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Gaza Freedom March Update: French delegates take over the boulevard in Cairo

28-12-2009 15:08

French Delegates Take Over the Boulevard in Front of French Embassy in Cairo

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Hunger Strikers for Gaza aid enter Day 2

28-12-2009 14:37

Swansea Hunger Striker D Murphy in Jordan
Humanitarian aid convoy bound for Gaza is being held up by Egypt. Drivers from UK and Ireland are on hunger strike

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White Christmas operation in Coccaglio 2009

28-12-2009 11:46

Christmas 2009
The ''White Christmas'' operation in Coccaglio, aiming the expulsion of all ''illegals'' in the town, is not only a sign of utter racism and xenophobia, it also reveals the inhuman Italian asylumpolicy, which has hardened this year
Therefore it is of great importance to undertake action against as well the White Christmas operation as Italian asylumpolicy in general

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Gaza’s Shrinking Borders

27-12-2009 22:39

Since the beginning of the Oslo “Peace” Process that began in 1993, not only have the borders of Gaza been largely closed to people and goods, but the borders have been closing in on the residents of Gaza through unilateral Israeli military actions.

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FLASHBACK: Israel's blonde bombshells and real bombs in Gaza

27-12-2009 21:37

I am not sure that most people understand the meaning of the name "Operation Cast Lead" chosen by Israel for its murderous and criminal attack on Gaza. The name is borrowed from a Hebrew nursery rhyme which was (and may still be) very popular among Israeli children in the 1950s.

The cynicism embedded in the name, selected for what Ari Shavit, one of Israel's most celebrated commentators, called "an intelligent, impressive operation," is symptomatic to the cold, meticulous and calculated cruelty with which this attack was "designed," "executed" and "marketed" to the world.

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FLASHBACK: The Hanukkah Massacres

27-12-2009 20:13

Israeli Air Force dropping cluster bombs on Gaza
On the seventh day of Hanukkah, 2008, as Jews around the world were lighting the seventh candle on the menorah, commemorating the victorious rebellion of Judah Macabbee and the re-dedication of the Temple of Jerusalem 2200 years ago, a terrorist, Zionist entity, with the approval of the world’s last “Superpower” rained down death and destruction on men, women and children herded together on a sliver of the land they had once cultivated and shared with their fellow Semites.

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Viva Palestina activists start hunger strike in Jordan

27-12-2009 19:31

Sunday December 27th marks the anniversary of the attack on Gaza by Israel, which left over 1,400 people dead, and over 5,000 injured in 22 days.

At 11 35 am, the time of the first attack, a group of humanitarians on the “Viva Palestina Convoy” will embark on an International Hunger Strike in the main square in Aqaba, Jordan.

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Egyptian Security Forces Detain Gaza Freedom Marchers and Stop Memorial in Cairo

27-12-2009 14:23

Egyptian Security Forces Detain Gaza Freedom Marchers in

el-Arish and shut down Gaza Memorial in Cairo

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Target Brimar begin 22 Days of Waging Peace

27-12-2009 09:45

Anti-militarist campaigners from across the Northwest will be holding a 22 day long protest against Chadderton-based weapons component manufacturer Brimar from December 27.

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Hunger strike to force open blockade

26-12-2009 20:47

Convoy in Jordan
Members of the Viva Palestina international aid convoy to Gaza will begin a
hunger strike at 11.25am local time tomorrow (27th) in protest at the Egyptian
government's refusal to allow the convoy entry onto its soil.

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U.S. – led World Community Fails, Palestinians on Brink of Explosion

25-12-2009 02:20

Barak Obama will go down in history as the first U.S. president who pushed a life - long Palestinian ally like Abbas to publicly pronounce the first ever pronounced Palestinian “disappointment” with the United States and its role as the mediator in the conflict.

By Nicola Nasser*

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Communication, education and human rights activist imprisoned in Israel!

23-12-2009 20:30

Jamal Juma, Human Right's defender and coordinator of "Stop the Wall" campaign in Palestine, campaigner for the democratisation of communication and organiser of the future world education forum, was arrested onthe 16th of December without explanation and held in Israel. Appeals go out for support and pressure for his liberation and the right to trial in his home Palestine.

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Smash EDO: Remember Gaza, January 18th announcement

23-12-2009 15:01

It is now less than a month to Smash EDO's Remember Gaza event. Make sure that you stay updated!

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Protest held at AHAVA, sellers of west bank settlement mud

19-12-2009 19:24

Around twenty people turned out on a very cold Saturday in Covent Garden, London, to protest against Israeli cosmetics company AHAVA and its use of an illegal west bank settlement to produce cosmetics. There were also some people there to demonstrate in favour of AHAVA and apparently against any criticism of Israel.

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Remember Gaza Vigil

19-12-2009 00:00


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Candlelit Vigil for Gaza: Sunday 27th December

17-12-2009 21:41

'Remember Gaza' -- Candlelit Vigil for Gaza, Sheffield Town Hall - Sunday 27th December 2009

A year since the invasion of Gaza. Vigil on the Town Hall steps from 4 p.m. - 5 p.m. Please bring candles and holders with you.

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Smash EDO: Gaza Anniversary

17-12-2009 20:25

We are aware that most things tend to take a bit of a break around xmas, but this year the holidays are also the anniversary of the horrific massacres that took place in Gaza from the 27th of December 2008. Predictably, Smash EDO have a few things coming up...

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Sample Letters 4 ur MP against Israeli War Criminal

17-12-2009 13:39

please send the below articles to your mp to sign

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Release Bil’in popular leader Abdallah Abu Rahmah

16-12-2009 19:26

Abdallah with the Elders at a grave of a Bil'in resident shot by Israeli forces
***please circulate widely***

press release follows the action alert in English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Swedish, Arabic, and Turkish

As part of a recent escalation of political arrests in Bil’in, Abdallah Abu Rahmah, a school teacher and coordinator of the Bil’in Popular Committee was arrested by Israeli soldiers.

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Smash EDO: Last noise demo of the year today

16-12-2009 10:23

Join us up at EDO for the last noise demo of the year, today between 4-6pm.