UK Analysis Newswire Archive
Where is Gandhi when you need him?
02-08-2005 17:09
What is happening in the world around us? Why is the first instinct to respond with violence – for terrorists and governments alike? Where are the Gandhis of our world to help?Who's paying for Sony bribes?
02-08-2005 11:27
Last week Sony BMG, one of four major record companies who control over 80% of the music industry, admitted to bribing DJ’s and radio stations in a bid to get their songs on the air.World Tribunal on Iraq : Final Declaration of the Jury of Conscience
02-08-2005 01:25

01-08-2005 22:53
REPORTAGE and analysis of g8 events, photos, audio and textBRIAN HAW 1,521 NOT OUT!
01-08-2005 22:44

Concerns about de Menezes investigator
01-08-2005 21:43

I’m concerned about former Met Deputy Assistant Commissioner Roy Clark having any involvement in the investigation into Charles de Menezes’s death.
Interview with Iraq Body Count Founder
01-08-2005 10:26
The Iraq Body Count has published a dossier on civilian casualties in Iraq over the last two years.Three Monkeys Online carries an interview with Prof. John Sloboda, founder of IBC - to discuss the figures, their methodology, and criticisms of their work.
The 9/11 Key to Political Transformation
31-07-2005 06:09
"Looking at the onslaughts we face, it's obvious that this administration's primary source of war-making, rights-taking, vote-raking power is still and always has been the "official 9/11 story." The exquisitely timed "surprise attack" it portrays instantly justified what we now know was a long planned agenda to take us into endless war, crippling debt and constitutional twilight."Don't Give Me No Lip, "What's wrong with Mimicking Corporate Media"
30-07-2005 18:55
-- A response to Jennifer Whitney's article on indymedia, which can be found hereThe spirit of critique and wanting to help move indymedia forward is something I really appreciate. However, Jennifer Whitney's article, "The Good, The Bad, & (sic) The Ugly: "What's the Matter with Indymedia?" is one part critique, and two parts personal axe grinding, three parts "Ra! Ra! UC, NYC, 501-c(3) IMC" . Beyond the fact that the article is so deliberately misleading in many ways, it should be critiqued on the facts and arguments that it proposes about editorial policy and the mission of indymedia. To its credit, this article raises some of the right types of questions about indymedia's effectiveness and methods, but to its detriment, gives all the wrong answers. Rather, it gives short sighted answers or all the same 'ol answers.
30-07-2005 16:11
What is the real sense of a left-wing battle?Society for Applied European Thought Response to Bush/Blair
30-07-2005 13:33
Response to media language following London bombings composed after the Society of Applie dEUropean Thought Conference in Slovakia, on the theme of Inclusions and Exclusions in the New EuropeShoot First
30-07-2005 03:48
The UK has recently undergone a social regression to a period in its history (many centuries past) when summary executions by the King’s representatives were common fair. Performing summary executions in the street is not new in England; this practice, however, was determined by the ancient powers to be counter productive – more revolts resulted from this practice than subjection/subjugation. But today, Blair’s England panders more to the racist sentiments of its people than good political sense. So be it, history has already dictated the inevitable outcomes.Insensitive policing in the aftermath of the Tornado
30-07-2005 00:55

29-07-2005 06:08

28-07-2005 23:43
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.GREATER SUNRISE Timor Sea Justice Campaign
28-07-2005 16:03
Briefing Paper by Timor Sea Justice Campaign (Australia) re signing of a temporary resource sharing agreement between Australia and East Timor covering the Greater Sunrise gas field."PERPETUAL WAR JUSTIFIES EVERYTHING" - Craig Murray
28-07-2005 10:15
"Had someone with a complexion as white as mine been running around on the underground, they would not have been gunned down by the police."On the police murder & increased repression in UK
26-07-2005 17:50
The AWTWNS packet for the week of 25 July 2005 contains two articles, all in this file. They may be reproduced or used in any way, in whole or in part, as long as they are credited. For the AWTW news service, go to
• A shot in the head: Blair answers terrorism with promises of more killing abroad and at home
• UK: More repression in the name of “security”
Police gun down worker in London subway:
26-07-2005 14:38
Police gun down worker in London subway: another tragic consequence of Blair’s war policyNASA Discovery flight doomed?
26-07-2005 12:15
How will the USA space program advance from todays mission?