Credit' and the reputation of the United States has been destroyed. The Rest of the World is now more than fully aware that business dealings with US officials are unfortunately tantamount to doing business with the mafia.
3. Letter dated 28th December 2006 to the President of the United States, George W. Bush Jr. This states inter alia:
'The Honorable Henry M. Paulson, United States Department of the Treasury, is either unilaterally and/or in conspiracy with others (known and unknown), refusing to following the "Rule of Law" and [to] complete financial obligations negotiated and approved by all concerned parties and parties of interest in the referenced ("Re") matter.
On December 15, 2006, Secretary Paulson was advised in writing that failure to comply with terms and conditions of the agreed upon settlement constitutes a violation of the Securities Acts of 1933, 1934 and the Organized Crime Control Act of 1970, specifically R.I.C.O.. Additionally, Secretary Paulson was advised of H.R. 3723 that summarily provides that corporate business activity is protected under the Economic and Industrial Espionage Act of the United States of America and the International Economic Community.
All concerned parties are aware that Secretary Paulson, under his personal signature, has control over referenced settlement agreement funds located at Goldman Sachs, et al, (C.H.I.P.S.) account with CITIBANK, NYC. It is believed that Secretary Paulson, in violation of his oath of office when accepting a position in your Cabinet with responsibility to the United States Department of the Treasury, is avoiding his legal and ethical obligations to complete the transfer of the referenced settlement agreement funds and apparently favoring a private business relationship with his previous employer. This conflict of interest position and Secretary Paulson's former relationship with Goldman Sachs provides the formidable basis for the assertion of a violation of the Securities Acts and Organized Crime Control Act of 1970.
This matter requires your immediate attention and direction to enable mitigation of a very volatile situation with the potential of serious impact on the global economy'.
The following developments, presented in our diary entry format, are relevant in the context of this correspondence:
03 January 2007: Investigators inform AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc., that Vice President Cheney personally ordered Mr McCurdy, a Federal Reserve officer, to stop any payment to AmeriTrust Groupe, et al, and blame the situation on one or more of the investigators.
04 January: Associates of AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc. inform Michael C. Cottrell, M.S., that a senior official within the George W. Bush Jr. Administration, in an office located within the White House compound, advises that Henry M. Paulson flew to Israel shortly after 'the Rose Garden speech of President Bush', in part to avoid any complications when Chancellor Angela Merkel met with President Bush. Madame Merkel is separately stated to be 'under heavy pressure', now serving as President of the EU Collective while also facing the insistent demands for completion of the Settlement from the G-8 countries, torpedoed to date by the United States.
04 January: Investigators inform AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc., that Vice President Cheney personally called the Vatican and 'ordered' that no payments are to be released and/or paid - especially to Ambassador Leo Wanta/AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc.. Of course the Vice President of the United States for the time being is in no position to order anyone outside US jurisdiction to do anything.
The Editor of International Currency Review has stated in earlier postings that this is the worst international financial crisis in world history. He is in receipt of confirmed information to the effect that several 'mainstream' news organisations have received pay-offs, by way of bribes to prevent them from publishing information on this crisis. The 'mainstream' will be unable to continue this stance and is expected to begin scrambling to catch up, as successive dimensions of our reports are confirmed. It is pathetic that, so far, leading newspaper editors in the United States, and journalists in the United Kingdom, have lacked the guts to address these issues. There can be no doubt that, the way things are going, they will be forced to do so. Meanwhile, as the criminalised operatives work out how to extricate themselves from the extreme straits in which they find themselves due to their open-ended greed, we (reluctant advocates) are being cheered on by large numbers of good Americans who are delighted that, at long last, the criminal cadres that control the levers of Government in the United States are decisively on the run.
Recovering from the bind they are in has become ever more problematical for them, as the noose that they have themselves placed around their own necks has been pulled tighter and tighter, as a consequence of their own reprobate behaviour. The Rest of the World stands aghast at the brazen arrogance of these people, in treating private funds as though they are their own property, and hoping that no-one would notice them intermingling private funds with obfuscated stolen fiat 'funny' money masquerading as 'public funds'.
Those who exhibit a degree of impatience with us, and keep pressing us to post more information, should understand that we can only post what is relevant and approved by Ambassador Wanta and his Treasurer and Executive Vice President, on this subject. We can of course post what we choose on our own website: but as this is a global international crisis without parallel, we must rely on the expert Principals for guidance and direction concerning these issues at all times.
We have no axe to grind except the knowledge that this corruption must be terminated.
The texts of the letters are as follows:
First letter:
THOMAS E. HENRY, Attorney at Law, 1125 South 79th Street, Omaha, Nebraska 63124
January 4, 2007
Honorable Richard B. Cheney
Vice President, United States of America, White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500
Transmitted via facsimile, email attachments and United States mail:
Re: Apparent Circumvention and Avoidance of Agreed Upon Financial Settlement regarding Leo E. Wanta/Lee E. Wanta and AmeriTrust Groupe. Inc.:
Dear Mr Vice President
It is respectfully proffered that circumvention and diversionary interference of private business transactions by publicly elected officials is a violation of the "Rule of Law". Irrespective of full compliance with United States of America laws and the endorsement by applicable "Need to Know" USG agencies your office has intervened and unilaterally prevented completion of contract agreements between the People's Republic of China and Ambassador Wanta, Leo E. Wanta/Lee E. Wanta and AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc.
The "White House" and various Cabinet members have been repeatedly advised of the impropriety committed by the Honorable Henry M. Paulson, Jr., United States Department of the Treasury, when he either unilaterally and/or in conspiracy with others (known and unknown), refused to follow the "Rule of Law" and complete financial obligations negotiated and approved by all concerned parties and parties of interest in the referenced ("Re") matter. It is anticipated that the White House is further aware of recent communications with Ambassador Negroponte that occurred prior to his resignation as Director of National Intelligence. In the event the referenced communications have not been appropriately circulated, copies of the letters sent to President Bush and Ambassador Negroponte are forwarded with this letter for your review.
It is strongly believed that there is a substantive foundation to assert that interference with private business transactions exposes the wrongdoers to a violation of the Securities Acts of 1933, 1934 and the Organized Crime Control Act of 1970, specifically R.I.C.O.. Additionally, all parties have been advised of H.R. 3723 that summarily provides that corporate business activity is protected under the Economic and Industrial Espionage Laws of the United States of America and the International Economic Community.
American participants in this private business transaction have received communication from many foreign and domestic parties complaining of the manner in which the completion of the settlement is being thwarted by non-party participants. This matter requires your immediate attention. Continued interference could potentially produce a very volatile situation with potential of serious impact on the global economy. The principals in this matter continually reaffirm their allegiance to the United States of America and additionally reaffirm a total commitment to fully comply with the "Rule of Law" and abide by the full extent of the terms and conditions of the settlement agreements.
Sincerely yours,
Signed: Thomas E. Henry
Cc: President George W. Bush; Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice; Secretary Robert M. Gates; Attorney General Alberto Gonzales; Secretary Michael Chertoff; General Michael V. Hayden, Director, Central Intelligence Agency; Ambassador Negroponte; Foreign and local settlement participants; Members of the United States Congress.
Second letter:
THOMAS E. HENRY, Attorney at Law, 1125 South 79th Street, Omaha, Nebraska 63124
December 30, 2006
Ambassador John Negroponte
Director of National Intelligence, Office of National Intelligence, Washington, D.C. VIA FACSIMILE: 202-201-1857
Re: Status of Financial Settlement between various parties, Leo E. Wanta/Lee E. Wanta and AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc.:
Dear Ambassador Negroponte
I am attaching a copy of a letter recently sent to President Bush. The attached letter sets forth the conclusion reached by several concerned parties trying to comprehend the failure of USG parties to complete the agreed upon financial settlement. The substantive structure for the referenced financial settlement was approved by your office and other pertinent USG offices (CIA and NSA as examples). Participation by the various agencies obviously leads to an obvious assumption that failure to complete could have an impact on various arenas both domestic and foreign.
The attached letter is for your review, requested comments and suggestions. Your input to place the transaction back on course would be most appreciated. As you are aware, many foreign, public and private interests (Germany, France, China, England and others) are concerned with this transaction stalling and no apparent reason being offered for the delay. There are current rumours that Germany is questioning the intent and reason that Secretary Paulson is stalling completion of required tasks. It does not appear far-fetched to proffer that continued delay could have impact on the US Dollar and such impact has direct implication on national security.
There is continued mention, after numerous false representations in the past, that all would be completed by January 4, 2007. It appears that it may take the intervention of your office to assure that all does not stall out and fail to complete once again. Your considerate attention to the matters addressed in this letter would be most appreciated.
Sincerely yours,
Signed: Thomas E. Henry
Third letter:
THOMAS E. HENRY, Attorney at Law, 1125 South 79th Street, Omaha, Nebraska 63124
December 28, 2006
Honorable George W. Bush
President, United States of America, White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20220
Transmitted via email attachment and United States mail:
Re: Apparent Circumvention and Avoidance of Agreed Upon Financial Settlement regarding Leo E. Wanta/Lee E. Wanta and AmeriTrust Groupe. Inc.:
Dear Mr President
It is respectfully requested that immediate attention be given to the matter addressed in this letter. Irrespective of participation and knowledge of the referenced settlement agreement by several American and foreign interests (both in the public and private sector), official(s) in your administration are pursuing an agenda contrary to the "Rule of Law" and in direct contravention of the agreed upon settlement.
The Honorable Henry M. Paulson, Jr., United States Department of the Treasury, is either unilaterally and/or in conspiracy with others (known and unknown), refusing to follow the "Rule of Law" and complete financial obligations negotiated and approved by all concerned parties and parties of interest in the referenced ("Re") matter.
On December 15, 2006, Secretary Paulson was advised in writing that failure to comply with terms and conditions of the agreed upon settlement constitutes a violation of the Securities Acts of 1933, 1934 and the Organized Crime Control Act of 1970, specifically R.I.C.O.. Additionally, Secretary Paulson was advised of H. R. 3723 that summarily provides that corporate business activity is protected under the Economic and Industrial Espionage Laws of the United States of America and the International Economic Community.
All concerned parties are aware that Secretary Paulson, under his personal signature, has control over referenced settlement agreement funds located at Goldman Sachs, et al., (C.H.I.P.S.) account with CITIBANK NYC. It is believed that Secretary Paulson, in violation of his oath of office when accepting a position in your Cabinet with responsibility in the United States Department of the Treasury, is avoiding his legal and ethical obligations to complete the transfer of the referenced settlement agreement funds and apparently favoring a private business relationship with his previous employer. This conflict of interest position and Secretary Paulson's former relationship with Goldman Sachs provides the formidable basis for the assertion of a violation of the Securities Acts and Organized Crime Control Act of 1970.
This matter requires your immediate intervention and direction to enable mitigation of a very volatile situation with the potential of serious impact on the global economy. The principals in this matter continually reaffirm their allegiance to the United States of America and specifically the Office of the President of the United States.
Sincerely yours,
Signed: Thomas E. Henry
Cc.: President George W. Bush Jr.,

With so many corrupt noses out of joint given that the interests of the American people are at last being placed ahead of the criminal cadres and liars occupying high office and in the intelligence services, it has not been surprising that a paltry minority of vocal renegades have been leveraged to orchestrate a cascade of lies to attack the integrity of the Principals and even of the Editor of International Currency Review, who has 37 years of service in this role. One notorious antagonist has gone certifiably mad and has forfeited what little credibility she may have once retained, as she spews out her confused and libellous statements, asserting inter alia that the Editor of this service 'dislikes Americans', a piece of idiotic claptrap invented by a sick mind and manifestly contradicted by his 30+ years of working with the USA. A radio talk show host, Greg Szymanski, who has been vacillating for months, has taken it upon himself to imply that the information about Paulson's arrest, affirmed by Michael C. Cottrell, M.S. and based upon sound intelligence, is a lie - Szymanski's 'evidence' being the say-so of some previously unheard-of alleged Treasury official or other. Since Szymanski is now de facto accusing Mr Cottrell of lying, the following information unfortunately has to be placed on the record right now.
Szymanski has consistently twisted facts to suit himself. For instance, he has inaccurately reported that Leo Wanta was held in jail until 2005, which is not true. The Editor of this service, who arranged for the payment from scarce private funds of the third illegal tax demand levied by the corrupt Wisconsin Department of Revenue, made by Attorney Steven Goodwin in person on 21st July 2005, is personally aware from visits made to the Ambassador's location on three occasions that he remained illegally held on probation under house arrest from 2001 onwards. Despite being informed in writing by the Editor, as well as verbally, that his further repetition of this lie was unconscionable, Szymanski subsequently persisted with the same lie and distortion of the truth. In a radio show, 'The National Intel Report', hosted by John Stadtmiller on Republic Broadcast Network located at Round Rock, Texas, broadcast from 4.00pm to 6.00pm CST on 4th January 2007, Szymanski stated that Leo Wanta was imprisoned in Switzerland 'for more than 200 days', whereas the Editor has extensively publicised the fact that the number of days that Leo was held in a stinking Swiss prison, where an attempt was made to poison him by feeding him contaminated cheese, was 134 days. This fact has been well known for many months. That Szymanski saw fit to convert 134 days into 200 days indicates that, as is well known, he plays fast and loose with facts, as a matter of routine. He was wishy-washy with respect to quotes by Leo Wanta, Michael Cottrell and the Editor, and mentioned 'Bush' as the recipient of the illegally transferred $1.0 billion identified by Leo Wanta and highlighted, for instance, on page 33 of the latest special 'Wanta issue' of International Currency Review: this $1.0 billion was sent by Banco Exterior de Espana, Malaga, Spain, to Banco de Panama, Panama City, for credit to Pilgrim Investments/Jorge Bush - that is to say, BUSH SENIOR, NOT JUNIOR - on 10th August 1989; and against this entry on the relevant Federal Reserve print-out, Leo Wanta, as USG Special Agent/analyst, had annotated: 'Acceptance of value by former U.S. President of the United States, George (Jorge) Bush is direct violation of our USC Title 5, Section 7353, et seq: Jim Baker told me to just "SHUT UP" as I am protected by Rogers Houston Memorandum to "co-operate", but I kept Receipts & Notes'. Comprehensive documentary details of the giga-funds stolen from the original $27.5 trillion have been presented in the Editor's financial journal, for the whole world to review, and have been available for study since January 2005.
Further, in the same broadcast, a participant well known to the Editor of International Currency Review asked Greg Szymanski whether he had read International Currency Review (referring specifically to the 480-page 'Wanta issue' published in December 2006, Volume 31, Numbers 3 and 4). The caller states: 'When I asked both [Szymanski and Stadtmiller] if they had read the ICR, which I called 'a masterpiece', there was "mutual agreement", though neither admitted they hadn't read it at all, as was obvious'. They cannot have done so, as the Editor deleted Szymanski from the mailing list after realising that this man's idea of the truth needs to be read back to front. Finally, after we published the carefully sourced and seven-times checked intelligence about Paulson having been arrested, the Editor received an email message from Greg Anthony (one of the names this man uses) addressed to Christopher Story FRSA at

To those who cannot help but indulge in ill-informed speculation without the facts, we suggest that you should take special care now, because the detailed information which answers almost all outstanding 'Wanta questions' has been 'out there' since early December. If you haven't seen and absorbed International Currency Review Volume 31, Numbers 3 and 4 (and preferably also ICR Volume 30, Numbers 2 and 3, February 2005, which reproduced the Federal Reserve print-outs concerning the original $27.5 trillion of funds entrusted to Leo Wanta's care), you are NOT INFORMED; and all speculation and elaboration without such basic data is, by definition, not credible. So, if you need to ask questions, make sure that you have read, absorbed and properly understood this openly published intelligence information FIRST. If you can afford neither the time nor the money to do this, at least please have the basic courtesy to acknowledge that a very large publication consisting of 480 pages of detailed information was published by this Editor last December, and that it is hardly likely that such a work would be prepared and made available at vast private expense if the information it contained were inaccurate, or invented, like the tawdry lies of spooks, 'Useful Idiots' and other members of the criminal or deluded classes.
This message is directed, of course, only at the sick minds of our panicking sad detractors.
George Orwell: 'In an age of deceit, speaking the truth is a revolutionary act'.
J. Edgar Hoover: 'The individual is handicapped coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous, he cannot believe it exists'. [As with the Holocaust].
Martin Luther King: 'Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere'.
US friend: 'You are to be congratulated on a masterful piece of research in exposing the treason and the biggest heist in history'.
Ambassador Leo Emil Wanta: Diplomatic Passport Numbers 04362 & 12535 a.k.a. Frank B. Ingram [FBI] (Sector V) SA32NV; and a.k.a. Rick Reynolds, SA233MS. AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc: Federal EIN Number 20-3866855; Virginia State Corporation Identification Number: 0617454-4; Virginia State Department of Taxation Identification Number: 30203866855F001
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