UK Analysis Newswire Archive
The British are here with Arafats approval
17-03-2004 22:53
I know this is a straight rip from "mainstream" media however it has escaped media coverage in the west what with Madrid, the budget or any other distraction you wish to mention filling the pages.The UK Budget
17-03-2004 20:22
The art of the political con.The soft sell of austerity by your friendly labour party.Buy it quickly from your media.The impact of the Spanish government campaign against the Basques
17-03-2004 16:13
As we feared, the campaign against the Basques organised by the Spanish government and amplified by the mass media has had a big impact in the enjoyment of the human rights of some Basque citizens. The tense situation has exploded in some concrete actions:Market Misery in Leeds
17-03-2004 12:13
The plight of Leeds Kirkgate Market stallholders over rent increases by Leeds city councilThe Usual Suspects, Fascists.
17-03-2004 04:20
Aznar's Popular Party (being the haven of the Franco fascists just as the Christian Democrats in Germany became the haven of Nazis after World War Two) more than likely contracted the men arrested through their handlers (the Bush regime) to plant the bombs that went off Thursday in Spain in an attempt to shift a weakening or possible loss for the Popular Party in the Spanish parliament to a resounding victory for the Popular Party by blaming the attacks on the militant Basque separatists, the ETA.M20: Why demonstrate on March 20 ?
17-03-2004 01:44

Who Can Best Defeat Salafi Terror in Iraq?
17-03-2004 00:45
A rapid response reflection on the US's excuse for staying in Iraq to fight Salafi/Al Qa'eda terror in the aftermath of the Madrid bombing.9/11 style propaganda spectacle backfires in Spain.
15-03-2004 01:51
Would-be masters of the universe in Washington DC would naturally presume that the spectacular tragedy in Madrid would help the current right wing Spanish government allied to Bush. But Bush's Spanish allies did not benefit from the mass murder like Bush benefitted from 9/11. A few days later, the Spanish electorate threw the ruling party out and elected the Socialists, demanding a full investigation to uncover the hidden truth.Rule of the death squads
14-03-2004 18:30
Iraq one year on - The shooting isn't just between occupying forces and guerrillas. The Iraqi Governing Council is "killing people one by one"BOMBERS NOT ETA, ISLAMIC TERRORISTS ARRESTED !!!!!
13-03-2004 20:21
Although Spanish officialdom at first accused ETA of being behind the blasts, arrests have recently been made of Moroccan and Pakistani Nationals in Spain. The leap to accuse ETA seems to be an electioneering tactic of political convenience, and a way not to embarass Minister Javier Solana and his pro Arab politics.The Rational Anarchist
13-03-2004 12:52
this will piss off many Leftists and progressives. i ask that you reply in some constructive way. this is for the future of anarchism. it has one. no "if": it has one. Period.Missile Defence Conference :: Threats, Responses and Projections
13-03-2004 10:22
BASIC and Bradford Department of Peace Studies are co-hosting a Missile Defence Conference - 'Threats, Responses and Projections' - on the University Campus on Thursday 18 March 2004. This is an important initative given that both Fylingdales radar station and Menwith Hill listening station, both located in the region, will play a significant role in US plans for missile defense.
Communique ffrom Euskalinfo (Bristol) on the Madrid bombings (11-3-04)
12-03-2004 20:49
Euskalinfo about the Madrid 11-3 bombings
Remaking Internationalism Tariq Ali
12-03-2004 20:34

Social Forums and the Politics of Global Solidarity
MP3 of talk by Tariq Ali, recorded at the recent "Remaking Internationalism" event organised by the Radical Activist Network.
Interview w/ Ambassador Paul Bremer
12-03-2004 18:47
"this will prevent the American people from having to go through other attacks back in the United States" said by GENERAL JOHN ABIZAIDCause of death of Dr David Kelly
12-03-2004 12:25

Equatorial Guinea TV to air 'mercenary' confession
12-03-2004 12:05
The department of foreign affairs says that their investigations indicate that there were weapons on board an aircraft impounded in Harare, Zimbabwe.