UK Analysis Newswire Archive
Community action only hope against anti-democratic Crossrail councillors
11-03-2006 23:38
The London EVENING STANDARD is denounced by London mayor Ken Livingstone as a crass, racist paper. In fact the hatred between Ken Livingstone and the EVENING STANDARD has been rendered unforgettable now by the Nazi jibe affair.So where does the EVENING STANDARD ‘disagree’ with Ken Livingstone
over the Crossrail Bill ?
Not really. They are BOTH madly fanatical about Crossrail.
So much so that the EVENING STANDARD has published some rare pro-Ken Livingstone pieces in the past three years which can only have been so because both the Standard Livingstone utterly agrees on the Crossrail plan.
How come?
Because Ken Livingstone endered the interests the people affected by Big Business plan in return for ‘tolerance’ by the Blair regime. And in doing so, Livingstone has helped to discredit the office of Mayor in a more permanent way than is realised by any of the ‘mainstream commentators. Least of all by Livingstone himself.
In this discrediting of public office, the local Councils are not far behind Livingstone.
The role played by one London local Council, Tower Hamlets in London’s
East End, in allowing the Crossrail hole project to be prepared in the way that it ahs been so far as its contents affect m large parts of the community in the East End, has been the subject of ever heightening political tension in the area. With the scheduled local council elections on 4 May 2006, that role is expected e to be the cause of the loss of political Control by the Blair-loyalist Tower Hamlets Council But what will be the difference if an alliance of Opposition candidates is in a position the next tower Hamlertsncil? Will that Council make any significant will the people East be able to fend off the Crossrail attacks?
11-03-2006 21:00

2nd Renaissance -14
11-03-2006 10:46

The problem with revenge is that it lowers the humanity of those who exercise it down to the same level, of even below, those who committed the original crime. Although we can't yet know who was responsible for 911 or 1012, we do now know that forces of the Coalition of the Willing (CoW) have, on occasions, been just as barbaric as the people who killed on those dates. This has been amply demonstrated in Afghanistan and again in Iraq. If you doubt this, seek out more facts about the CoW's use of DU and NDU weaponry and cluster bombs. These horror weapons continue, to this day, to put young children and adult civilians at risk of injury or death from unexploded munitions, radiation, and toxic substances in the ground water and the food chain.
Did Israel President Moshe Katsav aid Muslim Terrorism or only fraud ?
11-03-2006 05:33
The land of International penny stock fraud makes for strange bedfellows and here often right wing cons of all stripes lie together.So it should come as no surprise that by touting or allowing his name to be used to tout a Michael Zwebner pump and dump penny stock scam(one of many over the years) President of Israel Moshe Katzav not only mixes his name and reputation with American mafia and international crooks and gangsters but also Mr.Zwebner's business partner in a number of scams over the years including UCSY or Universal Communications Systems is the infamous Mohamed Hadid,a Palestinian of ill repute connected to the Herndon,Virginia Muslim charity suspected in both money laundering and terrorist funding activities,including Al Qaeda.Venezuela 2006: Anarchism against all odds
10-03-2006 21:36
Our friends from abroad continuously ask us to explain our views about the current situation in Venezuela. This reply is based on two recent texts by the editing team of El Libertario, already published in their entirety in the internet (in Spanish), and from which we extract our main points.Xrail hole Bill MPs will need to be vigilant of slippery Xrail-backer
10-03-2006 20:15
The UK House of Commons hybrid draft piece of legislation, the Crossrail Bill, is being ‘scrutinised’ by a small group of MPs, collected from mainly the three ‘major’ Political Parties. The process has been overstated in its relevant capacity to alter the substantive contents of any Bill. Given that the Crossrail Bill contains monumental powers that will enable the destruction of entire communities in the East End of London, the ability – or the chances - of the MPs committee on the Crossrail Bill to make any difference must be examined against the performance of another committee which in October 2002 ‘heard evidence’ from one Michael Keith, a councillor on the East End Borough of Tower Hamlets Council. The same Michael Keith is now leader of the same council and is widely associated with the promotion of the Crossrail Bill and plan as a whole. Keith is set to be among Tower Hamlets Councillors who would enjoy the chance to appear before the Crossrail committee to make the case for the Council’s defiance of the local community. The MPs need to be much more alert and vigilant this time round then their counterparts were on Tuesday 15 October 2002.Glowing in the Dark
10-03-2006 13:24
The prospect of Iran developing a nuclear capability (which would realistically entail at least a five-year time frame) did not prevent John Bolton, US representative to the UN, stating that a “painful” response would be inflicted on Iran if it failed to comply with UN (American) dictates! Questions of the UN’s independence aside, is the focus on Iran a distraction from the debacle that is Iraq or is the USA following their PNAC strategy with little regard for consequences?Khoodeelaar! reports on Blair plot to 'involve' victims of Xrail hole in attack
10-03-2006 09:43
While UK Prime Minister Tony Blair seems destined to go down as the holder of the 'highest political office in the land' who most disgraced that office by his contempt for 'the constitution' and in abusing the democratic associations with that election-linked office of Prime Minister [the Prime Minister is NOT elected in the UK, yet, contrary to the overwhelmingly banal assertors in the media that it is] , the legacy he is likely to leave behind for the denegation of parts of the UK inner cities will linger even longer than the Daily Mail-type headlines about his sleazy regime. That Blair is bent on letting Big Business defile the East End under the cover of Crossrail is seen in his administration’s frequent appearances in the Brick Lane area, pleading with the community for 'cooperation' with the Crossrail hole programme of destruction of the very same community! These EXCLUSIVELY written Khoodeelaaronline items are linked with the way that the CROSSRAIL hole attacks on the East End have been conceived and are being pushed against the communityTrumped Up Dismissal Rejected By Tribunal
10-03-2006 01:04
A trumped up charge of insubordination and abusive and threatening behaviour was used to dismiss a longstanding employee. The union refused to defend its member.WorkRep took the case to the Manchester Employment Tribunal.
09-03-2006 23:10
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, China, Cuba, and Russia.Llibertat! – Saoirse! No.2
09-03-2006 21:49

March 2006 E-news service No.2
Evolution and changes to IMC UK
09-03-2006 18:10
Indymedia has come a long way since the tear gas and rubber bullets of Seattle. There are over 100 indymedia sites all over the world and numerous offshoots ding free radio, print media, and video projects.Indymedia UK which was launched two years after has itself under gone massive changes since it underwent a radical decentralization and divided itself into regions. Each of these regions has it's own autonomous collective and in many cases they have spawned new alternative media projects in print, radio, and video.
Tower Hamlets Council is set to be sunk down the Xrail hole
09-03-2006 14:20
The campaign in the Brick Lane London E1 area against the hybrid 'Crossrail Bill' [UK House of Commons] is getting heightened this week. Campaigners are setting out conditions for individual councillors to show their full commitment to oppose the Crossrail hole attacks. The constitutional implications of this are significant. This includes the possibility of individual councillors being taken to court on their undertaking. Of they refuse to give such clear undertaking then the claim that local democracy works will be exposed as seriously false. Ordinary people will have to defe3nd the community against the Crossrail; attacks. And against similar environemntal, economic and social attacks moiyunted under covers of democracy.Unfascist Radical Reprogramming Programme Proposed
09-03-2006 00:32

09-03-2006 00:29

Lockerbie & the FBI: Fakes Bureau International!
08-03-2006 18:07
The FBI put pressure on the Scottish police to ensure evidence was 'swept under the carpet'. This way the FBI and CIA avoided any embarrassment in the framing of Libya in the Lockerbie 'trial', where according to the UK police evidence also was 'made by the CIA'.Watergate reporter Carl Bernstein is invoked over Crossrail hole media
08-03-2006 11:11
Watergate investigative reporter CARL BERNSTEIN was shown in a BBC News 24 'Hardtack' interview with Stephen Sackur this morning [8 March 2006].Bernstein decried the media in the USA where local communities were fed up of being denied the coverage of their lives and of issues that mattered to their local communities. Bernstein could have been equally talking about the East End of London where the campaign against Crossrail whole attacks is being systematically excluded coverage by the so-called independent local press. One of those 'titles' is reviewed here by KhoodeelaaronlineUpdated map of detention camps for foreigners in Europe and Mediterranean
08-03-2006 09:52

Happy International Women's Day
07-03-2006 23:04

" Oona King had let down East End constitients" - women at Bow West
07-03-2006 22:12
Two women at the Bow West campaign meeting against Crossrail attacks on the East End spoke about the way that Oona King had let the community down.