Release Bil’in popular leader Abdallah Abu Rahmah
Popular Struggle Coordinatino Committee | 16.12.2009 19:26 | Palestine
***please circulate widely***
press release follows the action alert in English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Swedish, Arabic, and Turkish
As part of a recent escalation of political arrests in Bil’in, Abdallah Abu Rahmah, a school teacher and coordinator of the Bil’in Popular Committee was arrested by Israeli soldiers.
press release follows the action alert in English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Swedish, Arabic, and Turkish
As part of a recent escalation of political arrests in Bil’in, Abdallah Abu Rahmah, a school teacher and coordinator of the Bil’in Popular Committee was arrested by Israeli soldiers.
At 2am on Thursday, 10 December 2009, seven Israeli military jeeps pulled over at Abdallah Abu Rahmah’s home in the city of Ramallah. Soldiers raided the house and arrested Abu Rahmah from his bed in the presence of his wife and three children. Abu Rahmah is a high school teacher in the Latin Patriarchate School in Birzeit near Ramallah and coordinator for the Bil’in Popular Committee against the Wall and Settlements. A previous raid targeting Abu Rahmah on 15 September 2009 was executed with such exceptional violence, that a soldier was subsequently indicted for assault.
Abdallah has been a member of the Bil’in Popular Committee since its conception in 2004. As coordinator, Abu Rahmah not only regularly organizes and attends the weekly Friday demonstrations but does the media work for the Bil’in struggle. Abdallah has represented the village in engagements around the world to further Bil'in's cause. He has traveled to Montreal to participate in a speaking tour and the village's legal case against two Canadian companies building settlements on Bil'in's land in June 2009, and in December of 2008, he participated in a speaking tour in France and traveled to Germany to accept the the Carl von Ossietzky Medal for outstanding service in the realization of basic and human rights, awarded by the board of trustees of the International League for Human Rights on behalf of Bil'in. Abdallah's endless work for his village is just a part of his incredible persona, many of us know him personally, as he welcomes thousands of international, Palestinian and Israeli activists when they visit Bil'in.
Abu Rahmah’s arrest is part of an escalation in Israeli military’s attempts to break the spirit of the people of Bil’in, their popular leadership, and the popular struggle as a whole - aimed at crushing demonstrations against the Wall. Recently, Adv. Gaby Lasky, who represents many of Bil’in’s detainees, was informed by the military prosecution that the army intends to use legal measures as a means of ending the demonstrations.
Following Abu Rahmah’s arrest, Adv. Lasky, stated that “My client’s arrest is another blatant illustration of the Israeli authorities’ application of legal procedures for the political persecution of Bil’in residents. The Bil’in demonstrators are being systemically targeted while it is the State that is in contempt of a High Court of Justice ruling; a ruling which affirmed that the protesters have justice on their side and instructed 2 years ago that the route of the Wall in the area be changed, which has not been implemented to date.”
Since 23 June 2009, 31 residents of Bil’in have been detained by the military in a wave of night raids and arrests which began concurrently with preliminary hearings in a lawsuit against two Canadian companies responsible for the construction of an Israeli settlement on Bil’in’s land. The Israeli military is targeting protesters and the leadership of Bil’in’s Popular Committee. Apart from Abdallah, three other committee members were arrested, but all of them were released for lack of evidence. In the case of Mohammed Khatib, the court even found some of the presented evidence to be falsified. In addition to committee members, a leading Bil’in activist, Adeeb Abu Rahmah, who has been detained for over five months, is not suspected of committing any violence, but was indicted with a blanket charge of “incitement”, which was very liberally interpreted in this case to include the organizing of grassroots demonstrations.
What can you do?
Attempts to criminalize the leadership of non-violent protests were curbed in the past with the help of an outpouring of support from people committed to justice from all over the world.
1. Please protest by contacting your political representatives, as well as your consuls and ambassadors to Israel ( to demand that Israel stops targeting non-violent popular resistance and release Abdallah Abu Rahmah and all Bil’in prisoners.
2. Organise demonstrations outside of Israeli embassies in your countries in condemnation of Israel’s ongoing arrest campaign against non-violent activists and in solidarity with those who remain in Israel’s prisons (All demonstrations can be coordinated through for media support work).
3. The Popular Committee of Bil’in is in desperate need for funds in order to pay legal fees both for the trial in Montréal and for representing the arrested protesters in the military courts and bail. Please donate to the Bil’in legal fund through PayPal. If you would like to make a tax deductible donation in the US or Canada contact: To make a donation please click here.
Following initial construction of Israel’s wall on Bil’in’s lands in March 2005, residents organized almost daily direct actions and demonstrations against the theft of their lands. Garnering the attention of the international community with their creativity and perseverance, Bil’in has become a symbol for Palestinian popular resistance. Almost five years later, Bil’in continues to have weekly Friday protests.
Located 12 kilometers west of Ramallah and 4 km east of the Green Line, Bil’in is an agricultural village spanning 4,000 dunams (988 acres) with approximately 1,800 residents.
While construction of and opposition to the Wall and began in 2005, the majority of land had been expropriated from Bil’in earlier.
Starting in the early 1980’s, and more significantly in 1991, approximately 56% of Bil'in's agricultural land was declared ‘State Land’ for the construction of the settlement bloc, Modi'in Illit ( Modi'in Illit currently holds the largest settler population of any settlement bloc, with over 42,000 residents and plans to achieve a population of 150,000 (
In addition to grassroots organizing, Bil’in has held annual conferences on popular resistance since 2006; providing a forum for activists, academics, and leaders to discuss strategies for the unarmed struggle against the Occupation (
Bil’in embraced legal measures against Israel as part of its multi-lateral resistance to the theft of their livelihoods. The village first turned to the courts in the fall of 2005. Two years after they initiated legal proceedings, the Israeli High Court of Justice ruled that due to illegal construction in part of Modi'in Illit, unfinished housing could not be completed and that the route of the Wall be moved several hundred meters west, returning 25% of Bil’in’s lands to the village. To date, the high court ruling has not been implemented and construction continues.
In July 2008, Bil’in commenced legal proceedings before the Superior Court of Quebec against Green Park International Inc and Green Mount International Inc for their involvement in constructing, marketing and selling residential units in the Mattityahu East section of Modi’in Illit.
In an effort to stop the popular resistance in Bil’in, Israeli authorities intimidate demonstrators with physical violence and arrests.
Israeli armed forces have used sound and shock grenades, water cannons, rubber-coated steel bullets, tear-gas grenades, tear-gas canisters, high velocity tear-gas projectiles, 0.22 caliber live ammunition and live ammunition against protesters.
On 17 April 2009, Bassem Abu Rahma was shot with a high-velocity tear gas projectile in the chest by Israeli forces and subsequently died from his wounds at a Ramallah hospital (
Out of the 78 residents who have been arrested in connection to demonstrations against the Wall, 31 were arrested after the beginning of a night raid campaign on 23 June 2009. Israeli armed forces have been regularly invading homes and forcefully searching for demonstration participants, targeting the leaders of the Popular Committee Against the Wall and Settlements, as well as teenage boys accused of throwing stones at the Wall.
For Immediate Release:
10 December 2009: Bil'in leader Abdallah Abu Rahmah arrested during military night raid
As part of a recent escalation of political arrests in Bil'in, Abdallah Abu Rahmah, a school teacher and coordinator of the Bil'in Popular Committee was arrested by Israeli soldiers
At exactly 2 AM last night, seven Israeli military jeeps pulled over at Abdallah Abu Rahmah's residence in the city of Ramallah. Soldiers raided the house and arrested Abu Rahmah from his bed in the presence of his wife and children. Abu Rahmah is a high school teacher in the Latin Patriarchate school in Birzeit near Ramallah and is the coordinator of the Bil'in Popular Committee against the Wall and Settlements. A previous raid targeting Abu Rahmah was executed with such exceptional violence on 15 September 2009, that a soldier was subsequently indicted for assault.
For more details: Jonathan Pollak +972546327736
Abu Rahmah's arrest is part of an escalation in Israeli military’s attempts to break the spirit of the people of Bil'in, their popular leadership, and the popular struggle as a whole - aimed at crushing demonstrations against the Wall. Recently, Adv. Gaby Lasky, who represents many of Bil'in's detainees, was informed by the military
prosecution that the army intends to use legal measures as a means of ending the demonstrations.
Following Abu Rahmah's arrest, Adv. Lasky, stated that "My client's arrest is another blatant illustration of the Israeli authorities' application of legal procedures for the political persecution of Bil’in residents. The Bil'in demonstrators are being systematically targeted while it is the State that is in contempt of a High Court of Justice ruling; a ruling which affirmed that the protesters have justice on their side and instructed 2 years ago that the route of the Wall in the area be changed, which has not been implemented to date."
Since 23 June 2009, 31 residents of Bil'in have been detained by the military. The Army has pursued Popular Committee members in its arrest operation, but all three detained members were released for lack of evidence. In the case of another member, Mohammed Khatib, the court even found some of the presented evidence to be falsified.
In addition to committee members, a leading Bil'in activist, Adeeb Abu Rahmah, who has been detained for over five months, is not suspected of committing any violence, but was indicted with a blanket charge of “incitement”, which was very liberally interpreted in this case to include the organizing of grassroots demonstrations.
Pour diffusion immédiate:
10 Décembre 2009 : le leader de Bil’in Abdallah Abu Rahmah arrêté pendant un raid militaire nocturne
Dans le cadre de l’escalade récente d’arrestations politiques à Bil’in, Abdallah Abu Rahmah, instituteur et coordonnateur du Comité Populaire de Bil’in, a été arrêté par les soldats israéliens.
A exactement 2h la nuit dernière, sept jeeps militaires israéliennes sont arrivées devant la maison d’Abdallah Abu Rahmah, à Ramallah. Les soldats ont envahi la maison, ont arraché Abu Rahmah de son lit et l’ont arrêté, en présence de sa femme et de ses enfants.
Abu Rahmah est instituteur à l’Ecole du Patriarche Latin, à Birzeit, près de Ramallah, et coordonateur du Comité Populaire de Bil’in contre le Mur et les Colonies. Un raid précédent visant Abu Rahmah avait été lancé le 15 septembre 2009, avec une telle même violence qu’un soldat avait été poursuivi pour attaque.
Pour plus de détails, contacter Jonathan Pollak, au +972546327736.
L’arrestation d’Abu Rahmah fait partie d’une escalade des tentatives de l’armée israélienne pour briser le courage des gens de Bil’in, leur direction populaire et la lutte populaire dans son ensemble – pour écraser les manifestations contre le Mur.
Récemment, l’avocat Gaby Lasky, qui représente de nombreux détenus de Bil’in, avait été informé par le procureur militaire que l’armée avait l’intention d’utiliser toutes les voies juridiques pour mettre fin aux manifestations.
A la suite de l’arrestation d’Abu Rahmah, Maître Lasky a déclaré : «L’arrestation de mon client est une nouvelle illustration flagrante de l’application de mesures judiciaires pour la criminalisation politique des habitants de Bil’in. Les manifestants de Bil’in sont systématiquement visés alors que c’est l’Etat qui fait outrage à une décision de la Haute Cour de Justice; une décision qui affirme que les manifestants ont la justice de leur côté, et a statué il y a deux ans que la route du Mur dans ce secteur devait être modifiée, ce qui n’a toujours pas été exécuté à ce jour.»
Depuis le 23 juin 2009, 31 habitants de Bil’in ont été détenus par l’armée. Cette dernière a poursuivi les membres du Comité Populaire dans ses campagnes d’arrestation, mais les trois détenus ont été relâchés pour manque de preuve. Dans le cas d’un autre membre, Mohammed Khatib, le tribunal a même conclu que certaines des preuves présentées avaient été falsifiées.
En plus des membres du Comité, un des principaux activistes de Bil’in, Adeeb Abu Rahmah, qui a été emprisonné pendant plus de cinq mois, n’est pas soupçonné d’avoir commis la moindre violence, mais a été condamné sur une accusation globale d’« incitation » qui a été interprétée très librement dans son cas pour inclure l’organisation de manifestations de la base populaire.
Zur sofortigen Veröffentlichung:
10. Dezember 2009: Verhaftung von Abdullah Abu Rahman, Vorsitzender in Bil’in, während nächtlicher militärischer Intervention
Im Zuge einer kürzlich eskalierten Welle politischer Verhaftungen in Bil’in wurde Abdallah Abu Rahman, Lehrer und Koordinator des „Bil’in Popular Committee“, von israelischen Soldaten verhaftet.
Um genau 2 Uhr letzter Nacht hielten sieben israelische Militärjeeps vor Abdallah Abu Rahmans Haus in der Stadt Ramallah. Soldaten überfielen das Haus und verhafteten Abu Rahman aus seinem Bett in Gegenwart seiner Frau und Kinder. Abu Rahman ist ein Oberschullehrer einer Schule in Birzeit („Latin Patriarchate School“) in der Nähe von Ramallah und Koordinator des „Bil’in Popular Committee“ gegen die Mauer und die Siedlungen. In einem vorherigen Übergriff auf Abu Rahman wurde gegen ihn mit solch übertrieben heftiger Gewalt vorgegangen, dass daraufhin der israelische Soldat angeklagt wurde.
Für nähere Informationen: Jonathan Pollak +972546327736
Abu Rahmans Festnahme ist Teil der Eskalation israelischer militärischer Versuche, die Motivation der Bewohner Bil’ins, ihrer Führung und dem Widerstand allgemein einzudämmen. Vor Kurzem wurde die Anwältin Gaby Lasky, die viele der Verhafteten aus Bil’in vertritt, von der militärischen Staatsanwaltschaft informiert, dass die Armee beabsichtige, legale Methoden einzusetzen um die Demonstrationen zu beenden.
Im Anschluss an die Inhaftierung Abu Rahmans erklärte Lasky: „Durch die Festnahme meines Klienten wird erneut auf eklatante Weise deutlich, wie die israelischen Behörden legale Verfahren zur Verfolgung der Bewohner Bil’ins anwenden. Auf die Demonstranten wird systematisch abgezielt, während es der Staat ist, der einen gerichtlichen Beschluss missachtet.
Jener Beschluss bestätigte, dass die Protestierenden das Recht auf ihrer Seite haben und ordnete vor zwei Jahren an, dass der Verlauf der Mauer in der Region geändert würde, welches bis heute nicht umgesetzt wurde.
Seit dem 23. Juni 2009 wurden 31 Bewohner Bil’ins vom israelischen Militär festgenommen. Die Armee verfolgte Mitglieder des „Popular Committee“ im Zuge ihrer Verhaftungen, jedoch wurden alle drei inhaftierten Mitglieder freigelassen aufgrund mangelnder Beweise. Im Falle eines anderen Mitglieds, Mohammed Khatib, stellte das Gericht sogar fest, dass einige der vorgelegten Beweise gefälscht wurden.
Außer den Mitgliedern des Komitees wurde ein führender Aktivist in Bil’in, Adeeb Abu Rahman, mehr als fünf Monate inhaftiert. Dabei wurde er nicht einmal der Gewaltausübung verdächtigt, sondern aufgrund der bloßen Anschuldigung der Unruhestiftung inhaftiert, welches wohl in Anbetracht der Tatsache, dass es sich dabei um die Organisation von Demonstrationen handelte, eine sehr liberale Interpretation war.
Para Publicación Inmediata:
10 Diciembre 2009: El líder Bil’in Abdallah Abu Rahmah arrestado durante incursión militar nocturna Israelí.
Como parte de una reciente escalada de arrestos políticos en Bil’in, Abdallah Abu Rahmah, un profesor de instituto y coordinador del Comité Popular de Bil’in ha sido arrestado por soldados Israelíes
Exactamente a las 2 de esta madrugada, varios jeeps militares Israelíes se detuvieron delante de la vivienda de Abdallah Abu Rahmah en la ciudad de Ramallah. Los soldados registraron la casa y arrestaron a Abu Rahmah que estaba en su cama, en presencia de su esposa e hijos. Abu Rahmah es profesor de instituto en la escuela del Patriarcado Latino en Birzeit cerca de Ramallah y es coordinador del Comité Popular de Bil'in contra el Muro y los Asentamientos. Un asalto anterior en busca de Abu Rahmah se hizo con una violencia tan excepcional el 15 de Septiembre de 2009, que un soldado fue acusado de asalto.
Para más detalles: Jonathan Pollak +972 546327736
Al arresto de Abu Rahmah forma parte de una escalada en los intentos de los militares Israelíes de quebrantar el espíritu de Bil’in, su liderazgo popular, y la lucha popular como un todo – con el fin de aplastar las manifestaciones contra el Muro. Recientemente, la Abogada Gaby Lasky, que representa a muchos de los detenidos de Bil’in, fue informada por la fiscalía militar que el ejército tiene la intención de utilizar medidas legales como medio de terminar con las manifestaciones.
A continuación del arresto de Abu Rahmah, la Abogada Lasky, declaró que “El arresto de mi cliente es otra muestra flagrante de la aplicación Israelí de los procedimientos legales para la persecución política de los residentes de Bil’in. Los manifestantes de Bil’in están siendo un objetivo sistemático mientras que es el Estado quien desprecia una sentencia del Tribunal Supremo Israelí que daba la razón a los manifestantes y ordenaba hace ya 2 años que el trazado del Muro en el área tenía que ser alterado, lo cual a día de hoy no ha sido cumplido.”
Desde el 23 de Junio de 2009, 31 residentes de Bil’in han sido detenidos por los militares. El ejército ha perseguido a los miembros del Comité Popular en sus operaciones de arresto, pero tres de los detenidos han sido puestos en libertad por falta de pruebas. En el caso de otro miembro, Mohammed Khatib, el tribunal incluso se encontró con que algunas de las pruebas presentadas habían sido falsificadas.
Además de los miembros del comité, un importante activista de Bil’in, Adeeb Abu Rahmah, que está detenido desde hace más de cinco meses, no es sospechoso de cometer ninguna acción violencia, pero fue acusado con un cargo en blanco de “incitación”, que fue interpretado ampliamente en este caso para incluir la organización de manifestaciones de base.
Comunicato stampa
10 dicembre 2009: Il coordinatore del movimento di resistenza nonviolento di Bil'in, Abdallah Abu Rahmah, é stato arrestato durante la notte scorsa da soldati israeliani.
Come parte di una recente scalata di violenza da parte dell’esercito israeliano per motivi politici a Bil'in, Abdallah Abu Rahmah, un maestro di scuola e coordinatore del Comitato Popolare di Bil'in è stato arrestato da soldati israeliani
Esattamente alle 2 del mattino della notte scorsa, sette jeep military israeliani si fermarono presso la residenza di Abdallah Abu Rahmah nella città di Ramallah. I soldati hanno fatto irruzione nella casa e hanno arrestato Abu Rahmah nel suo letto, in presenza della moglie e dei figli. Abu Rahmah è un insegnante di scuola media alla scuola del Patriarcato Latino di Birzeit vicino a Ramallah ed è il coordinator del Comitato Popolare di Bil'in contro il Muro e le colonie. In un precedente tentativo di arrestare Abu Rahmah, lo scorso 15 settembre del 2009, l’esercito israeliano usó tale violenza che un soldato fu incriminato per aggressione.
Per maggiori informazioni, contattare: Jonathan Pollak +972546327736L'arresto di
Abu Rahmah è parte di una scalata militare israeliana diretta a spezzare lo spirito nonviolento del popolo di Bil'in e I suoi lider popolari, ma specialmente la lotta popolare nel suo complesso per tale di frenare le crescenti manifestazioni contro il
Muro. Recentemente, l’avvocata Gaby Lasky, che rappresenta molti dei detenuti a Bil'in, è stata informata dalla procura militare che l'esercito intende utilizzare le misure giuridiche come un mezzo per porre fine alle manifestazioni.
Dopo l'arresto di Abu Rahmah's, l’avvocata Lasky, ha dichiarato che "l'arresto del mio cliente è un altro esempio lampante di applicazione di procedure legali da parte delle autorità israeliane per la persecuzione politica dei residenti di Bil'in. A Bil'in i manifestanti sono sotto pericolo costante pur avendo a favore una sentenza del
tribunale Supremo israeliano che afferma che i manifestanti hanno la giustizia dalla loro parte. Questa sentenzá obbligava alle autoritá israliane, 2 anni fa, che il tracciato del muro a Bil’in doveva essere modificato. Fino ad oggi, nessun lavoro é stato realizzato.”
Dal 23 giugno del 2009, 31 residenti di Bil'in sono stati arrestati da militari israeliani. L'esercito ha perseguito i membri del Comitato Popolare, e pur avendo arrestato tre di loro tutti e tre sono stati rilasciati per mancanza di prove. Nel caso di uno di loro, Mohammed Khatib, il giudice dettó che le prove che si erano presentate per la sua detenzione erano state falsificate dall’esercito.
Oltre ai membri del Comitato, un attivista di Bil'in, Adeeb Abu Rahmah, fu detenuto cinque mesi fa pur non essendo sospettoso di aver commesso alcuna violenza. In questo caso, l’accusazione era direttamente di aver "incitato" alla violenza per aver partecipato nell'organizzazione di manifestazioni popolari e nonviolente.
Bil’ins folkkommittéledare Abdallah Abu Rahmah gripen under nattlig militärinvasion.
Som en del av upptrappningen av politiskagripanden i byn Bil’in greps läraren och folkkommitténs koordinator Abdallah Abu Rahmah av israeliska soldater.
Klockan två natten till torsdagen stannade sju militärjeepar vid Abu Rahmas hus i Ramallah. Soldater bröt sig in i huset och grep honom i sängen inför hans fru och barn. Abu Rahmah är gymnasielärare i Romerska patriarkens skola i Birzeit nära Ramallah och är koordinator för Bil’ins folkkommitté mot muren och bosättningarna. Under en tidigare räd den 15 september i år var Abu Rahmah föremål för så brutalt våld att soldaterna senare åtalades för övervåld.
Kontakta Jonathan Pollak för mer information: +972546327736
Gripandet av Abu Rahma är en del av upptrapningen av den israeliska militärens försök att krossa invånarna i Bil’ins motståndsanda, deras ledarskap och den folkliga kampen i sin helhet och underminera demonstrationerna mot muren. Nyligen blev försvararen Gaby Lasky som representerar de frihetsberövade Bil’in-fångarna, informerad av den militäre åklagaren att armén har för avsikt att göra ett slut på demonstrationerna genom juridisk lagföring mot demonstranterna.
Försvararen Lasky uttalade senare att ”Detta är ett uppenbart exempel av politisk förföljelse genom rättsliga processer eftersom åtalen och gripandena inte utförs i rättskipande syfte utan med politiska motiv. Det är viktigt att komma ihåg att det är israeliska staten som bär ansvarsbördan enligt dess högsta domstols dom, vilken bekräftade att det var demonstranterna som hade rätten på sin sida och ålade staten att flytta murens gräns för två år sedan – något som ännu inte har gjorts.
Förutom de folkvalda kommittémedlemmarna sitter människorättsaktivisten Adeeb Abu Rahmah från Bil’in frihetsberövad sedan fem månader. Han är inte misstänkt för att ha begått våldshandlingar men står åtalad med den vaga rubriceringen ”provokation” – vilket tolkas väldigt fritt för att inkludera organisering av folkliga demonstrationer.
كانون ثاني 2009: اعتقال القائد عبد الله ابو رحمة خلال حملة عسكرية ليلية
10 في اطار سياسة الاعتقال السياسي الحالية بحق أهالي بلعين، قامت قوات الاحتلال الإسرائيلي باعتقال القائد عبد الله أبو رحمة، أستاذ مدرسي و منسق اللجنة الشعبية في بلعين.
ففي تمام الساعة الثانية بعد منتصف الليل، قامت 7 مركبات عسكرية إسرائيلية بتطويق منزل السيد عبد الله أبو رحمة برام الله، ثم قام الجنود باقتحام المنزل و اعتقال ابو رحمة من فراشه أمام أعين أطفاله و زوجته. يذكر إن أبو رحمة يعمل مدرسا ثانويا في مدرسة البطريركية اللاتينية في بيرزيت بالقرب من رام الله، وهو منسق اللجنة الشعبية لمواجهة الجدار والاستيطان في بلعين. وقد تم استهداف أبو رحمة في غارة ليلية سابقة بطريقة عنيفة في 15 أيلول 2009، حيث تم إدانة جندي باهانته في حينها.
لمزيد من المعلومات الاتصال ب جوناثان بولاك: 00972546327736
اعتقال ابو رحمة هو جزء من محاولات تصعيد يقوم بها الجيش الإسرائيلي لكسر الروح المعنوية لأهالي بلعين و قيادتهم الشعبية و المقاومة الشعبية بشكل عام للقضاء على المظاهرات ضد الجدار. مؤخرا تم إبلاغ المحامية غابي لاسكي، التي تمثل العديد من معتقلي بلعين، بأن الجيش الإسرائيلي ينوي اتخاذ إجراءات "قانونية" لوقف التظاهرات.
وبعد اعتقال ابو رحمة صرحت لاسكي بأن " اعتقال موكلي هو مثال صارخ لمحاولة السلطات الإسرائيلية القيام باضطهاد سياسي بحق أهالي بلعين. حيث يتم استهداف متظاهري بلعين بشكل مبرمج في حين أن الدولة تقوم بازدراء أحكام محكمة العدل العليا التي قضت بأن المحتجين على حق و أمرت منذ سنتين بتغيير مسار الجدار في المنطقة و الذي لم ينفذ حتى اليوم".
منذ 23 حزيران 2009، قام الجيش باعتقال 31 مواطن من بلعين، وقام بمطاردة أعضاء اللجنة الشعبية خلال حملات الدهم، ولكن تم إخلاء سبيل الأعضاء الثلاثة من اللجنة الشعبية لعدم كفاية الأدلة. وفي قضية عضو آخر من اللجنة الشعبية هو محمد الخطيب، وجدت المحكمة أن بعض الأدلة ضده تم تلفيقها.
و بالإضافة إلى أعضاء اللجنة الشعبية، فان الناشط أديب أبو رحمة، والذي تم اعتقاله لأكثر من خمسة أشهر، غير مشتبه به القيام بأي أنشطة عنيفة ولكن تم إدانته بتهمة التحريض ، و تم تفسير ذلك بسبب تنظيمه مظاهرات شعبية
10 Aralık 2009: Bil’in kasabası ileri geleni Abdullah Abu Rahmah gece yarısı operasyonu ile gözaltına alındı.
Bil’in de çokça zamandır sürdürülen tutuklamalar zincirinde bu sefer Abdullah Ebu Rahmeh tutuklandı. Ebu rahmeh öğretmenliğinin yanında Bil’in Halk Komitesinin koordinatörlüğünü yapıyordu.
Gece yarısı 2’de 7 İsrail askeri jipi Rahmeh’in Ramallah’daki evini kuşattı ve çocukları ve eşi de evdeyken kendisini tutukladı. Ebu Rahmeh, Ramallah yakınlarındaki Latin Patriyarkası Kolejinde öğretmenliğinin yanında, Duvara Karşı Bil’in komitesinin koordinatörlüğünü yürütüyordu.
Ebu Rahmeh 15 Eylül 2009’da benzeri şekilde şiddete maruz kalmış ve bir asker tarafından yaralama kastıyla hedef alınmıştı.
Detaylar İçin: Jonathan Pollak +972546327736
Abu Rahmeh’in tutuklanmasi, Bil’in deki Duvar Karşıtı direnişi kırma ve bu karşı duruşun liderliğini yıldırmayı amaçlayan İsrail askeri saldırılarının bir örneğidir.
Ebu Rahmeh’in tutuklanmasını İsrail askeri çevreleri gene de yasal göstermeye çalışırken, bir çok Bil’inlinin de avukatlığını halen yapan Gaby Lasky; “Müvekkilim Rahmeh’in tutuklanması İsrailli yetkililerin Bil’indeki meşru müdaafa komitesini yıldırmaya endeksli bir girişimidir” dedi.Lasky Bil’in gösterilerinin sistemli bir şekilde hedef alındığını belirtirken, bizzat mahkeme tarafından onaylanan yolun rotasını değiştirme kararı uygulanmadığını da ekledi.
23 Haziran 2009’dan beri 31 Bil’in sakini tardedilmiştir. İsrail Ordusu’nun gözaltı kampanyalarına hedef olan 3 Halk Komitesi üyesi de mesnetsizce tutuklanmıştır.Muhammed Katib isimli üyenin davasında mahkeme iddialarının yanlışlığı sonradan ortaya çıkmıştır.
Komite üyelerine ek olarak Edip Ebu Rahmeh adlı bir diğer Bil’inli aktivist 5 aydır mesnetsiz şekilde tutuklu bulunmaktadır. Bu iddialar arasında, geniş çaplı eylemler organize etmek gibi mahkemenin ispat harici keyfince yorumlayabileceği iddialar mevcuttur.
Abdallah has been a member of the Bil’in Popular Committee since its conception in 2004. As coordinator, Abu Rahmah not only regularly organizes and attends the weekly Friday demonstrations but does the media work for the Bil’in struggle. Abdallah has represented the village in engagements around the world to further Bil'in's cause. He has traveled to Montreal to participate in a speaking tour and the village's legal case against two Canadian companies building settlements on Bil'in's land in June 2009, and in December of 2008, he participated in a speaking tour in France and traveled to Germany to accept the the Carl von Ossietzky Medal for outstanding service in the realization of basic and human rights, awarded by the board of trustees of the International League for Human Rights on behalf of Bil'in. Abdallah's endless work for his village is just a part of his incredible persona, many of us know him personally, as he welcomes thousands of international, Palestinian and Israeli activists when they visit Bil'in.
Abu Rahmah’s arrest is part of an escalation in Israeli military’s attempts to break the spirit of the people of Bil’in, their popular leadership, and the popular struggle as a whole - aimed at crushing demonstrations against the Wall. Recently, Adv. Gaby Lasky, who represents many of Bil’in’s detainees, was informed by the military prosecution that the army intends to use legal measures as a means of ending the demonstrations.
Following Abu Rahmah’s arrest, Adv. Lasky, stated that “My client’s arrest is another blatant illustration of the Israeli authorities’ application of legal procedures for the political persecution of Bil’in residents. The Bil’in demonstrators are being systemically targeted while it is the State that is in contempt of a High Court of Justice ruling; a ruling which affirmed that the protesters have justice on their side and instructed 2 years ago that the route of the Wall in the area be changed, which has not been implemented to date.”
Since 23 June 2009, 31 residents of Bil’in have been detained by the military in a wave of night raids and arrests which began concurrently with preliminary hearings in a lawsuit against two Canadian companies responsible for the construction of an Israeli settlement on Bil’in’s land. The Israeli military is targeting protesters and the leadership of Bil’in’s Popular Committee. Apart from Abdallah, three other committee members were arrested, but all of them were released for lack of evidence. In the case of Mohammed Khatib, the court even found some of the presented evidence to be falsified. In addition to committee members, a leading Bil’in activist, Adeeb Abu Rahmah, who has been detained for over five months, is not suspected of committing any violence, but was indicted with a blanket charge of “incitement”, which was very liberally interpreted in this case to include the organizing of grassroots demonstrations.
What can you do?
Attempts to criminalize the leadership of non-violent protests were curbed in the past with the help of an outpouring of support from people committed to justice from all over the world.
1. Please protest by contacting your political representatives, as well as your consuls and ambassadors to Israel (

2. Organise demonstrations outside of Israeli embassies in your countries in condemnation of Israel’s ongoing arrest campaign against non-violent activists and in solidarity with those who remain in Israel’s prisons (All demonstrations can be coordinated through

3. The Popular Committee of Bil’in is in desperate need for funds in order to pay legal fees both for the trial in Montréal and for representing the arrested protesters in the military courts and bail. Please donate to the Bil’in legal fund through PayPal. If you would like to make a tax deductible donation in the US or Canada contact:

Following initial construction of Israel’s wall on Bil’in’s lands in March 2005, residents organized almost daily direct actions and demonstrations against the theft of their lands. Garnering the attention of the international community with their creativity and perseverance, Bil’in has become a symbol for Palestinian popular resistance. Almost five years later, Bil’in continues to have weekly Friday protests.
Located 12 kilometers west of Ramallah and 4 km east of the Green Line, Bil’in is an agricultural village spanning 4,000 dunams (988 acres) with approximately 1,800 residents.
While construction of and opposition to the Wall and began in 2005, the majority of land had been expropriated from Bil’in earlier.
Starting in the early 1980’s, and more significantly in 1991, approximately 56% of Bil'in's agricultural land was declared ‘State Land’ for the construction of the settlement bloc, Modi'in Illit (

In addition to grassroots organizing, Bil’in has held annual conferences on popular resistance since 2006; providing a forum for activists, academics, and leaders to discuss strategies for the unarmed struggle against the Occupation (

Bil’in embraced legal measures against Israel as part of its multi-lateral resistance to the theft of their livelihoods. The village first turned to the courts in the fall of 2005. Two years after they initiated legal proceedings, the Israeli High Court of Justice ruled that due to illegal construction in part of Modi'in Illit, unfinished housing could not be completed and that the route of the Wall be moved several hundred meters west, returning 25% of Bil’in’s lands to the village. To date, the high court ruling has not been implemented and construction continues.
In July 2008, Bil’in commenced legal proceedings before the Superior Court of Quebec against Green Park International Inc and Green Mount International Inc for their involvement in constructing, marketing and selling residential units in the Mattityahu East section of Modi’in Illit.
In an effort to stop the popular resistance in Bil’in, Israeli authorities intimidate demonstrators with physical violence and arrests.
Israeli armed forces have used sound and shock grenades, water cannons, rubber-coated steel bullets, tear-gas grenades, tear-gas canisters, high velocity tear-gas projectiles, 0.22 caliber live ammunition and live ammunition against protesters.
On 17 April 2009, Bassem Abu Rahma was shot with a high-velocity tear gas projectile in the chest by Israeli forces and subsequently died from his wounds at a Ramallah hospital (

Out of the 78 residents who have been arrested in connection to demonstrations against the Wall, 31 were arrested after the beginning of a night raid campaign on 23 June 2009. Israeli armed forces have been regularly invading homes and forcefully searching for demonstration participants, targeting the leaders of the Popular Committee Against the Wall and Settlements, as well as teenage boys accused of throwing stones at the Wall.
For Immediate Release:
10 December 2009: Bil'in leader Abdallah Abu Rahmah arrested during military night raid
As part of a recent escalation of political arrests in Bil'in, Abdallah Abu Rahmah, a school teacher and coordinator of the Bil'in Popular Committee was arrested by Israeli soldiers
At exactly 2 AM last night, seven Israeli military jeeps pulled over at Abdallah Abu Rahmah's residence in the city of Ramallah. Soldiers raided the house and arrested Abu Rahmah from his bed in the presence of his wife and children. Abu Rahmah is a high school teacher in the Latin Patriarchate school in Birzeit near Ramallah and is the coordinator of the Bil'in Popular Committee against the Wall and Settlements. A previous raid targeting Abu Rahmah was executed with such exceptional violence on 15 September 2009, that a soldier was subsequently indicted for assault.
For more details: Jonathan Pollak +972546327736
Abu Rahmah's arrest is part of an escalation in Israeli military’s attempts to break the spirit of the people of Bil'in, their popular leadership, and the popular struggle as a whole - aimed at crushing demonstrations against the Wall. Recently, Adv. Gaby Lasky, who represents many of Bil'in's detainees, was informed by the military
prosecution that the army intends to use legal measures as a means of ending the demonstrations.
Following Abu Rahmah's arrest, Adv. Lasky, stated that "My client's arrest is another blatant illustration of the Israeli authorities' application of legal procedures for the political persecution of Bil’in residents. The Bil'in demonstrators are being systematically targeted while it is the State that is in contempt of a High Court of Justice ruling; a ruling which affirmed that the protesters have justice on their side and instructed 2 years ago that the route of the Wall in the area be changed, which has not been implemented to date."
Since 23 June 2009, 31 residents of Bil'in have been detained by the military. The Army has pursued Popular Committee members in its arrest operation, but all three detained members were released for lack of evidence. In the case of another member, Mohammed Khatib, the court even found some of the presented evidence to be falsified.
In addition to committee members, a leading Bil'in activist, Adeeb Abu Rahmah, who has been detained for over five months, is not suspected of committing any violence, but was indicted with a blanket charge of “incitement”, which was very liberally interpreted in this case to include the organizing of grassroots demonstrations.
Pour diffusion immédiate:
10 Décembre 2009 : le leader de Bil’in Abdallah Abu Rahmah arrêté pendant un raid militaire nocturne
Dans le cadre de l’escalade récente d’arrestations politiques à Bil’in, Abdallah Abu Rahmah, instituteur et coordonnateur du Comité Populaire de Bil’in, a été arrêté par les soldats israéliens.
A exactement 2h la nuit dernière, sept jeeps militaires israéliennes sont arrivées devant la maison d’Abdallah Abu Rahmah, à Ramallah. Les soldats ont envahi la maison, ont arraché Abu Rahmah de son lit et l’ont arrêté, en présence de sa femme et de ses enfants.
Abu Rahmah est instituteur à l’Ecole du Patriarche Latin, à Birzeit, près de Ramallah, et coordonateur du Comité Populaire de Bil’in contre le Mur et les Colonies. Un raid précédent visant Abu Rahmah avait été lancé le 15 septembre 2009, avec une telle même violence qu’un soldat avait été poursuivi pour attaque.
Pour plus de détails, contacter Jonathan Pollak, au +972546327736.
L’arrestation d’Abu Rahmah fait partie d’une escalade des tentatives de l’armée israélienne pour briser le courage des gens de Bil’in, leur direction populaire et la lutte populaire dans son ensemble – pour écraser les manifestations contre le Mur.
Récemment, l’avocat Gaby Lasky, qui représente de nombreux détenus de Bil’in, avait été informé par le procureur militaire que l’armée avait l’intention d’utiliser toutes les voies juridiques pour mettre fin aux manifestations.
A la suite de l’arrestation d’Abu Rahmah, Maître Lasky a déclaré : «L’arrestation de mon client est une nouvelle illustration flagrante de l’application de mesures judiciaires pour la criminalisation politique des habitants de Bil’in. Les manifestants de Bil’in sont systématiquement visés alors que c’est l’Etat qui fait outrage à une décision de la Haute Cour de Justice; une décision qui affirme que les manifestants ont la justice de leur côté, et a statué il y a deux ans que la route du Mur dans ce secteur devait être modifiée, ce qui n’a toujours pas été exécuté à ce jour.»
Depuis le 23 juin 2009, 31 habitants de Bil’in ont été détenus par l’armée. Cette dernière a poursuivi les membres du Comité Populaire dans ses campagnes d’arrestation, mais les trois détenus ont été relâchés pour manque de preuve. Dans le cas d’un autre membre, Mohammed Khatib, le tribunal a même conclu que certaines des preuves présentées avaient été falsifiées.
En plus des membres du Comité, un des principaux activistes de Bil’in, Adeeb Abu Rahmah, qui a été emprisonné pendant plus de cinq mois, n’est pas soupçonné d’avoir commis la moindre violence, mais a été condamné sur une accusation globale d’« incitation » qui a été interprétée très librement dans son cas pour inclure l’organisation de manifestations de la base populaire.
Zur sofortigen Veröffentlichung:
10. Dezember 2009: Verhaftung von Abdullah Abu Rahman, Vorsitzender in Bil’in, während nächtlicher militärischer Intervention
Im Zuge einer kürzlich eskalierten Welle politischer Verhaftungen in Bil’in wurde Abdallah Abu Rahman, Lehrer und Koordinator des „Bil’in Popular Committee“, von israelischen Soldaten verhaftet.
Um genau 2 Uhr letzter Nacht hielten sieben israelische Militärjeeps vor Abdallah Abu Rahmans Haus in der Stadt Ramallah. Soldaten überfielen das Haus und verhafteten Abu Rahman aus seinem Bett in Gegenwart seiner Frau und Kinder. Abu Rahman ist ein Oberschullehrer einer Schule in Birzeit („Latin Patriarchate School“) in der Nähe von Ramallah und Koordinator des „Bil’in Popular Committee“ gegen die Mauer und die Siedlungen. In einem vorherigen Übergriff auf Abu Rahman wurde gegen ihn mit solch übertrieben heftiger Gewalt vorgegangen, dass daraufhin der israelische Soldat angeklagt wurde.
Für nähere Informationen: Jonathan Pollak +972546327736
Abu Rahmans Festnahme ist Teil der Eskalation israelischer militärischer Versuche, die Motivation der Bewohner Bil’ins, ihrer Führung und dem Widerstand allgemein einzudämmen. Vor Kurzem wurde die Anwältin Gaby Lasky, die viele der Verhafteten aus Bil’in vertritt, von der militärischen Staatsanwaltschaft informiert, dass die Armee beabsichtige, legale Methoden einzusetzen um die Demonstrationen zu beenden.
Im Anschluss an die Inhaftierung Abu Rahmans erklärte Lasky: „Durch die Festnahme meines Klienten wird erneut auf eklatante Weise deutlich, wie die israelischen Behörden legale Verfahren zur Verfolgung der Bewohner Bil’ins anwenden. Auf die Demonstranten wird systematisch abgezielt, während es der Staat ist, der einen gerichtlichen Beschluss missachtet.
Jener Beschluss bestätigte, dass die Protestierenden das Recht auf ihrer Seite haben und ordnete vor zwei Jahren an, dass der Verlauf der Mauer in der Region geändert würde, welches bis heute nicht umgesetzt wurde.
Seit dem 23. Juni 2009 wurden 31 Bewohner Bil’ins vom israelischen Militär festgenommen. Die Armee verfolgte Mitglieder des „Popular Committee“ im Zuge ihrer Verhaftungen, jedoch wurden alle drei inhaftierten Mitglieder freigelassen aufgrund mangelnder Beweise. Im Falle eines anderen Mitglieds, Mohammed Khatib, stellte das Gericht sogar fest, dass einige der vorgelegten Beweise gefälscht wurden.
Außer den Mitgliedern des Komitees wurde ein führender Aktivist in Bil’in, Adeeb Abu Rahman, mehr als fünf Monate inhaftiert. Dabei wurde er nicht einmal der Gewaltausübung verdächtigt, sondern aufgrund der bloßen Anschuldigung der Unruhestiftung inhaftiert, welches wohl in Anbetracht der Tatsache, dass es sich dabei um die Organisation von Demonstrationen handelte, eine sehr liberale Interpretation war.
Para Publicación Inmediata:
10 Diciembre 2009: El líder Bil’in Abdallah Abu Rahmah arrestado durante incursión militar nocturna Israelí.
Como parte de una reciente escalada de arrestos políticos en Bil’in, Abdallah Abu Rahmah, un profesor de instituto y coordinador del Comité Popular de Bil’in ha sido arrestado por soldados Israelíes
Exactamente a las 2 de esta madrugada, varios jeeps militares Israelíes se detuvieron delante de la vivienda de Abdallah Abu Rahmah en la ciudad de Ramallah. Los soldados registraron la casa y arrestaron a Abu Rahmah que estaba en su cama, en presencia de su esposa e hijos. Abu Rahmah es profesor de instituto en la escuela del Patriarcado Latino en Birzeit cerca de Ramallah y es coordinador del Comité Popular de Bil'in contra el Muro y los Asentamientos. Un asalto anterior en busca de Abu Rahmah se hizo con una violencia tan excepcional el 15 de Septiembre de 2009, que un soldado fue acusado de asalto.
Para más detalles: Jonathan Pollak +972 546327736
Al arresto de Abu Rahmah forma parte de una escalada en los intentos de los militares Israelíes de quebrantar el espíritu de Bil’in, su liderazgo popular, y la lucha popular como un todo – con el fin de aplastar las manifestaciones contra el Muro. Recientemente, la Abogada Gaby Lasky, que representa a muchos de los detenidos de Bil’in, fue informada por la fiscalía militar que el ejército tiene la intención de utilizar medidas legales como medio de terminar con las manifestaciones.
A continuación del arresto de Abu Rahmah, la Abogada Lasky, declaró que “El arresto de mi cliente es otra muestra flagrante de la aplicación Israelí de los procedimientos legales para la persecución política de los residentes de Bil’in. Los manifestantes de Bil’in están siendo un objetivo sistemático mientras que es el Estado quien desprecia una sentencia del Tribunal Supremo Israelí que daba la razón a los manifestantes y ordenaba hace ya 2 años que el trazado del Muro en el área tenía que ser alterado, lo cual a día de hoy no ha sido cumplido.”
Desde el 23 de Junio de 2009, 31 residentes de Bil’in han sido detenidos por los militares. El ejército ha perseguido a los miembros del Comité Popular en sus operaciones de arresto, pero tres de los detenidos han sido puestos en libertad por falta de pruebas. En el caso de otro miembro, Mohammed Khatib, el tribunal incluso se encontró con que algunas de las pruebas presentadas habían sido falsificadas.
Además de los miembros del comité, un importante activista de Bil’in, Adeeb Abu Rahmah, que está detenido desde hace más de cinco meses, no es sospechoso de cometer ninguna acción violencia, pero fue acusado con un cargo en blanco de “incitación”, que fue interpretado ampliamente en este caso para incluir la organización de manifestaciones de base.
Comunicato stampa
10 dicembre 2009: Il coordinatore del movimento di resistenza nonviolento di Bil'in, Abdallah Abu Rahmah, é stato arrestato durante la notte scorsa da soldati israeliani.
Come parte di una recente scalata di violenza da parte dell’esercito israeliano per motivi politici a Bil'in, Abdallah Abu Rahmah, un maestro di scuola e coordinatore del Comitato Popolare di Bil'in è stato arrestato da soldati israeliani
Esattamente alle 2 del mattino della notte scorsa, sette jeep military israeliani si fermarono presso la residenza di Abdallah Abu Rahmah nella città di Ramallah. I soldati hanno fatto irruzione nella casa e hanno arrestato Abu Rahmah nel suo letto, in presenza della moglie e dei figli. Abu Rahmah è un insegnante di scuola media alla scuola del Patriarcato Latino di Birzeit vicino a Ramallah ed è il coordinator del Comitato Popolare di Bil'in contro il Muro e le colonie. In un precedente tentativo di arrestare Abu Rahmah, lo scorso 15 settembre del 2009, l’esercito israeliano usó tale violenza che un soldato fu incriminato per aggressione.
Per maggiori informazioni, contattare: Jonathan Pollak +972546327736L'arresto di
Abu Rahmah è parte di una scalata militare israeliana diretta a spezzare lo spirito nonviolento del popolo di Bil'in e I suoi lider popolari, ma specialmente la lotta popolare nel suo complesso per tale di frenare le crescenti manifestazioni contro il
Muro. Recentemente, l’avvocata Gaby Lasky, che rappresenta molti dei detenuti a Bil'in, è stata informata dalla procura militare che l'esercito intende utilizzare le misure giuridiche come un mezzo per porre fine alle manifestazioni.
Dopo l'arresto di Abu Rahmah's, l’avvocata Lasky, ha dichiarato che "l'arresto del mio cliente è un altro esempio lampante di applicazione di procedure legali da parte delle autorità israeliane per la persecuzione politica dei residenti di Bil'in. A Bil'in i manifestanti sono sotto pericolo costante pur avendo a favore una sentenza del
tribunale Supremo israeliano che afferma che i manifestanti hanno la giustizia dalla loro parte. Questa sentenzá obbligava alle autoritá israliane, 2 anni fa, che il tracciato del muro a Bil’in doveva essere modificato. Fino ad oggi, nessun lavoro é stato realizzato.”
Dal 23 giugno del 2009, 31 residenti di Bil'in sono stati arrestati da militari israeliani. L'esercito ha perseguito i membri del Comitato Popolare, e pur avendo arrestato tre di loro tutti e tre sono stati rilasciati per mancanza di prove. Nel caso di uno di loro, Mohammed Khatib, il giudice dettó che le prove che si erano presentate per la sua detenzione erano state falsificate dall’esercito.
Oltre ai membri del Comitato, un attivista di Bil'in, Adeeb Abu Rahmah, fu detenuto cinque mesi fa pur non essendo sospettoso di aver commesso alcuna violenza. In questo caso, l’accusazione era direttamente di aver "incitato" alla violenza per aver partecipato nell'organizzazione di manifestazioni popolari e nonviolente.
Bil’ins folkkommittéledare Abdallah Abu Rahmah gripen under nattlig militärinvasion.
Som en del av upptrappningen av politiskagripanden i byn Bil’in greps läraren och folkkommitténs koordinator Abdallah Abu Rahmah av israeliska soldater.
Klockan två natten till torsdagen stannade sju militärjeepar vid Abu Rahmas hus i Ramallah. Soldater bröt sig in i huset och grep honom i sängen inför hans fru och barn. Abu Rahmah är gymnasielärare i Romerska patriarkens skola i Birzeit nära Ramallah och är koordinator för Bil’ins folkkommitté mot muren och bosättningarna. Under en tidigare räd den 15 september i år var Abu Rahmah föremål för så brutalt våld att soldaterna senare åtalades för övervåld.
Kontakta Jonathan Pollak för mer information: +972546327736
Gripandet av Abu Rahma är en del av upptrapningen av den israeliska militärens försök att krossa invånarna i Bil’ins motståndsanda, deras ledarskap och den folkliga kampen i sin helhet och underminera demonstrationerna mot muren. Nyligen blev försvararen Gaby Lasky som representerar de frihetsberövade Bil’in-fångarna, informerad av den militäre åklagaren att armén har för avsikt att göra ett slut på demonstrationerna genom juridisk lagföring mot demonstranterna.
Försvararen Lasky uttalade senare att ”Detta är ett uppenbart exempel av politisk förföljelse genom rättsliga processer eftersom åtalen och gripandena inte utförs i rättskipande syfte utan med politiska motiv. Det är viktigt att komma ihåg att det är israeliska staten som bär ansvarsbördan enligt dess högsta domstols dom, vilken bekräftade att det var demonstranterna som hade rätten på sin sida och ålade staten att flytta murens gräns för två år sedan – något som ännu inte har gjorts.
Förutom de folkvalda kommittémedlemmarna sitter människorättsaktivisten Adeeb Abu Rahmah från Bil’in frihetsberövad sedan fem månader. Han är inte misstänkt för att ha begått våldshandlingar men står åtalad med den vaga rubriceringen ”provokation” – vilket tolkas väldigt fritt för att inkludera organisering av folkliga demonstrationer.
كانون ثاني 2009: اعتقال القائد عبد الله ابو رحمة خلال حملة عسكرية ليلية
10 في اطار سياسة الاعتقال السياسي الحالية بحق أهالي بلعين، قامت قوات الاحتلال الإسرائيلي باعتقال القائد عبد الله أبو رحمة، أستاذ مدرسي و منسق اللجنة الشعبية في بلعين.
ففي تمام الساعة الثانية بعد منتصف الليل، قامت 7 مركبات عسكرية إسرائيلية بتطويق منزل السيد عبد الله أبو رحمة برام الله، ثم قام الجنود باقتحام المنزل و اعتقال ابو رحمة من فراشه أمام أعين أطفاله و زوجته. يذكر إن أبو رحمة يعمل مدرسا ثانويا في مدرسة البطريركية اللاتينية في بيرزيت بالقرب من رام الله، وهو منسق اللجنة الشعبية لمواجهة الجدار والاستيطان في بلعين. وقد تم استهداف أبو رحمة في غارة ليلية سابقة بطريقة عنيفة في 15 أيلول 2009، حيث تم إدانة جندي باهانته في حينها.
لمزيد من المعلومات الاتصال ب جوناثان بولاك: 00972546327736
اعتقال ابو رحمة هو جزء من محاولات تصعيد يقوم بها الجيش الإسرائيلي لكسر الروح المعنوية لأهالي بلعين و قيادتهم الشعبية و المقاومة الشعبية بشكل عام للقضاء على المظاهرات ضد الجدار. مؤخرا تم إبلاغ المحامية غابي لاسكي، التي تمثل العديد من معتقلي بلعين، بأن الجيش الإسرائيلي ينوي اتخاذ إجراءات "قانونية" لوقف التظاهرات.
وبعد اعتقال ابو رحمة صرحت لاسكي بأن " اعتقال موكلي هو مثال صارخ لمحاولة السلطات الإسرائيلية القيام باضطهاد سياسي بحق أهالي بلعين. حيث يتم استهداف متظاهري بلعين بشكل مبرمج في حين أن الدولة تقوم بازدراء أحكام محكمة العدل العليا التي قضت بأن المحتجين على حق و أمرت منذ سنتين بتغيير مسار الجدار في المنطقة و الذي لم ينفذ حتى اليوم".
منذ 23 حزيران 2009، قام الجيش باعتقال 31 مواطن من بلعين، وقام بمطاردة أعضاء اللجنة الشعبية خلال حملات الدهم، ولكن تم إخلاء سبيل الأعضاء الثلاثة من اللجنة الشعبية لعدم كفاية الأدلة. وفي قضية عضو آخر من اللجنة الشعبية هو محمد الخطيب، وجدت المحكمة أن بعض الأدلة ضده تم تلفيقها.
و بالإضافة إلى أعضاء اللجنة الشعبية، فان الناشط أديب أبو رحمة، والذي تم اعتقاله لأكثر من خمسة أشهر، غير مشتبه به القيام بأي أنشطة عنيفة ولكن تم إدانته بتهمة التحريض ، و تم تفسير ذلك بسبب تنظيمه مظاهرات شعبية
10 Aralık 2009: Bil’in kasabası ileri geleni Abdullah Abu Rahmah gece yarısı operasyonu ile gözaltına alındı.
Bil’in de çokça zamandır sürdürülen tutuklamalar zincirinde bu sefer Abdullah Ebu Rahmeh tutuklandı. Ebu rahmeh öğretmenliğinin yanında Bil’in Halk Komitesinin koordinatörlüğünü yapıyordu.
Gece yarısı 2’de 7 İsrail askeri jipi Rahmeh’in Ramallah’daki evini kuşattı ve çocukları ve eşi de evdeyken kendisini tutukladı. Ebu Rahmeh, Ramallah yakınlarındaki Latin Patriyarkası Kolejinde öğretmenliğinin yanında, Duvara Karşı Bil’in komitesinin koordinatörlüğünü yürütüyordu.
Ebu Rahmeh 15 Eylül 2009’da benzeri şekilde şiddete maruz kalmış ve bir asker tarafından yaralama kastıyla hedef alınmıştı.
Detaylar İçin: Jonathan Pollak +972546327736
Abu Rahmeh’in tutuklanmasi, Bil’in deki Duvar Karşıtı direnişi kırma ve bu karşı duruşun liderliğini yıldırmayı amaçlayan İsrail askeri saldırılarının bir örneğidir.
Ebu Rahmeh’in tutuklanmasını İsrail askeri çevreleri gene de yasal göstermeye çalışırken, bir çok Bil’inlinin de avukatlığını halen yapan Gaby Lasky; “Müvekkilim Rahmeh’in tutuklanması İsrailli yetkililerin Bil’indeki meşru müdaafa komitesini yıldırmaya endeksli bir girişimidir” dedi.Lasky Bil’in gösterilerinin sistemli bir şekilde hedef alındığını belirtirken, bizzat mahkeme tarafından onaylanan yolun rotasını değiştirme kararı uygulanmadığını da ekledi.
23 Haziran 2009’dan beri 31 Bil’in sakini tardedilmiştir. İsrail Ordusu’nun gözaltı kampanyalarına hedef olan 3 Halk Komitesi üyesi de mesnetsizce tutuklanmıştır.Muhammed Katib isimli üyenin davasında mahkeme iddialarının yanlışlığı sonradan ortaya çıkmıştır.
Komite üyelerine ek olarak Edip Ebu Rahmeh adlı bir diğer Bil’inli aktivist 5 aydır mesnetsiz şekilde tutuklu bulunmaktadır. Bu iddialar arasında, geniş çaplı eylemler organize etmek gibi mahkemenin ispat harici keyfince yorumlayabileceği iddialar mevcuttur.
Popular Struggle Coordinatino Committee