The Usual Suspects, Fascists.
Lloyd Hart | 17.03.2004 04:20 | Analysis | Anti-militarism | World
Aznar's Popular Party (being the haven of the Franco fascists just as the Christian Democrats in Germany became the haven of Nazis after World War Two) more than likely contracted the men arrested through their handlers (the Bush regime) to plant the bombs that went off Thursday in Spain in an attempt to shift a weakening or possible loss for the Popular Party in the Spanish parliament to a resounding victory for the Popular Party by blaming the attacks on the militant Basque separatists, the ETA.
The Usual Suspects, Fascists.
Lloyd Hart
After discovering that Prime Minister Aznar of Spain was withholding information from the Spanish public after Thursday's attacks concerning the arrest of the five suspected terrorists, three Moroccans and two Indians with so-called Al Qeada connections and only releasing this information under pressure from the opposition Socialist Party who had the information leaked to them by law enforcement officers my analysis of who the most likely suspects are is as follows:
Aznar's Popular Party (being the haven of the Franco fascists just as the Christian Democrats in Germany became the haven of Nazis after World War Two) more than likely contracted the men arrested through their handlers (the Bush regime) to plant the bombs that went off Thursday in Spain in an attempt to shift a weakening or possible loss for the Popular Party in the Spanish parliament to a resounding victory for the Popular Party by blaming the attacks on the militant Basque separatists, the ETA. As the first information that came out from the Spanish government was that the explosive material was the same as the kind the ETA uses (I was surprised at the speed that the explosives test was done after the attacks.) and that the discovery of an unexploded backpack was similar to bombs the Spanish government claims the ETA planted in the past. And that the Spanish government under Prime Minister Aznar unabashedly claimed that their number one suspect was the ETA while suppressing knowledge of the arrests of the three Moroccans and two Indians from the ears of the Spanish public after the attacks occurred.
Just as World War Two, the Holocaust, the resulting nuclear arms race and the highly profitable cold war was engineered by the American fascist elite and by the loyal fascists' throughout Europe, the war on terrorism is being engineered by basically the same people. In fact, many of the same family members are involved such as George W. Bush the grandson of Prescott Bush who funnelled war aims materials to Hitler's Nazi Germany up until the end of 1942 until being quietly admonished by the turn all Jews away President Roosevelt. In Italy as in Aznar's Spain, Prime Minister Berlusconi is supported by many of the offspring of Italian fascism under Benito Mussolini.
It is my analysis that the fascists are once again uniting world wide under the ruse of the war on terrorism and because all the polling data in Spain showed a neck-and-neck race between the Popular Party and Spain's socialists as more than 90 percent of the Spanish population was opposed to war in Iraq, the American fascists in the White House along with the Spanish fascists simply decided to rig the election with an act of terrorism would be blamed on the ETA. Contracting the terrorists just as the Bush regime did for 9/11 and aiding and abetting the terrorists in order to guarantee success of the contract.
The Smoking Guns:
In the case of 9/11 the only person that could cause the air defense system to be penetrated by airplane toting terrorists would be the president of the United States who would have to order the air defense system of the United States that includes the Air Guard to stand down in order to allow the attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001. The Bush regime did not count on educated people like myself and many others who understood how the North American Air Defense system or NORAD worked. The reason terrorists had never attempted what was committed on September 11, 2001 was simply because it was impossible. Airliners would have never reached their targets because they would be intercepted and shot down before they reached highly populated and important business and military targets.
In the case of the 3/11 Aznar did not count on members of the Spanish security services to betray the Aznar's fascist regime and reveal the truth to the socialists who then pressured Aznar to release the evidence that led to public consternation and public protests directed at Aznar's Popular Party for withholding the truth that threw doubt on the government's assertion that the ETA was behind the attacks. Because the government could no longer be trusted the Spanish public voted in larger numbers for Spain's Socialist Party.
The Fascist's Are Spinning to Much of Their Own Product.
The more dangerous result of the Spanish elections for homeland America is the aggressive spin that began Friday morning with Peter Brooks of the Heritage Foundation on CNN as soon as Aznar was forced by the Spanish socialists to release the truth of the arrests of the Moroccans and Indians. Peter Brooks in order to control the damage to the war on terrorism asserted that the ETA and Al Qeada had probably joined forces for these attacks in Spain. Lets see, Basque Anarchists and Marxists hooking up with Muslim Fundementalists. Yeah, I buy that. Then by Friday afternoon members of Aznar's party began to spin the idea that the ETA attempted to make the bombings look as though they were Al Qeada in order to discredit the Spanish government for failing to protect Spanish public. The ETA hoping as the conspiracy theory goes to shift the vote to the Socialists. This strategy having the added bonus of linking the ETA to the Socialist Party. So the ETA, Al Qeada and the Spanish Socialists are all terrorists working together. Now that's what I call spin.
But the Spanish government could not overcome the anger in the Spanish public for withholding evidence of the possible source of the attacks losing the election to the Socialists. By Monday morning the corporate media outlets in America began their resounding editorial conspiracy that Al Qeada had turned the Spanish elections. That the terrorists had won and the Spanish public gave the terrorists the victory implying that the Spaniards are cowards.
This new Monday morning spin here in America after the Spanish elections sets the stage for the American fascists to commit another act of terrorism on par with 9/11 just before the 2004 U.S. elections who will then claim that the Spanish elections had emboldened Al Qeada to attempt to influence the American elections. So don't vote for those Neville Chamberlain, terrorist appeasing commie pinko fag Democrat cowards. It will only emboldened the terrorists to attack us again. The American fascists, attempting to create reverse psychology in the public's mind so as to get the election close enough to steal with the electronic voting machines.
As for Osama bin Laden. He was an asset of the American fascists in the 1980's and he is an asset of the American fascists now. All those true believers that followed Osama bin Laden to their deaths were simply just suckers and patsies in a broader conspiracy hatched by the same American fascists who wacked the Kennedys and Martin Luther King Jr. in order to take total control of strategic oil supply. The bin Laden family can't wait to overthrow the Saudi royal family, take over the rule of Saudi Arabia and its oil. And of course the Bush family and the Carlyle Group will get their 15% handling fee.
Lloyd Hart
After discovering that Prime Minister Aznar of Spain was withholding information from the Spanish public after Thursday's attacks concerning the arrest of the five suspected terrorists, three Moroccans and two Indians with so-called Al Qeada connections and only releasing this information under pressure from the opposition Socialist Party who had the information leaked to them by law enforcement officers my analysis of who the most likely suspects are is as follows:
Aznar's Popular Party (being the haven of the Franco fascists just as the Christian Democrats in Germany became the haven of Nazis after World War Two) more than likely contracted the men arrested through their handlers (the Bush regime) to plant the bombs that went off Thursday in Spain in an attempt to shift a weakening or possible loss for the Popular Party in the Spanish parliament to a resounding victory for the Popular Party by blaming the attacks on the militant Basque separatists, the ETA. As the first information that came out from the Spanish government was that the explosive material was the same as the kind the ETA uses (I was surprised at the speed that the explosives test was done after the attacks.) and that the discovery of an unexploded backpack was similar to bombs the Spanish government claims the ETA planted in the past. And that the Spanish government under Prime Minister Aznar unabashedly claimed that their number one suspect was the ETA while suppressing knowledge of the arrests of the three Moroccans and two Indians from the ears of the Spanish public after the attacks occurred.
Just as World War Two, the Holocaust, the resulting nuclear arms race and the highly profitable cold war was engineered by the American fascist elite and by the loyal fascists' throughout Europe, the war on terrorism is being engineered by basically the same people. In fact, many of the same family members are involved such as George W. Bush the grandson of Prescott Bush who funnelled war aims materials to Hitler's Nazi Germany up until the end of 1942 until being quietly admonished by the turn all Jews away President Roosevelt. In Italy as in Aznar's Spain, Prime Minister Berlusconi is supported by many of the offspring of Italian fascism under Benito Mussolini.
It is my analysis that the fascists are once again uniting world wide under the ruse of the war on terrorism and because all the polling data in Spain showed a neck-and-neck race between the Popular Party and Spain's socialists as more than 90 percent of the Spanish population was opposed to war in Iraq, the American fascists in the White House along with the Spanish fascists simply decided to rig the election with an act of terrorism would be blamed on the ETA. Contracting the terrorists just as the Bush regime did for 9/11 and aiding and abetting the terrorists in order to guarantee success of the contract.
The Smoking Guns:
In the case of 9/11 the only person that could cause the air defense system to be penetrated by airplane toting terrorists would be the president of the United States who would have to order the air defense system of the United States that includes the Air Guard to stand down in order to allow the attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001. The Bush regime did not count on educated people like myself and many others who understood how the North American Air Defense system or NORAD worked. The reason terrorists had never attempted what was committed on September 11, 2001 was simply because it was impossible. Airliners would have never reached their targets because they would be intercepted and shot down before they reached highly populated and important business and military targets.
In the case of the 3/11 Aznar did not count on members of the Spanish security services to betray the Aznar's fascist regime and reveal the truth to the socialists who then pressured Aznar to release the evidence that led to public consternation and public protests directed at Aznar's Popular Party for withholding the truth that threw doubt on the government's assertion that the ETA was behind the attacks. Because the government could no longer be trusted the Spanish public voted in larger numbers for Spain's Socialist Party.
The Fascist's Are Spinning to Much of Their Own Product.
The more dangerous result of the Spanish elections for homeland America is the aggressive spin that began Friday morning with Peter Brooks of the Heritage Foundation on CNN as soon as Aznar was forced by the Spanish socialists to release the truth of the arrests of the Moroccans and Indians. Peter Brooks in order to control the damage to the war on terrorism asserted that the ETA and Al Qeada had probably joined forces for these attacks in Spain. Lets see, Basque Anarchists and Marxists hooking up with Muslim Fundementalists. Yeah, I buy that. Then by Friday afternoon members of Aznar's party began to spin the idea that the ETA attempted to make the bombings look as though they were Al Qeada in order to discredit the Spanish government for failing to protect Spanish public. The ETA hoping as the conspiracy theory goes to shift the vote to the Socialists. This strategy having the added bonus of linking the ETA to the Socialist Party. So the ETA, Al Qeada and the Spanish Socialists are all terrorists working together. Now that's what I call spin.
But the Spanish government could not overcome the anger in the Spanish public for withholding evidence of the possible source of the attacks losing the election to the Socialists. By Monday morning the corporate media outlets in America began their resounding editorial conspiracy that Al Qeada had turned the Spanish elections. That the terrorists had won and the Spanish public gave the terrorists the victory implying that the Spaniards are cowards.
This new Monday morning spin here in America after the Spanish elections sets the stage for the American fascists to commit another act of terrorism on par with 9/11 just before the 2004 U.S. elections who will then claim that the Spanish elections had emboldened Al Qeada to attempt to influence the American elections. So don't vote for those Neville Chamberlain, terrorist appeasing commie pinko fag Democrat cowards. It will only emboldened the terrorists to attack us again. The American fascists, attempting to create reverse psychology in the public's mind so as to get the election close enough to steal with the electronic voting machines.
As for Osama bin Laden. He was an asset of the American fascists in the 1980's and he is an asset of the American fascists now. All those true believers that followed Osama bin Laden to their deaths were simply just suckers and patsies in a broader conspiracy hatched by the same American fascists who wacked the Kennedys and Martin Luther King Jr. in order to take total control of strategic oil supply. The bin Laden family can't wait to overthrow the Saudi royal family, take over the rule of Saudi Arabia and its oil. And of course the Bush family and the Carlyle Group will get their 15% handling fee.

Lloyd Hart