UK Analysis Newswire Archive
Moussaoui gets life: Bush displays acumen
04-05-2006 14:58
Just when you thought the idiot President (Americans please note) couldn’t top his previous efforts at pure imbecility, he does it again! Bush, responding to the verdict handed down to small fry terrorist, Moussaoui, stated that, “Moussaoui got a life sentence, that means he will spend the rest of his life in jail.” [Doh!] Would the real leaders of the United States please show your faces because hiding behind this cretin is becoming tedious. We would all like to know who really is determining the course of the nation since the Zionists, Wolfowitz and Perle, have jumped ship. [Remember their (now failed) plan to safeguard Israel by duping the US into invading Iraq and eliminating Saddam after the missile attacks on Tel Aviv). Israel now faces a more horrendous nightmare as a direct result of the failures in Iraq. ‘O, what tangled webs’!]Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole Tower Hamlets Council NEXT DEMO
04-05-2006 12:25
UK Transport Secretary Alistair Darling - known also as the CrossRail hole Bill minister - is the subject of a series of legal actions initiated by Khoodeelaar! campaign. Other actions in defence of the Brick Lane London E1 area against Crossrail-Big Business attacks are also in the pipelines against the present Tower Hamlets Council. Today's local elections may cause a slight change in composition of the Council. But the campaign against CrossRail will have top go on against a Crossrail-hole-inviting CouncilSomething, Something and Recycle
04-05-2006 08:33
All people seem to do is recycle. Is that a bad thing? This article explores the options.EVO MORALES' COURAGEOUS MOVE NOW MAKES HIM A US TARGET ALONG WITH HUGO CHAVEZ
04-05-2006 07:21
04-05-2006 01:34
In order to obscure the failures of the British justice system, the press is fuelling racist hysteria in Britain by concentrating on the fact that detainees on early release were migrants or 'foreigners' as they are phrasing it. This is despite the fact that refugees in detention centres are being illegally locked up and deported against their Human Rights as guaranteed British, European and International law.Far left is helpless to stop the rise of the BNP
03-05-2006 18:15
Anarchists, socialists, communists, social democrats and liberals do not seem to grasp the issues fuelling the rise of the BNP among the white working class.End Physical Punishment of Children
02-05-2006 22:20
![International No Smacking Day](/icon/2006/05/339559.jpg)
Tesco post record profits
02-05-2006 15:08
Tesco have posted record profits of £2.25 billion. At what cost?WHY DOES THE US WANT TO ATTACK IRAN?
02-05-2006 12:24
A talk and discussion.Date: Wednesday 3rd May
Time: 2pm
Place: The Hub, Liverpool University (2nd floor of Guild)
02-05-2006 12:13
You'll of course be unlikely to miss it. It could be news for days (at least until the next scandal!)Immigration and May Day, from Chicago
01-05-2006 21:59
![We Say Fight Back](/icon/2006/05/339386.jpg)
G8 2007 Newspaper Online Now!
01-05-2006 20:37
The mobilisation against the 2007 G8 Summit in Heiligendamm, Germany is well under way! A newspaper has been produced by a number of groups involved with the Interventionist Left (IL), one of the radical networks mobilising against the summit, and is out now!'Chile: Mapuche People 48th day of Hunger Strike'
01-05-2006 05:03
![48th day of Hunger Strike](/icon/2006/05/339274.jpg)
Danny Schechter of Globalvision in London Wednesday 3rd May
01-05-2006 00:22
Amnesty International documents European complicity in secret US rendition progr
30-04-2006 23:49
![Torture Freedom](/icon/2006/05/339264.jpg)
Reclaim Mayday for anarchism (article from anarkismo)
30-04-2006 23:43
Reclaim Mayday for anarchismby Anarcho Sunday, Apr 30 2006, 1:42pm
international / history / feature
![](/img/extlink.gif) was launched for Mayday 2005 so this Mayday represents our first birthday.
Khoodeelaar No to Lib Dems Crossrail hole corruption in the East End
30-04-2006 13:53
Widespread postal vote fraud allegations about Tower Hamlets, East London have already been made in the past week. This is against the background of postal vote fraud and electoral maladministration by the Council at the May 2005 general elections. Now, the Khoodeelaar! No to CrossRail hole campaign is taking the Tower Hamlets Liberal Democrats Group to court on related legal groundsLiving With War
30-04-2006 05:18
![We don't all have to believe](/icon/2006/04/339184.jpg)
The Paradigm is the Enemy: The State of the Peak Oil Movement
29-04-2006 23:03
THE PARADIGM IS THE ENEMY: The State of the Peak Oil Movement at the Cusp of CollapseA Speech by Michael C. Ruppert for the Local Solutions to the Energy Dilemma Conference
April 27-29, New York City, at Cooper Union
[This is the most important speech of my life. If you read anything I’ve written this year, read this – MCR]