UK Analysis Newswire Archive
12-04-2005 02:50
Tens of Thousands of Protesters poured into the streets of Iraq cities and shouted No!No! to America. Give our country back we do not want you and your recently installed selected imported puppets that are hiding in your Green Zone. Iraqis said for anybody who likes to hear that they want the American and their Death Squads out of the country. These new nonviolent strategy, if persistent, might be a far effective way to get rid of the invaders that the insurgency.What about the Racism That We Face? (Racism within and by union)
11-04-2005 22:05
This Article was written by a member of a Canadian union and Originally published at
Racism has an unquestionably destructive effect upon worker solidarity.
What strategies do unions have in place for combating racism within the union?
The Poor Are Revolting
11-04-2005 20:12
The Observer reports that UK "cabinet minister Peter Hain launched a fierce attack on self-indulgent 'dinner party critics' among the liberal middle classes who are tempted to use the ballot box to punish Blair.Pastor Makielokele Nzelengi Daly - or Detainee 4707
11-04-2005 18:16

"I asked them, what are you doing here? It was then that the children told me that "oh, we were told we were coming to visit you." And I told them “no no no no, thats not reality, the reality is you've been arrested with me."
"My daughter asked me ‘why should we be arrested, what did we do? Should we be arrested for nothing?’ Those kind of words are very painful to a father."
Welcome to The Burnley Voice
11-04-2005 13:23

The Meaning of Liverpool (2)
11-04-2005 13:15
An invitation14th April 2005, 6.30-9pm at Hope at Everton (RSVP)
This is the second of a series of open meetings about the meaning of Liverpool. The topic for this is: 'Enabling local grassroots organisations and supporting diverse culture within the cultural regeneration of Liverpool'.
Global Week of Action events
10-04-2005 20:42
Two events are on in Oxford this week as part of the Global Week of Action (
Bush and Blair, if the moon could talk, what would it say?
09-04-2005 20:40
Investigative article that sheds new light on the confessions (plural) of Osama Bin Laden on video to 9/11 and supports the possibility that it was produced by western intelligence. It also vindicates those who coined the term "Synthetic Terrorism".Once Lucky
09-04-2005 15:45
“A slave is he who cannot think for himself.” (Euripides)“As I would not be a slave, so I would not be a master. This expresses my idea of democracy.”
(Abraham Lincoln)
“The worst form of delusion is self-delusion and the most amenable slave is one who thinks he is free.” (Anonymous)
In today’s world the above quotes could not be more relevant, the whole social world drama in which we all find ourselves cast has become a master-slave dichotomy. Subservience is now the modern way of life for the majority. Few are ‘free’, if any. It would be preferable if we all took stock of our real-life circumstances before resorting to indignation borne of denial.
New anti-capitalist film on the www
08-04-2005 21:23
Calling all anti-capitalists!! A new film entitled "Capitalism and Other Kids' Stuff", which argues the anti-capitalist case in simple language can be viewed free at www.socialist-tv.comAn Openly Gay Communist Wins in Southern Italy
08-04-2005 19:19
An openly gay candidate of Partito della Rifondazione Comunista wins in southern Italy, in regional elections that resulted in 11 victories for the center-left coalition, which now controls 16 of Italy’s 20 regions. Nichi Vendola's victory decisively refutes the American dogma that militants on the left, choosing radicals, can't attract votes at the center and lose to the right -- the dogma that the Democrats in America and the center-left in Italy promulgate, even though it has been often contradicted, as in the moderate John Kerry's loss -- as Vendola won 100,000 more votes than the center-left coalition.Pope buried in the dung heap of civilization
08-04-2005 17:26
Il Papa: Nobody protested at this unprecedented gathering of criminal world leaders...Re: All the news that's fit to report
08-04-2005 07:53
Dear Diarist,Thank you for your email enclosing an article referring to the Media Lens website

Court dismisses man set-up for Stuttle murder appeal?
08-04-2005 06:00

07-04-2005 23:10
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, Cuba, China, and Russia.Bristol - G8 briefing papers
07-04-2005 22:33
Bristol G8 Dissent! Group has produced a series of 7 G8-related briefing papers. These are intended to stimulate debate & discussion amongst readers, they do not imply a specific adopted policy position by the group, indeed the initial motivation to produce them came from a desire to inform & discuss amongst ourselves.Dover's Election Farce: Gwyn Prosser's OLD Labour Claim!
07-04-2005 13:57
On with the motley, the paint, the powder and the coxcomb. Dover's New Labour MP now claims to be OLD Labour to win votes. You need to have a low IQ to take this stuff seriously. Source: Dover Express Comment by SSWhat do Anarchists Want?
07-04-2005 10:24
G8 is on it's way to Gleneagles and much like Genoa or even Seatlle there will be confrontation. But from the Dissent Network to the anarchist mnovement, where do we go from there?Wal-Mart Sells the Marine Corps
07-04-2005 01:49
The Marine Corps is now on sale at Wal-Mart. This is the first time that the Marine Corps has used an in-store television network for recruitment pitches.Reflections on the London 2nd April 05
06-04-2005 21:21