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by Hari Kunzru, ELAM and Mute | 01.08.2005 22:53 | G8 2005 | Analysis | Social Struggles

REPORTAGE and analysis of g8 events, photos, audio and text

Make Representation History
G8 Report
by Hari Kunzru, ELAM and Mute

The Live8 concert may have been a spectacular recuperation of the anti-globalisation movement, but anti-capitalist protestors outside the G8 summit in Gleneagles were still trying to get the revolution televised on their own terms.

Mute's anti-representational guerilla media unit, complete with borrowed DV cam, reports back from the hills around Auchterader; East London Autonomous Media (ELAM) interview a protest facilitator about consensus decision making; and Hari Kunzru gives us a critical diary of the protests and examines the limits of specular protest

Interview with a facilitator

(available as video and audio, see links below)

An interview with Lisa Fithian, US based activist and one of the facilitators at the ‘Spokes councils’ of the Stirling Eco Camp. Interview by East London Autonomous Media (ELAM)

Spokes councils are a way for making consensus in larger groups, where smaller groups come together to make shared decisions. The groups each have a representative called a ‘Spoke’. The role of the facilitators is to encourage and support the consensus process in the spokes council gatherings.

The interview looks at the roles and history of horizontal consensus decision making processes in the organisation of the groups making up the anti-capitalist movement in the US.

The interview took place at the Eco-Camp ‘Hori-Zone’ in the Rural Convergence Space, Barrow Meadow Farm, Stirling. It is part of a series of reports by ELAM covering the resistance against the G8 2005, Scotland.



Additional G8 video clips
Interview with a direct action protester

Gleneagles protest 6th July
G8 alternatives bus arrive at Auchterarder
Gleneagles fence comes down
Demonstartion in field surrounding Gleneagles

After the London bombs 7 July
Eco camp kids - moments silence

if you follow this link a lengthy report with photos you will see.

by Hari Kunzru, ELAM and Mute