UK Analysis Newswire Archive
Chain reaction
26-09-2009 18:17
An article on Sofia dog population problem. It was written by Nick Iliev from The Sofia Echo,
"Six countries (Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Italy, Malta, Serbia and Spain) operated catch, neuter, release in a limited number of locations, although the reasons for this were unclear, as were the problems encountered when adopting this approach." (Stray Animal Control Practices - Europe, WSPA/RSPCA)
Obama Stuck between Wars on Iraq, Afghanistan
26-09-2009 10:57
On the second anniversary of Blackwater’s massacre of Iraqis in Baghdad’s Al-Nusur Square, CBS on this September 17 asked in a detailed report: “Why Is Obama Still Using Blackwater?” The answer could obviously be found in exhausting the U.S. “volunteer” military manpower stretched out to the maximum to sustain the two U.S. – led wars on Iraq and Afghanistan.Honduras coup resistance (by Latuff)
25-09-2009 19:41

U.S., NATO Poised For Most Massive War In Afghanistan's History
25-09-2009 07:57

America's obedient media is preparing domestic audiences for the possibility of the largest escalation of foreign armed forces in Afghanistan's history.
Honduras coup (by Latuff)
24-09-2009 01:20

Global Systematic Discrimination against the Poor
23-09-2009 18:20
States are due to sign a UN protocol which by its exclusion of core obligations will allow States to discriminate against the poor. This will give more credibility to those terrorists who claim to be fighting on behalf of the poor. The protocol by also excluding the empowerment rights to development et al will allow States to create a more dependent population unable to help themselves. Many States are already following such policies.Shift Magazine: The State We're In
23-09-2009 11:37
*Editorial of Issue 7, just published
*In infoshops and social centres soon
Honduran coup leader Roberto Micheletti (by Latuff)
23-09-2009 00:56

The President Has Returned: All Hell Breaks Loose in Honduras!
22-09-2009 16:52
"This is a textbook example of what we've referred to before as "dilemma actions." It puts the coup regime on the horns of a dilemma, in which it has no good options. It can leave Zelaya to put together his government again from the Brazilian embassy with the active support of so many sectors of Honduran civil society, or it can try to arrest the President, provoking a nonviolent insurrection from the people of the kind that has toppled many a regime throughout history. Minute by minute, hour by hour, and, soon, day by day, the coup regime is losing its grip. At some point it will have to choose either to unleash a terrible violent wave of state terrorism upon the country's own people - which will provoke all out insurrection in response (guaranteed by Article 3 of the Honduran Constitution) - or Micheletti and his Simian Council can start packing their bags and seeking asylum someplace like Panama."Deposed Honduran President Manuel Zelaya returns home (by Latuff)
22-09-2009 10:05

Mr. Manure
20-09-2009 13:28

Leopards Can’t Change Their Spots, Nor Can Capitalists
17-09-2009 17:16
Despite all the rhetoric, nothing much has changed and the fundamental contradictions of the system remain. The only solution is to rid ourselves of it.International Financial Crisis and End of the Dollar Hegemony ...
16-09-2009 01:22
A regional alliance like ALBA, with its own currency for trade and financial transactions, constitutes doubtlessly another nail in the coffin of dollar hegemony.Was Karl Marx Right? Understanding The Credit Crunch
15-09-2009 10:48
‘Was Karl Marx Right? Understanding the Credit Crunch’ is the title of a new Workers' Educational Association (WEA) course starting on Tuesday 15 September 2009 at the Unitarian Church hall, Ellison Place, Newcastle upon Tyne, over 10 weeks from 6.00 pm - 8.00 pm.For A Unitied General Election Campaign
15-09-2009 07:27
There is nothing to lose, and perhaps a great deal to be gained for the anti-capitalist movement to put forward candidates in elections.Venezuela: The Principle of Hope Against Global United States Military Bases
15-09-2009 01:56

Money talks in U.S. policy toward Honduran putsch regime
14-09-2009 17:10
"So, in effect, since the earliest days of the coup regime in Honduras, the U.S. has done little more than repackage and rebroadcast the same aid cuts to appease the media and to compliment its rhetorical position of being against the coup. But behind the scenes, the economic effect of the aid cuts has been little more than symbolic posturing.""Henry Kissinger was brutally honest about the U.S. diplomatic reality in Latin America, when commenting decades ago on the government of democratically elected President Salvador Allende of Chile — who was overthrown in a 1973 U.S.-backed coup that led to Allende’s assassination and a subsequent reign of terror by the dictator General Augusto Pinochet.
I don't see why we need to stand by and watch a country go communist due to the irresponsibility of its own people. The issues are much too important for the Chilean voters to be left to decide for themselves." Henry Kissinger, Secretary of State under President Richard Nixon
Under Secretary of State Clinton, that fundamentally anti-democratic foreign policy appears to continue to be the status quo for Latin America — absent a much more hands-on effort to change that course by the president of the United States.
Al Quds March and Rally, London - pictures.
14-09-2009 15:04

Pain doubles at HLS, animal use drops 34%
13-09-2009 12:23

The drumbeat of fear mongering propaganda continues: What are State and the Pen
12-09-2009 15:36
"He and Jorge Noguera met with Venezuelan military personal. I don't know if these meetings took place here in Colombia or in Venezuela, but I know they took place," Garcia revealed.In response to the question; do you think the plot you are talking about was initiated by Jorge Noguera and the minister Londoño? Garcia responded, "No, I don't think it was. They were sought after, above all Londoño, was sought after by Venezuelan opposition sectors."
"Over there [in Venezuela] there was an opposition alliance; I think it was called the Democratic Bloc, that had made alliances with factions of the [AUC] in order to conspire against the government of President Chavez."