UK Analysis Newswire Archive
September 11 eight years on (by Latuff)
11-09-2009 16:23

Declaration of the Africa People's Movement on Climate Change
11-09-2009 14:23
Confronting the climate crisis: Preparing for Copenhagen and beyondNairobi, Kenya, August 30, 2009 -- We, the leaders of various people's movements, community-based groups, academia, NGOs and civil cociety organisations, met in Nairobi under the banner of the People's Movement on Climate Change (PMCC) to discuss strategies to confront the climate change crisis for Copenhagen and beyond from August 27 to 28 , 2009.
Why Criminalise Drugs?
11-09-2009 00:18

Camp Ashraf Hunger Strike press conference, London - pictures.
10-09-2009 09:21

Another Financial Crisis
09-09-2009 04:19
Governments around the world who were able put large amounts of money into the financial system to avoid a meltdown. This money has mostly ended up being used to pay of banks debts, who have begun to lend money again, and lately some of this money has been used to boost the stock exchange.As a result Governements now have even larger debts, which is sure to produce another economic collapse in a year or so. Personal debt and bankcruptcies are still at an all time high.
Disarm DSEi arms fair, London - pictures.
08-09-2009 20:50

The U.S. invades and occupies Pakistan: A Pakistani viewpoint
07-09-2009 19:30

Professor Gary Francione: No Pacifist
07-09-2009 15:46
Is Gary Francione a pacifist or does it depend on who is doing the violence?In the wake of the Afghan Election: NATO Intensifies Military Deployments, Carna
07-09-2009 09:10

Not, never, willing to acknowledge that the Afghan war is in fact a war, Washington and Brussels from the NATO summit in April until now have attempted to justify their troop buildups in South Asia as motivated primarily by insuring that the second presidential election in Afghanistan since the joint U.S.-NATO invasion of 2001 proceeded uninterrupted. A ruthless counterinsurgency and bombing campaign was thus portrayed as another war for democracy.
Policing at climate camp
06-09-2009 21:47

Preparing the ground for military aggression against Venezuela and Latin America
06-09-2009 04:32

PanAm 103 Over Lockerbie
05-09-2009 11:53

Lockerbie - Never mind the political point-scoring... who planted the bomb?
05-09-2009 11:47

Washington Refuses to Call Off Its Dogs in Honduras
05-09-2009 11:40

ElBaradei slams Western allegations against Iran and opposes sanctions
04-09-2009 20:21

[Head of the UN International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Mohamed ElBaradei, interview with the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 1 September 2009]
Bodysnatching, Radiation Poisoning and Infanticide
04-09-2009 14:24

has it all in spades.
Is this alarmist, you might ask? No, not really.
Who is afraid of facebook?
03-09-2009 16:16

Why Not Crippling Sanctions for Israel and the US?
02-09-2009 20:32

The position taken by Israel, and by Israel’s puppet in Washington, is that Iran must not be allowed to have the rights as a signatory to the Non-Proliferation Treaty that every other signatory has, because Iran might divert enriched uranium to a weapons program.
In other words, Israel and the US defy international law by claiming the right to abrogate Iran’s right to develop nuclear energy.
How jail feels like
01-09-2009 03:41

Noam Chomsky Meets with Chavez in Venezuela
29-08-2009 16:02
"Chomsky said the growing disappointment with the Obama administration in the U.S. was predictable because the corporate media marketed Obama's presidential candidacy on the slogan of "Change We Can Believe In" but omitted concrete proposals for effective changes, and the Obama administration has since shown an incapacity to institute such changes."