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Students ‘Die’ outside NATWEST...

Release Delshad Zorab and grant him asylum in the UK

Free Gaza Mural Cleansed by West Midlands Police

So if the cops have got their way with this mural, does this mean the other Free Gaza murals around Birmingham are at risk too?
For pictures of the Free Gaza mural in Small Heath Birmingham see:

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Birmingham social justice centre lose court fight against eviction

Activists & Muslims to be branded "extremists" for supporting armed struggles
A leaked draft counter-terrorism strategy known as "contest 2" which was intended to be unveiled next month proposes to reclassify people with radical points of view as 'extremists'. Featured among these proposals is the thought crime of holding the opinion that armed resistance anywhere in the world is legitimate. This would include the armed resistance by Palestinians and the Zapatistas.Sacked cowley workers call mass picket monday
See what happend here
850 workers at the Cowley BMW plant were told they were being sacked immediately on arrival Monday 16 2 09 morning. The angry workers have pelted managers with fruit and accused union leaders of doing nothing.
Updates on the Viva Palestina aid convoy
Updated frequently.More Barclays Demos in Barclays

What better way could one of us spend our birthday than standing up for the animals and naming and shaming animal abusers? We were feeling so generous we thought we'd even give Barclays a few presents of our own - so we headed there with our placards, leaflets, banner and megaphone we made sure they wouldn't feel left out as we know from previous demos they truly appreciate being exposed of their unethical investments in HLS.
Class Solidarity with the General Strike of the Caribbean Workers!

28 Ways Afghan War Harms Animals And Other Stories

Tony Blair received $1 million 'prize' from Zionist backed charity fund

Around the Campaigns Monday 16th February 2009
Yahya al Faifi Must Stay in the UKLobby of the Home Secretary
Thursday 19th February 2:00pm
Home Office
2 Marsham Street
(Tubes: St James Park, Millbank and Westminster)
Yahya al Faifi, a very brave and self-sacrificing trade unionist - and a deeply committed socialist - is facing deportation back to a tyranny in Saudi Arabia that regularly tortures and "disappears" dissidents. On 12 February, he received a rejection letter for his appeal against the refusal of his asylum claim appeal. Now, he and his family are in imminent danger of deportation from Britain.
This will be a labour and trade union movement event with banners, large numbers and as wide representation as possible.
Inquiries/further information:
Mariam Kamish

Students ‘Die’ in protest against University’s investment in Arms

Movimientos event - Films, Music and awareness
Musica Mestiza. Documentary Films. Latin Culture.Social, political and cultural films on Latin America with speakers & discussion + Live music & DJs with Sonido Callejero - The UK’s most exciting Latin Hip Hop crew + Movimientos Soundsystem with DJs Clem George & Cal Jader, a revolutionary mix of Música Latina Clandestina & Tropical beats
Public Action against Judicial Corruption & Institutional Failures
Demonstration against Judicial Corruption, Unlawful Imprisonments, Convention Rights Violations, Institutional Failures and unaccountability in the UK; every week outside HMP Wormwood Scrubs, Du Cane Road, London W12 0AE; commencing from 12pm until 3pm.aWEARness call to Action! Support the Angola 3 in Louisiana

Madan Lal Dhingra Public Meeting

The Severn Barrage: It's All About The Money
Do you really think that environmental arguments have a hope in hell's chance of stopping the Severn Barrage becoming reality? This is not about renewable energy, this is about money.NCADC News Service Friday 13th February 2009
Raphael & Oluseye have left the UK"I am sorry to have to report that, despite everyone's efforts, Raphael & Oluseye were taken from Yarl's Wood and put on a flight to Lagos yesterday morning. Five-year -old Raphael spent 69 days in immigration detention. Thank you all for all your support for mother and son."
Best wishes, George Heron

Barclays demos continue in Birmingham

Keeping up the pressure against Barclays, today SHAC Birmingham protested once again outside 2 of their branches in the city centre.
Bad weather as well as bad mannered Barclays staff during the protests were not to deter us in the slightest, as we begun out first demo against this unethical bank with unethical investments, trying to make money from puppy killing.